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A small literate roleplay guild, hoping to add new members. 

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:33 am
{iahxoverr }
t h e xo g o o f y xo v e g a b o n d

Iah wiped his hands on his coveralls, he’d given the woman a free oil change. That was the least he could do after stringing her on like that. He shook his curls out of his eyes and went over to the grease covered sink, pumping the heavy duty orange scented pumice soap out onto one hand with an elbow. His nose tingled with the scent, but he found this stuff was better then some of the more fake grease removers out there.

He dried his hands on a clean-ish looking rag and tossed it over the side of the sink with a slight huff. He was tired, he shouldn’t really be, but he was. Prolonged periods without a change did that to him, it zapped his energy, and with the man in his apartment upstairs, he needed all the energy he could get. He grabbed an almost stain free, but chipped mug and filled it with some water. He dumped the water on the shop’s one surviving plant and left the mug on the counter, smiling fondly at the little potted ivy. His wolf scoffed

“Easy buddy,” Iah soothed pulling himself up on the counter and signing his name on the invoice he’d gotten for his work on her car. “As soon as the sun goes down, I’m out there in the park on four paws.” He wiggled his foot as he put the clipboard down and chomped the pen in his mouth, “I’m not exactly cool with this situation either, but he needs somewhere to stay and we have to keep our noses clean.”

He pulled his coveralls off and stuck them in the washer that he kept in the lobby, the old washer dryer pair wasn’t exactly pretty, but he and Paul always had clean clothes… Well that and Paul used it as an excuse to do his laundry here; away from his extremely moody and pregnant wife who enjoyed mocking his folding style. Yes. His folding style.

Iah sat back on his perch and stuck his hands behind his head, enjoying the sunlight pooling through the large window of the garage and bathing him in warmth. Particles of dust floated through the sun and turned gold against the black and white checkered tiles. He made it a point to let his wolf see through his eyes for a little while, it brought them closer and acted as kind of a stress relief.

He cracked his back before hopping off the counter. He didn’t need the wolf to know his office still reeked of perfume, or that there was a confused, loaded werewolf in his apartment right now being won over by a hungry cat with only one eye.

I better save that guy before he’s completely enslaved by my feline friend and consequently turned into a pile of man goo on my apartment floor . He raised his eyebrows, it was an interesting picture. He grabbed the office phone, set the stupid little clock thing on the door to later this afternoon and left Paul a note. An amused grin fell easily onto his lips as he lobbed up the stairs to his apartment.

He swung the door open dramatically and was greeted by the scent of microwaved cat food. It shouldn’t have made his stomach growl, but it did. “Honey, I’m home” he called, grinning.

“and I meant the cat, Darling,” Iah stated straight faced. That didn’t last long as he plunked himself down on his couch and picked up the remote for his stereo, a grin lighting his features.

It faded as he thought, “Look, I gotta go out for a run tonight, I usually wouldn’t force anyone into anything, but I can’t have you living in my house all tense like you are. You obviously haven’t changed in a while and as much as I don’t mind having you here, I just don’t want you peeing on the carpet or eating my cat. You don’t have to change at the same time as me, if you’re uncomfortable or something, but you should at some point.” He pulled a hand through his thick curls and took a breath before going on, “I’m sure you already know that…”

He took a deep breath. Iah wasn’t usually this bad with people, but Sirus put him on edge. He was a strange wolf. Usually Iah could put his finger on the type of person he was talking to right away. It was very rare that he had someone who completely stumped him. This guy did that. He carried guns, was hunting a vampire and hadn’t said much else. Something seemed wrong here, and he was going to figure it out.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:43 am
nikaxo{ and }xo charlie
t h e xo c l a i r v o y a n t xo & xo w i s e – a s s xo g h o s t

Nika kicked up a foot and collapsed on the decadent looking lounger, sprawling her long limbs over the armrests. “He’s crazy if he thinks I’m just going to go along with this, and make nice with the fang brigade. Just because he wants to try getting his freak on with me again, doesn’t mean I’m not going to drop him like a used wet-nap if I get a chance.” She said more to assure herself rather then the moustached ghost grinning in the corner. She stuck both hands behind her neck and stretched her back out.

