Here are the basic rules you need to know when you post a topic here on what you would like or what you would like to receive.

1. Do NOT beg, just ask for gold, and if no one gives it's your problem.

2. NO spamming, don't post anything here that doesn't have to do with the subforum

3. Don't be rude or disrespectful to those who help you regardless of how much or how little they give you! It's not polite at all! Manners are very important! If you're able to help that same person out, good for you. Otherwise don't be stingy and nasty to others! Even small donations can add up to a big reward. Be thankful that others are willing to go out of their way to give assistance with your item quest(s), not everyone will do that for someone else! *((Added by: Princess Zelda21.))

That's basically the rules for this subforum.
~XSK out