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Magic Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:34 pm
The forgotten Heroes...


Please ..post your profiles here before you chatt around^^  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:39 pm
Gaianame: pyro_the_red_devil
Name: Jamato Koriarashi
Age: 12
Element: water/ice
Jutsus :
- Water Clone Jutsu
- Water Wave Jutsu
- Water prison Jutsu
- water canon jutsu
- Ice needles Jutsu
- Ice spear Jutsu
- Ice cage Jutsu
- Ice wall Jutsu
- Ice clone Jutsu
- Chaka sicles
- Tsunami Jutsu
- Neptuns Power Jutsu
- Water dragon Jutsu
- Ice Dragon Jutsu
- Water explosion Jutsu
- Ice explosion Jutsu
- Summoning of the wolf
- Demon style , Chakra abosobtion Jutsu
- Demon style , Demons Eyes Jutsu
Element of the demon:Ice
special skill of the demon: can freeze the water in the air and create ice.Creation of blakc ice wich can only destroid by a golden flames
Past :Jamato would have a good and peacefull life if his mother didn't use him as ..a testobject.She was a cruel shinobi who wanted to create the perfect Ninja so she sealed Arc a powerfull wolflike demon inside her own son.She waited 3 years but when he was 7 she still saw no difference in him and tried to kill Jamato.This day Arc awoke ,black ice pirced her and the whole house,now his brother calls him a monster and ran away and Jamato grew cold and lives alone with his father...
Appearance: http://takua0001.deviantart.com/art/jamato-kid-version-114084655
Others: He is afraid of ..women....kind of

Gaianame: pyro_the_red_devil
Name: Zack Iron Kitashi
Gender: male
Element: Wind
Jutsus :
- Wind sicle Jutsu
- Whirl wind Jutsu
- Wind wave Jutsu
- Shadow clones
- Tornado Jutsu
- Hurricane Jutsu
- Summoning of the Falcon
- Medic Jutsu
- Flight of the Falcon Jutsu( a-rank)
- Flight of the Pheonix Jutsu (s-rank)
- Aiolos Power Jutsu
- Curse activation Jutsu
- Wind dragon Jutsu
Name of your curse: The Clan curse... Black Phoenix curse
posetive effect of you curse: makes the Chakra and body stronger and makes someone faster( the curse has always another effectbeside the two first..)
negative effect of your curse: If the person is to angry it can be that the curse takes over and turns the person into a demon,With the years it will slowly turn the person into a dmeon and then kill it!
Past :Zack was playing with his twin brother when other Ninjas attacked their village,most of their clan died so also their parents.His borther was blinded and Zack wounded on his right eye.He swore to become stronger so this would never happen again but he is also afraid because of his curse..
Appearance: http://takua0001.deviantart.com/art/ZackAttack-125441888
Others: Afraid of gaint bugs and can't see to much blood!!

Gaianame: pyro_the_red_devil
Name: Cero Kitashi
Gender: male
Element: Wind and lightning
Jutsus :
- Wind sicle Jutsu
- Whirl wind Jutsu
- Wind wave Jutsu
- Shadow clones
- Tornado Jutsu
- Summoning of the Falcon
- Wind dragon Jutsu
- Sharingan
Past :He is Zacks twin brother .When their clan was attacked Cero was badly hurt and became blind.He somehow managed to become a ninja.He trained the rest of his senses and the abillity to sense chakra very well. Now he will be transfered to Kyos team because his team leader died in the war.
Appearance: http://takua0001.deviantart.com/art/Cero-standing-alone-116154134 ( looks later like that)
Others: Get's often into trouble or fights with Jamato...