Charlie nodded, watching her pull up her deep red dress, wondering if she knew she resembled a wet dream. Damn horny old man, that’s what you are Charles, a damn horny old man he berated himself, tearing his eyes to a corner to look interested in a piece of art he’d seen so many times it almost made him sick.

She glanced up at him when he didn’t say anything, nope, not a clue. He took a deep breath, taking his hat off and running a hand through his hair, “Oh I don’t doubt he’s crazy Ni, really. He’s got bloody half the population of high ranking vamps sitting in his dining room waiting for a good nosh. At the same time he’s got you, dressed to the nines wandering around the house, unattended,” he grinned, “well as far as he knows,” he added, “looking like vampire candy. Do you really think he’s thinking straight at this point? Hell, you JUST decided to try again with this…” he hesitated to say relationship, “experiment. He’s just asking for a catastrophic disaster.” A sly grin slid across his face, “I’m confident we can supply one of those for him,” he decided cracking his knuckles and sending his devilish smile towards his confidant.

A frown marred his confidence as he took in her expression, “you’re second guessing yourself aren’t you?” he raised his eyebrows.

A rose coloured blush warmed her neck and cheeks, and she looked down, her long hair falling in her face, in a fruitless attempt to hide her embarrassment, “No…” she muttered.

She got a very small peek through her hair of Charlie’s face, one eyebrow had descended, and he crossed his arms.

“Maybe a little…” she confessed, looking back up, he opened his mouth to argue but she cut him off, her colour darkening to a deeper shade of red. “but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to get out of here if I can, I can’t be stuck here my whole life Charlie, not when I don’t know that there’s something better out there for me. I-I” love Marcus… wait what? Oh gods I’m not even going to go there… “-care for Marcus as much as I can let myself, but I need to get out of here.”

Charlie rolled his eyes and flipped his hat around, “Gee do yah think?” he asked coming over to stand beside her, “Love, you don’t need me to tell you, you’ve never gotten a chance like this one before. You do need me to tell you, that you could have so much better then this. Don’t you think it might be nice to take advantage of your ability to walk in the sun every once and a while? Perhaps with someone who you knew truly cared about and you weren’t and aren’t on edge with every time you’re in the same room? You aren’t a vampire Nika, you aren’t a monster at all and you certainly don’t deserve to have to live like one, locked away in a room day in and day out.”

Nika’s eyes warmed before she could stop them, gratefulness flooding through her. He always seemed to be able to say the right thing at the right time. She didn’t even need to say thanks, he was already smiling like she had. “We’ll make it out this time Ni, and when we do, we’ll hit the tram and grab a pint from the pub before starting you off right this time. I promise.”

He crossed his arms sourly, “well, at least you’ll get a pint.” He scratched his collar angrily but said nothing. She sent him wry look, used to his antics. He hated his suit and hated his cigar and would do just about anything for a good ale followed up by a sniffer of brandy and a proper poker game, smokes included. Must be rough.

“C’mon Mr Gossland, let’s find us somewhere deeper in the house to hide in, I can deal with vampires, but this bunch is getting rowdy” she decided, changing the subject. She hauling herself to her feet, worried as the voices in the dining room turned louder as the vampires chatted it up.

Ooc:// Woo! I’m all caught up. Most excellent. Uhh, I didn’t listen to music when I wrote this one, but I’ve got “Don’t Speak” by No Doubt stuck in my head along with “Back Home Weather” by Matt Mays and El Torpedo. Also when you read Charlie keep in mind he’s got an accent, but he’s got more American vocab cause he’s been across the pond for so long, so he can hide it if he wants, not that he really needs to but yeah.



supah x nova
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:37 am
Sirusxo{ remus }xo Locke
t h e xo t r i g g e r - h a p p y xo w e r e w o l f

A low growl suddenly cut though the stifling silence that had been placed over the apartment since Iah's departure, echoing softly against the walls. Green eyes stared hungrily down at the plate of meat he held in one hand, poised just so he could place it onto the revolving microwave table. Yet, he hesitated. He hadn't eaten much in the past few days, save for the rabbit he'd hunted not more than a week beforehand. His stomach was empty - and was obviously letting that be known - and just smelling it was making him feel all the more ravenous. Perhaps just a bite would do him ...

