vampire and werewolf species rules
Created by black_stained_flowers

      vampire species rules
      »» • Sunlight
      »» • Holy water
      »» • beheading
      »» • Items of worship (Stuff that puts faith into a solid object) eg crosses
      »» • Fire
      »» • WOODEN STAKES through the heart (not iron, silver etc…)

      Cool Perks of Being a Vamp:
      »» • Immortality.
      »» • Don’t have to breathe
      »» • Amazing healing powers
      »» • Don’t have to eat
      »» • Saliva stops bleeding
      »» • Strength/senses

      »» • Soulless
      »» • Temptation to feed
      »» • Long lives reveal problems with sanity and lots of problems dealing with the past

      Interesting Stuff: Vampires are very sensual creatures, as they cannot age, the older they get the more appealing they become. Maybe not looks wise, but most vampires indeed give off pheromones or ‘signals’ that lure people around them, and fog up minds. Before the current century this was an evolutionary step to make feeding (and ********) easier, but in current times it’s used more for power and status.

      So why do they drink blood? Blood is the one thing keeping a living thing alive. In a cruel irony this substance is the only thing that can sustain vampires. It’s the most valuable substance humans and animals own and it often comes at a price. Blood sustains a vampire’s immortality. Without feeding a vampire can experience quite a few consequences, mostly varying by beast, but most of them experience all of them at some point. These include:
      »» • Big time cravings
      »» • Dreams
      »» • Mood ‘disorders’
      »» • Extreme stress
      »» • Animalistic behaviours
      »» • Etc… basically anything from twitches to extreme emo-ness X_X

      It’s easier for older vampires to control their cravings, as they build up a tolerance.

      What are Vampires… Really?: Vampires are demons, basically when someone gets bitten it’s like a disease, the body dies as it is infected by the source. Soul is gone, what’s left is a creature with looks and a brain like a human, with super human powers; they keep all their memories etc…

      How do they make more?: Biting/blood swap is the easiest way, however, with age comes experience, and those who know how to control themselves can choose who they change, like snakes, they choose who to poison :/

      What are Master Vampires?: Master vampires are old vampires, who, in their old age, develop powers, or gain powers. They are smart, strong and fast. They basically control the entire vampire world. Wee.

      werewolf species rules
      (NOT LYCANS, lycans are in fact a different phylum)

      »» • Silver bullets, silver in general are bad, if there’s enough silver in the blood stream they die. The stronger they are the more resistance they’ve got. Wounds caused by silver take them longer to heal than the usual stuff
      »» • Wolves bane (cliché, I know)
      »» • Beheading, once again

      Cool Perks of Being a Were:
      »» • Immortality
      »» • Speed healing
      »» • Enhanced senses: eyesight, hearing, etc…
      »» • Strength
      »» • In some cases; family

      Factoid: bitten werewolves are usually referenced as 'born again' while people born with wolf blood running in their veins are 'born wolves'

      »» • Control, born again wolves need to gain control, while born wolves can control with a lot less effort.
      »» • Again the food thing is big, big appetites.
      »» • Don’t get along well with vampires, although they aren’t impoverished or anything.
      »» • Highly vulnerable during the Change.
      »» • Must Change at the full moon, or suffer from high irritability and ferocity/aggression until the Change takes place.

      Interesting Stuff: Werewolves are a different species from a Lycan. Lycan being short for Lycanthrope meaning a human able to turn into a different animal against their will (if you dun believe me google it), for example, you could have a Weretrout. A werewolf is a wolf, basically like a lycanthrope but it’s a different species, this is only wolf and it is almost like a disease because it can be spread. If you wanted to call something a Lycan and refer to the wolf form it would have to be a born wolf. Ok… now that we have that cleared up…

      Werewolves are very connected to nature, some have packs - ref Bitten. Others are ‘lone’ and don’t own a pack. Werewolves are not as gaudy as vampires and are basically regular people with a curse. In order to control their changes and themselves, they have to teach themselves self control. Keep in mind these people are living with two creatures sharing one body, please ref Lunar Phases, for those of us needing to know more, or ask me on your own time.

      In general Werewolves are more mysterious, they like to keep to themselves, and are less inclined to let themselves be known. Most are good, others let the wolf side of them rule them and become numb to the human emotions inside of them. Wolves usually only kill to feed, but with a human in control half the time, they can have bad or good influences.

      How Do They Become Werewolves: Some are born wolves, and it runs in the family bloodline, others are bitten and turned, they find it harder to find support and help with their changes and are more often then not killed in the changing process when it happens for the first time.

      What do they look like in Wolf and Human Form: In wolf form, they look like big wolves, not the stupid half wolf half humanoid things we get on TV and the movies sometimes. In human form they look like humans, SURPRISE! Confused? Ref Bitten

      What is the change like: Ref Bitten


Please send all questions to black_stained_flowers