Name: Daymion Kitashi 'The Shadow of Konoha'
Age: -unknown-
Gender: Male
Rank:ANBU ( but he does the Jounin jobs at the moment no one knows why)
Element: wind/darkness
Jutsus :
- Wind sicle Jutsu
- Whirl wind Jutsu
- Wind wave Jutsu
- Shadow clones
- Tornado Jutsu
- Hurricane Jutsu
- Summoning of the Falcon
- Wind dragon Jutsu
- Shadow traveling Jutsu
- Jutsu of punishment(genjutsu)
- Shadow blade jutsu
- Wind blade jutsu
Name of your curse:Black Phoenix curse
posetive effect of you curse:stronger Chakra ,stronger body ,has the abillity to use shadows with his will
negative effect of your curse : He found a way to 'defeat ' curse, he was always able to controll it better so he managed it to seal the curse and half of his own soul (the darker part) into his sword 'soul keeper'. Since then he isen't aging anymore ,he has no real emotions anymore and every damage his blade gets (which is difficult to be damaged ) will affect his body,means he will get a wound .Should his sword break he will die!
Past : He was always a calm child and hid in the shadows.He watched his younger sister and brother and protected them from far away,he was always scared that his curse could took over one day. He created jutsus to controll his Curse a bit more and found a way to seal the curse into his sword,many years he did nothing but he got a family and even a son.He wanted to be there for them so he sealed his curse but also half of his soul into his sword.He was asleep for a week after this and when he woke up his brother reported that they were attacked and died in the fire,this was the last time Damyion showed any feelings.He doesn't know who killed them but this would make him angry for sure( it was his own brother!) Many years later the clan was attacked he tried to save them but at the end he was to late and found the dead body of his sister,this nearly drove him insane but soon he found Zakc,Cero and their sister he now takes care of them.The three are the only reason why he is still sane and sometimes he even smiles...Few years later it was thought that he died,he came back to Konoha but isen't cursed anymore and not bale to use all of his Jutsus...
Appearance: http://takua0001.deviantart.com/art/Daymion-and-Daren-121776883 (the one with the mask)
Others : draws manga books with the help of his nephews ..the books tell their story and get easily selled.


Magic Hunter


Dapper Gekko

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:54 pm
Gaianame: Rhien Vari
Name: Jericho Awaken
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Rank: Genin
Village: Kiris
Element: Earth, Lightning


Universal Jutsu:
Shadow CLone
Sound Masking Technique
Wall Walking Technique
The Art of Water Walking

Lightning Jutsu:
Cloud Shield Technique
Thunder Clap
Broken Arrow
Thunder Ball
Chained Ligtning
True Thunder Jutsu
Aries Arrow Jutsu
Lightning's heart beat Jutsu
Static Woe Jutsu
Thor's Sunder Jutsu
Divine Pillar Jutsu
Plasmid's Twin Katars Jutsu
Cloud Shield Technique
Earth Jutsu:
Rock spire
Earth casing
Ragnorok Jutsu
Earthen Spear Jutsu
Earth clone Jutsu
Mother Gaia Jutsu
Rok's Embrace Jutsu
Summon Sparrow Hawk
Earth and Lightning Jutsu Combos:
Earth Clone Speed
Dragon's Head combo Taijutsu
Heaven and Earth combo Taijutsu
(More will be added as his rank progress)

Past : Ever since he has been a child he dreamed of being a great teacher just like his father but a civil war broke out after a political outburst between the village's Hokage and his peers which pervents him achieving his dream so he sets out training in the village of Konoha living with his granmother.

By the age of 19:
User Image

By the age of 25:
User Image

Others: As a parting gift from his father he was given a ornate Katana sacred to his family, it hides a fabled secret  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:53 pm
Age: 21
Gender: M
Element: Water with some minor ability with fire
Jutsus: Sake Clone, Sake Fire, Sake Whip, intoxicating touch
Past : Batombe was born within the fire nation in a small village called Suuska. He had been raised to brew sake and was to be the next family brew master. A few months after he had turned 18 and his family brewery had been attack by gangsters demanding protection money. The gangsters burned down the brewery and killed his family. He alone escaped. After the incident Batombe had decided he wasn't going to be so defenseless ever again. He traveled to Konoha by himself to become a ninja. The ninja academy was reluctant to let someone so old join. Though once they saw he was a quick study he was quickly accepted. In the last year Batombe discovered he had a natural affinity for controlling sake with his chakra and has been spending the last few months developing a repertory of jutsus. He feels he is ready to graduate.
Appearance:User Image
Others: Batombe spends his free time brewing sake as he had been taught to. He also has trouble controlling liquids without alcohol in them.  



PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:27 pm
Gaianame: zeek123abc
Name: Zeek Uchiha
Age: 8
Rank: Genin
Village: Konoha
Element: Lightning
Lightning Ball
Lightning Bolter
Lightning Release Shadow Clone
Lightning Release: Flying Thunder God
Lightning Burial: Banquet of Lightning
Lightning Destruction
Lightning Dragon Tornado
Lightning Hound
Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder
Name of the Demon inside me: Kazuna
Element of the demon: lightning
special skill of the demon: Speed, Strength, chakra armor. (Like the Kyuubi's fist stage)
Past : Zeek was five and he was playing outside with his father when a demon attacked the Uchiha Clan. His father beat the Demon but sealed it inside of Zeek. The demon looks like a human just red with alot of power. Ever since that day Zeek has not liked his father as mush as he used to.
Appearance: What he looks like now.
User Image (He looks like this later.)
Others: Uses all weapons in pic.

Gaianame: zeek123abc
Name: Zenith Hyuuga
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Rank: Genin
Village: Konoha
Element: Wind
Eight Trigrams Aerial Attack
Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms
Eight Trigrams Crumbling Mountain Bombardment
Eight Trigrams Empty Palm
Eight Trigrams Giant Palm Rotation
Eight Trigrams Mountain Crusher
Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms
Eight Trigrams Palm Heavenly Spin Absolute
Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin
Eight Trigrams Sealing Style
Eight Trigrams Spirit Palm
Eight Trigrams Spirit Sixty-Four Palms
Eight Trigrams Stream Palm Wave
Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms
Eight Trigrams Three-Hundred-Sixty-One Palms
Eight Trigrams Ultimate Wind

Past : Zenith is the Heir to the Hyuuga family. His father pushes him more and more to get stronger. He is very smart when it comes to making stragities. He is now on his last year in the acadamy and is good friends with Zeek.
Appearance: Now: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Later: User Image
Others: Likes Angel


Gaianame: zeek123abc
Name: Kyosuke Uchiha
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Rank: Jounin
Village: Konoha
Element: water, fire(Sharingan only)
Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet
Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
Fire Release: Exploding Flame Crater
Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missile
Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Water Release: Water Cannon Replica
Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique
Water Release: Water Drowning Technique
Water Release: Water Encampment Wall
Water Release: Water Field
Water Clone Technique
Water Needle Technique
Water Prison Technique
Water Release: Bullet Technique
Sharingan Only

Water Release: Destructive Rapid Torrents
Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave
Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique
Water Release: Great Whirlpool Enfolding Technique
Water Release: Hand of Waves
Water Release: Huge Explosion Technique
Water Release: Rising Water Slicer
Water Release: Tearing Torrent
Water Release: Underwater Motion Technique
Water Release: Violent Water Wave
Past : Konata is Zeek's older brother. He is a very well balanced ninja in his jutsu's but is best at Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. He is like the first hokage with the strength but not jutsu style. He trained Zeek while he was a kid but left on a mission and never was seen again. Until he was told he would be running a squad of ninja.
Appearance: User Image
Others: Likes Crystal. Uses sword in pic.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:45 pm
Gaianame: Rokoka

Name: Ferris

Age: 21


Rank: None - Currently A Mission Nin (S-Rank)

Village: Whirlpool Village - Currently Gone

Element: All + Subs - Due to His Blood Line (I''ve had it Ok'ed so don't worry I won't OP)

Jutsus: - Note Not All Listed Jutsu though this link are known
List of Jutsu's

Past :Ferris hails from whirlpool or did anyways. After it's destruction he ended up becoming a missing nin in the bingo books. He was able to get in to the underground bunker his family had made to hide blood samples of all Blood Line bearing people they had encountered. He had already gained a few but went down for the rest though. He had his summons which where a Cousin Clan to the Primates called the Dark Primate Clan. They are a clan that is Dark in nature and is just like the Normal primate clan that the 3rd of Leaf holds but they are cruel and twisted just like there summoner. Ferris himself is cruel twisted brutal and uncaring.
Due to his Blood line he was able to copy Jutsu's because his clan had blood of the Uchiha Clan. He is a force to be fear and has been hired as a merc and assassin many times by Leaf. The leaf is the only Village that has not marked him as Missing nin and has been listed as a Missing Nin by the other villages expect Leaf.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Others:He is someone who dosn't come cheap and has been offered a spot in many villages as a Anbu if he was willing to earn there total trust. The 3rd and him do not get along but set those differences aside when fighting along each other.  