Tearing his eyes away from the side of the raw, red meat he held in his hand, Sirus turned his expression on the cat. Frankie was staring at him from the doorway into the kitchen, a look in her remaining eye that told Sirus that if he did, he'd get his face clawed off. He responded with a quiet growl, before shoving the plate almost begrudgingly into the microwave and setting it for two and a half minutes. It'd be rude to scavenge off another predator's meal, not to mention a bit stupid. The cat looked capable of delivering quite a bit of damage if he dared to steal from her.

After a few minutes, the microwave signaled that it was finished and Sirus didn't bother to wait a few moments for it to cool before placing the plate on the floor. He figured the cat was smart enough not to take a bite while it was still hot, seeing as she had managed to survive this far in life. Despite a few obvious mishaps somewhere along the line.
He simply stood and watched as Frankie trotted forward and began tucking in to her meal, feeling even more hungry than before. God, what he wouldn't give for a good scrap of rabbit now...

"Honey, I'm home!"

He gave a small start as Iah swung the door open and proclaimed his presence, a growl escaping his throat almost involuntarily. What could he say, really? He was in another Wolf's territory, so he had every right to be on edge right now. Even if it did make him seem a little more suspicious than usual. At least he calmed down rather quickly, after realizing that it was indeed Iah and not some stranger.

Quietly, he followed Iah into the living room and crossed his arms over his chest while he watched the other Wolf. At the mention of a run, his inner-wolf immediately perked up, causing him to do the same upon instinct. A run sounded really good. Especially since he hadn't Changed in a few days and it was already beginning to wear him thin. A chance to shed the stress that had been building since his last run was extremely welcome.

There was a small problem, however: He normally ran on his own.
He wasn't the type who actively sought out another's company. Sirus preferred to stay on his own, to his own thoughts and worrying only about his survival. With that being said, he wasn't very keen to run with Iah. Nothing against the guy, of course. He seemed friendly enough, quite used to the company of another Werewolf.
Sirus definitely wouldn't turn the offer down, though. No matter how much he disliked the prospect, Iah was right. He couldn't possibly roam around this guy's apartment, practically going mad from the stress. Also, he didn't know the area that well. He didn't know where the safest spots were in order to Change and roam free, whereas Iah obviously did know.

"I'll take a run with you, but I'm Changing on my own." He spoke, "I'm not used to being around other Wolves."

Maybe he really was making a mistake in going out for a run with a stranger, but his inner-wolf was telling him it didn't matter right now. Run first, worry about his trust issues later.

[ooc:// XD;; God, I fail.
Should have had this done a while ago...]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:02 am
{iahxoverr }
t h e xo g o o f y xo v e g a b o n d

Iah ran his hand down his jaw and nodded “Understandable. I go down to a park on the outskirts of town on weekdays. Thanks to the Gabrielle Park Rapist, no one’s gonna be in the park after dark. On weekends I’ll drive out to the base of the mountain, if I’ve got time. I spend the night up there, but I’ve got to work tomorrow so the park is going to have to do. It’s pretty big for a park though.”

Iah glanced up at the serious looking wolf as Frankie jumped up on his lap. He placed his hand absentmindedly on the cat’s back, and her purring filled the silence of the room. Then his stomach decided to make another protest, this time he couldn’t ignore it.

“I’ll tell you what, why don’t we go and grab some food, there’s a great Japanese place a block from here and if I’m nice to the owner she’ll throw in free desert,” he waggled his eyebrows a little bit, “it’s all you can eat” he enticed.

He’d decided earlier not to push the gun toting werewolf issue until the guy could look at him without the untrusting wince that came with his earlier entrance. He didn’t like that the guy didn’t trust him, but he wasn’t sure if he trusted the guy either. He supposed living outside of a pack had that effect on people, even through it probably didn’t have to. Most wolves not in a pack enjoyed solitude, they didn’t actively seek out other wolves until the pack mentality kicked in. Realistically there really were only a handful of lone wolves out there looking for trouble, and most instincts could be curbed with a good run, or in some cases, a bar fight.

Maybe that’s why he was so interested in this lone wolf anomaly.


Iah got out of the truck, the woods were dark, a heavy fog made them seem straight out of a fairytale. His ears picked up soft scuttling of mice in the undergrowth. Leaves brushed leaves, whispering together overhead with the breeze. Branches swayed rhythmically as the wind passed through them. The air smelt fresh with the moisture from the fog and the early dew. Smoke from the few houses that used their fireplaces drenched the air in a spicy scent that relaxed his shoulders, calming his change-deprived body. His wolf stirred inside of him, sending a pang of electric anticipation through his body, and he pulled a hand through his curls, skin twitching.

Rather then running towards the woods like a happy puppy he went against his instincts and leant against the Rover. “You should change first, I’ll wait here, that way you can maul me if I try anything funny.” Iah chuckled to himself as his wolf pouted in a very un wolf-like way, and cocked an eyebrow at himself.

He glanced at the wolf and then up at the clear sky, the clouds had settled on the ground tonight, and the stars loomed above him, clearer then he’d seen them for a while. It was darker then usual though, it was a moonless night tonight, and the absence of the pearly white orb hadn’t gone unnoticed. Iah leant further back against the Rover and closed his eyes, the less intimidating the better he supposed. “see you on the other side,” he urged, letting his nose travel where his body couldn’t for another couple minutes. A ruffled owl let out a hoot somewhere to his right and a smile pulled at his lips. The stream was half a mile away and he could already feel his paws hitting the ice cold water.

Ooc:// Ok, so I’m not gunna lie, I wanted to write the change pretty bad, but I figured Iah needed to do what Iah does and be the good guy he is. He can change in my next post(Damn I haven’t written a change in forever!) Chivalry isn’t dead –grins-
Also, I’m not sure if the restaurant assuming thing was a major RP foux pas or not. If it is, it will probably happen again, ‘cause I’m badass like that, but let me know anyways. I figure if Sirus didn’t want Japanese food he would still want food sooooo they eat and go to the park, so there razz



supah x nova
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:02 pm
Sirusxo{ remus }xo Locke
t h e xo t r i g g e r - h a p p y xo w e r e w o l f

The night air was crisp, but soothing against Sirus' skin as he stepped away from Iah's truck. A breeze brushed swiftly past him, ruffling strands of chestnut hair and causing his nostrils to flare as he drank in the scents of autumn. Moisture from the fog that had settled over the park was mixed in with the smell of cedar and pine, and the breeze carried along with it a hint of smoke from the fireplaces of houses nearby. Amongst these smells, there were faint traces of smaller creatures - mostly of the nocturnal variety. A racoon had passed this way not too long ago, and a mouse was scrambling around in the undergrowth just feet away from them. Somewhere in the distance, a cat yowled and a dog barked at a passerby.

Sirus scrapped a foot against the earth, exhaling and watching a cloud of his own breath dissipate into the air around him. A wave of anticipation suddenly hit him, settling into the pit of his stomach and making his inner-wolf shudder with delight. Urging himself to stay put rather than race off into the darkness, Sirus glanced at Iah when the other spoke.

"I won't be long, then." He spoke, before racing forward at a fast jog toward the cover of the forest ahead of him. It was never a good idea to Change out in the open, in clear view. For one thing, if a Human came upon you, you ran the risk of endangering not only yourself, but the rest of your species as well. If an unfamiliar wolf found you, chances were you were never going to complete the transformation - though this really only applied to lone wolves. Therefore, it was best to find a secluded area in order to Change.

Lucky for Sirus, he came upon the perfect spot within a matter of minutes. Scanning the area and taking a few cautious whiffs of the air, he ducked into the cover of a circle of shrubs and nettles. The earth in the center was dug into a shallow bowl, obviously having once been used as a den before it had been filled in.