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:27 am
Gaianame: Chris Shadowheart
Name: Vann Tribal
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Rank: Jounin
Village: Konoha
Element: Fire and Wind
Chakra Force Jutsu - Jutsu able to use Chakra as a weapon, sphere, or beam.
Charkra Drain Jutsu - Jutsu that drains his target of their chakra and restores his chakra and heals him.
Chakra Pulse Justu - Jutsu that builds his chakra and then forces it out in a dome like explosion.
Reflector Jutsu - Jutsu that allows him to reflect attacks that arent close range physical.
Tornado Jutsu - Jutsu that creates a tornado and absorbes anything near by it can also be launched.
Wind Blade Jutsu - Jutsu that creates a blade of wind and slashes anything in it's path.
Scion Jutsu - Jutsu that works like a summoning jutsu that summons a scion depending on the scion can take various amounts of chakra
Transformation Jutsu - Jutsu that transforms him into various forms
Cast Jutsu - Jutsu that casts spells depending on the force, hand signs, and chants (So far can heal and do minor elemental attacks)
Refresh Jutsu - Jutsu that heals many health issues but transfers them to the caster but heals faster
Name of the Demon inside me: TBD
Element of the demon: TBD
special skill of the demon: TBD
Past : Unknown
User Image
PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:12 pm
I want to join...

Gaianame: Suad Sparda
Name: Senki Uchiha
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Rank: ANBU
Village: Konoha
Element: Lightning
Jutsus: Konoha-sho-ryu-ha (electric dragon), Lighting canon (shoot electric energy from his hand), lighting lance, Akuma-no-Raikiri(charges his movements with electric energy) and the jutsus of the sharingan...
Past : Born in one of the most powerfull Konoha clans, Senki had a descease in his eyes, making him unable to awake the mangekyo sharingan, but thanks to the sacrifice of his brother, he not only got the perfect form of it but lose the counter part of it's over use, getting blind.
Appearance: User Image
Others: He is said to be a direcct descendant of Madara, but no one knows if this is true...  

Suad Sparda

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Distinct Lunatic

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:05 pm
Name:Artei Komari
Village:Konoha of course
Element: fire
Jutsus: Summoning and the ability to communicate with animals.
Name of your curse: Curse of the Wolf
posetive effect of you curse: Night Vision, Quick Healing and increase in speed.
negative effect of your curse: sensitivity to bright light, every time he quick heals it leaves burning scars and the threat of his killing instinct taking him over and killing someone.
Past : The Komari clan was a sort of offshoot of the Inuzuka clan. Since the Komari clan betrayed the leader of the Inzuka, all but Artei were destroyed. Artei was only 6 years old when this happened. The leaders dog bit him, giving him the curse of the wolf.
Appearance: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Others: He often carries a flute around. This is the only thing that he has to remind him of his family.

appearance Now:
User Image

Name: Felisha Inzuka
Age: 22
Gender: female
Element: Wind
Jutsus: Summoning, Wind bowling, wind destruction
Past :She was very young when the Komari uprising started. In the uprising she lost her parents so the leader of the clan took her in and raised her as his own.
Appearance:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Others: She carries around a long sword(the one in the picture)

Name: Kalen Kitashi
Age: -Unknown-
Gender: Male
Rank: Jounin (Formally Anbu)
Village: Konoha
Element: water and earth
Jutsus: Transformation, House of Healing and Protection and Medical Ninjutsu
Past : Kalen is Daymoin's younger brother who had run away after returning from eating Ramen to find that a fire had consumed His elder brother's house and all that were in it. He ran off and returned a few years later to become Anbu to hide his shame. -long period of things happening- He lives with his older brother and his wife and their three children, Ai, Roka and Shin.
Appearance: User Image ((A lot like this but obviously not))
Others: His eyes turn all the colors that you could think of.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:44 pm
Gaianame: Suad Sparda
Name: Akoji Uchiha
Age: 19 (when he was alive)
Gender: Male
Rank: ANBU (when he was alive)
Village: Konoha
Element: Lightning
Jutsus: When he gave his eyes to Senki he passed him all the jutsus he knew, except for the lighting canon, that one was created by Senki... and the sharingan ones...
Past : The only word for describing Akoji was unreal, he had achived so many things and in so little time. A great secret that only a few in the clan and Konoha knew was that he and his brother were direct descendants of Madara. When he knew about Senki's descease he knew what he had to do, he gave him his eyes so that he had another hope and another light and that way, his legacy would continue...
Appearance:User Image
Others: He was a master using his blade, the Yamato...  

Suad Sparda

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