Despite the cold, he stripped himself of his clothing and took a few moments to hide them beneath the bushes. He would need them after his Run, so leaving them out in the open for the wildlife or a Human to find them wasn't a smart idea. The last time he had made this mistake, he'd been forced to stay hidden or else be apprehended for indecency.
Once that was taken care of, he lay down on his side and curled up into a fetal position to prepare for the pain. Closing his eyes, he slowed his breathing and let all of the tension flow away from his body. His heart rate slowed along with his breathing, his pulse seeming to almost completely disappear.

And thus, the Change began.

In one swift movement, his ribcage jutted forward, stretching the skin upon his chest and forcing each indivual rib farther apart from its neighbour. As they began to grow and readjust, his shoulder blades rotated slowly into position, shifting to support thick muscles already forming within his chest and along his abdomen. His arms and legs grew longer as the minutes wore on, the bones in his hands and feet cracking painfully as fingers and toes were forced into place.

His facial structure had also begun to shift by now. His nose and jaw had grown into a muzzle that was filled with razor sharp teeth and a swiftly growing tongue. His ears had shifted into an almost elf-like shape, and were travelling upwards to rest upon the upper-sides of his skull - which was no longer the rounded skull of a Human, but that of a Wolf.

As his ears made the final changes, his hair finally began to recede into his skull. It was replaced by thousands - millions - of thick, tiny hairs spreading across his entire body. In his opinion, this was his least favourite part. His skin prickled and burned as the russet-brown fur grew, a fire that was worsened by the pain of his spine finally beginning to stretch and grow to form a tail. It was by far the most painful part of the entire process, as the pain didn't fade as fast.

After a few more minutes, the pain finally disappeared and Sirus was able to open his eyes to the world once more. Ears pricking, he lifted his nose to the sky and once again, drank in the sweet scent of night air. Shifting his paws beneath himself, he pushed himself up and shook his thick fur free of any debris. Then, instinct taking over, he lifted his maw to the sky and let out a low howl. Finally. Finally, he was free of that Human cage!

Deciding it would be best to let Iah know he was finished, he removed himself from his hiding spot and trotted back toward the truck. He was careful, of course, to stop just beyond the tree-line, so he could take cover if a Human did happen to appear. They were in a city park, of course.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:10 am
Adrianxo{ romulus }xo Locke
t h e xo l e e c h

"Please excuse my absence, Lord Marcus." Adrian's smooth voice drifted from the other end of the kitchen as he stepped through the swinging door that lead into the adjacent hallway. He immediately dipped his head in apology, knowing very well Marcus had been contemplating the whereabouts of his most important underling and his handmaiden. While he knew nothing of Nika's current situation, Adrian had a very simple explanation as to why he had not been present during Marcus' welcoming speech. "I was making sure the pets were accounted for, and that the situation was explained to those still unfamiliar with our customs." He explained, dark eyes betraying nothing but the truth. Adrian was a leech, but he knew better than to cross Marcus.

Adrian had merely been observing protocol. During parties like these, things could easily get out of hand if a pet or a guest stepped out of line. Thankfully at Marcus' parties, pets were treated with care, and episodes like the one that had happened with Tobias a few days beforehand hardly ever happened. Pets were taught to remain polite, so as not to offend and risk precious blood being spilt. In this society, manners were key.

Taking a quick glance at the Pets who were being bled out at the moment, Adrian vaguely wondered if he would be able to have one of them for the night - specifically the little brunette currently watching everyone else near the counter. Of course, he would not touch her unless given permission, as for the moment, he was to stay by Marcus' side. Perhaps later, he would have a taste...

Returning his attention upon Marcus once more, Adrian adjusted the cuffs of his black dress shirt. "Nika, however, is a mystery at the moment. Would you like me to fetch her?" He inquired, tilting his head slightly to the side at the question.

[ooc:// Short, but it's easy to work with. :3]

supah x nova
Vice Captain


Friendly Poster

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:57 pm
marcusxo{ tullius }xo cicero
t h e xo s e d u c t i v e xo & xo p r o t e c t i v e xo v a m p i r e

Marcus sucked on his teeth lightly, an instant tell of his, one that said clearly he was irritated. His eyes rounded the room and caught sight of his underling, undoubtedly doing some menial labour for him, so he wouldn‘t have the limelight upon him. Just as well for him, he shouldn‘t be forced, it hadn‘t been that long since his hunger had been tamed. The blood-letting around him was a wondrous thing. He wasn‘t freaking out which was good, but that was more likely to do with the fact that he was well-fed than well-trained. The vampire lord looked over Adrian, nodding slowing as the younger vampire explained himself. He would not dare lie to me. Not when I have given him all of this. He is my heir and most like a son to me, albeit a bit of a leech. Not his fault really…

“Adrian, that would be a good idea…” He walked up to his side, “I‘d like her close to me. I must show her off or people will think there‘s something wrong with her, or us. I‘d rather have to introduce her to a few people at a time than all at once… Right before New Years too…”

He finished, letting the leech know the conversation was over. Catching his shoulder, fingers resting lightly on the dressy black fabric, he murmured to his henchman, “You can have her tonight if I get Nika to me in a happy mood.”

His eyes flicked towards the brunette and he flashed a bit of teeth before letting him go fulfill his duty. He turned to the pets, smiling without teeth, some of them were new after all.

“My friends, how are you doing?” He said with sincerity, and a few of the older ones helping the noobs smiled back, wanting to know how his day was. Everyone wanted to be his favourite. Boss, Master, or Friend he was the best they‘d known. Most of them he‘d saved from abusive homes or anywhere there was injustice towards the kids. Some were too young to know the situation they were in would be harmful. Bloodletting for free room and board, food, brand new video games and freedom once they’d undergone enough tests to prove they wouldn’t get into more trouble and bring it back? Dream come true for most. Having sex with the boss? He was not a *****, and though sometimes he used a little… persuasion, it was always consensual. The older ones normally had experience. Like Ziggy. Mmm.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:58 am
Adrianxo{ romulus }xo Locke
t h e xo l e e c h

Letting his gaze yet again wander, Adrian's eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly at the scent of blood wafting toward him. He took a slow, deep breath, trying to keep himself calm while he stood in the presence of Marcus. He would not allow his composure to slip, not while Marcus had taken so much time and care to tame the madness and bloodlust still haunting the shadows of his mind. It would be a disappointment if Adrian allowed himself to step even a single toe out of line - for both himself and for Marcus.

With that being said, however, Adrian was a privelaged Vampire. Because he was Marcus' most favoured underling, he was able to feed more often. That allowed him to better control his hunger, and kept him from attacking anything with a pulse.

Returning his dark-eyed gaze upon his Lord and Master, Adrian dipped his head in understanding. It was entirely important for Marcus to keep up with appearances. If the other Masters thought there was a problem with Nika - or even Marcus - gossiping would ensue and Marcus' status would begin to fall. There was also the danger of other Vampires taking the chance to claim Nika for their own, and Marcus would most certainly not agree with that idea.

When Marcus was finish speaking, Adrian made to turn and head out of the kitchen the way he had come, but stopped short when he felt a firm hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to make eye-contact with his Master, eyes lighting up and lips curling up into a tiny smile with the promise of having the brunette to himself. He looked toward her momentarily, a glint of hunger in his expression, before he exited the kitchen to search for Nika.

He decided that it would be a good idea to check her room before looking anywhere else, so he turned right at the nearest corner and quietly headed toward the suite Marcus has allowed Nika to have. As he reached the door, he lifted a hand and gently tapped his knuckles against the surface. "Nika, Lord Marcus requests your presence." He spoke quietly, in an almost stoic manner.

supah x nova
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:41 pm
nikaxo{ and }xo charlie
t h e xo c l a i r v o y a n t xo & xo w i s e – a s s xo g h o s t

“Fang face, 2 o clock. Oh look it’s the a** kisser? You think he’s got s**t breath today?” Charlie asked making a face.

Nika rolled her eyes, “Of course he does, he’s coming to fetch me I’d assume,” she muttered, “stupid vampire b***h.” She ran a quick and through her hair and went to turn the shower on, silently pulling herself onto the bathroom counter. Charlie sent her a thumbs up and she smirked, crossing her legs and checking her lipstick in the mirror behind her.

The knock on the door rang resolutely through her room and she smirked at as she heard his voice. “I’m in the shower fang face, he can request my presence when I’m damn good and ready” she lied smoothly. He’d sent Adrian, her… least favourite. She listened to the water run and waited for him to go away.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:23 pm
Adrianxo{ romulus }xo Locke
t h e xo l e e c h

[FFFFFF! I was posting the other night and thought it had gone through! Goddamnit. Thanks Ryu, for making me check, though. Because I swear, two nights ago, I was posting and I thought I had put in the reply before I went to sleep. Guess not. = 3 =;;; Please, do not kill me.
And Sonjay, still waiting for Iah's post.]

Adrian did not move a single inch from the time he had reached the door, until he could hear the water running in the bathroom attached to her room. How typical. He already knew that there was a 75% chance that she wasn't really taking a shower. She'd done this many times before to escape having to deal with Marcus and the other Vampires who lived here, and Adrian wasn't going to be fooled this time around.

Instead, he simply let out a small sigh and moved to lean against the wall beside the door. He crossed his arms over his chest, a calm expression taking over the slightly annoyed one that had been on his face just moments before. If she didn't come out in the next five minutes, he'd have to use other methods. Perhaps by forcing the door open, or getting the key. The latter wasn't a very good idea, though. He'd have to go to Marcus, after all, and if he returned without Nika, his Master would not be very pleased to say the least.

"Lord Marcus can request your presence when he is good and ready." He spoke, "I am giving you two minutes. Out of courtesy."

supah x nova
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:43 pm
nikaxo{ and }xo charlie
t h e xo c l a i r v o y a n t xo & xo w i s e – a s s xo g h o s t

Nika grinned at Charlie, courtesy minutes always felt like small victories but she honestly wasn’t ready to see Marcus and his group of vampire lackeys. Her eyes travelled to the vent in the ceiling and a grin was born and blossomed on her face.

* * *

The cold air bit at her shoulders and seemed to go straight down her spine as she crawled onto the cold roof, the tiles were slippery from the early frost but she used her light running shoes to hold her down, grasping at them with her toes. The cold was almost unbearable and she contemplated moving back down from the skylight, as her foot slid backwards on the icy roof. She pulled it back up and put it in a more steady position and her other foot slipped underneath her and she slid several feet down the roof, pulling up the terracotta tiles as she did.
"NIKA! ******** heart jumped to her throat, and she let out a cry of surprise before she pulled herself into a sitting position. Her fingers clung desperately to the tiles. Her heart pounded against her ribcage like a frightened bird. “s**t”
Her eyes went skyward as she brought her heart beat back down, before she looked over her shoulder in dismay at how far she had fallen. There was no getting back into the house anymore, not with the roof being this slippery. She had no way to get back into the mansion unless she crawled. “s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t s**t.”
Her a** was becoming one with the roof, slowly freezing until it became numb. She looked up at Charlie who hadn’t said a word since she’d gotten up there and his eyes were wide, “You scared the s**t out of me seer. You know that? You bloody well could have died, and then where would I be. ********, yeah?”
“Well…” Nika pointed out, her finger poised in the air, her mouth dropped open to bring up the whole…
“Don’t even!”
Nika’s mouth shut, but the smile creeping onto her features betrayed where that thought train was headed. She dropped her head to hide the betraying expression she knew Charlie knew was there and took some deep breaths of fresh air, which seemed different now that she wasn’t just breathing it through a window. The reflection off of the far off rooftops shone across her bare leg and her eyes brightened as she watched the sun creep over the horizon. Marcus would be one un happy puppy when he realized she was on the roof catching the first rays of the sunrise while he was off ‘entertaining’ his vampire lords, kings, ********.
The best part of this whole thing was that Adrian couldn’t come up here without putting on a ridiculous suit. That would take him at least a couple minutes to get on. She was free. For the time being.
But why just for the time being? She was sitting through a hell of a head start here. She glanced at Charlie and concluded by the astonished look on his face that he had come to the same realization. “How are we going to get you down from the roof?” He took off from the side of the roof and Nika waited for a moment before biting her lip and sliding both legs down the side of the roof. Her legs dangled precariously off the 8 foot drop and she felt a sudden rush of vertigo and pulled her shoulders back.
Charlie rushed back the fabric of his coat pulling back in the light breeze, he stopped just short of her and took his bowler off, running a hand through his hair before turning his eyes on her, “Do you want the good news of the bad news?”
Nika’s eyebrows pricked skyward, “good?”
“you should survive the fall.”
Nika groaned, “Charlie, you’re a ghost, that doesn’t really instill confidence.” She crossed her arms and risked another look down to the bottom. There was a cliff below the house and the slope was rather, severe looking. A sigh fell past her lips, “I guess I better ask what the bad news is.”
Charlie grinned ruefully, “well you don’t have to, but I would like to point out that they’ve realized your absence.”
s**t, the bells she had been tuning out since she got on the roof finally penetrated her ears and without even thinking “s**t” she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, not thinking about the landing before jumping off the roof. She hit the ground running, the dried grass and rock, her ankles rolling as she ran. Pain shot through her legs as she launched herself down the hill, her arms flailing uselessly at her sides. She tripped and fell, her ankle twisted painfully beneath her and her face hit a sharpish rock.
Tempted to just lie there, the only motivation she had to get up was Charlie screaming for her to do just that, and the fear in her belly rising as she realized what she’d just done. This wasn’t just the regular coy game of ‘try to escape the evil vampire’ anymore this was the real deal. If she returned she seriously feared for her life. She knew that Marcus probably wouldn’t hurt her, but he had the real power to do so and the rage to back it up. Especially after now.
She made it to the bottom of the hill and stopped invigorated, and maybe even a little bit proud. Her breath came in gasps and adrenaline she’d never felt so much of before pumped through her veins. She took another couple deep breaths and then realized that she had nowhere else to go, fear became the real reality and she took two steps one way and wondered if she was headed in the right direction.
That’s when Charlie came to her rescue, “Go left and keep going until you reach the strip mall, then wait for the bus. They wouldn’t dare take you in the middle of the morning commute.”
Nika nodded, bile rising in her stomach as she turned to her left and started running again. Her eyes welled up slightly and her nose tried to bite her as she held them back. She ran until her legs burnt and she was out of breath, only then did she stop, tears fell from her cheeks.
“Charlie, I don’t think I can do this, what do I do? Where do I go?”
Charlie stopped, “Nika, I need you to keep going love. Think about this when we get there, it will all be alright.”
Nika took a deep breath, “But where are we going?”
Charlie quirked her a crooked grin, “Somewhere they’d never think of looking love. The fair.”

PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:13 pm
marcusxo{ tullius }xo cicero
t h e xo s e d u c t i v e xo & xo p r o t e c t i v e xo v a m p i r e

Marcus cursed.

He wasn’t one to curse often, if ever… unless it involved sex, but that was not from anger. Which this was. He stormed through his quarters, pissed as hell. And slightly grumpy. It was daylight after all. And this was getting to be really, really freakishly aggravating.

“I’ll ******** end Adrian.” He cussed.

He stalked angrily towards Nika’s room. This was not - repeat, not - going well. If he had to go out in the customized van again… A van for crying out loud! His leather shoes tapped lightly on the carpet, changing to a distinct ringing as he moved to hardwood. The damn girl was loose and it was probably because Adrian wanted to be nice to get on his side. Letting her roam free was not a good way to get on his good side. The vampire came up with as many scathing remarks as he could, moving swiftly toward his charge’s room. Likely he’d find Adrian somewhere around there…

Ooc:// Just a quickie wink
Don’t forget to post as your werewolf Sonja.
I need some help with the new SteamPunk roleplay, and I'm also recruiting members... Tell Jessica to look at some stuff and quit the guild if she's not interested. If you guys know anyone who'd be interested, let me know.


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Alliance of Castonia

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