Anime Terminology
Author: Original by Final Nova, Red, Kimi, & ~Alechsa~, editing by Kilarra

Some of the terms below signify particular anime concepts, while others are simply the Japanese words for common English words. Remember that using random Japanese may not be the best way to create a convincing character!

      »» • Ecchi :
      'Pervert' in Japanese. This is more meant to be in use with low class perverts, those who gape at girls in underwear or leer at them when they wear short skirts or low cut/tight shirts.

      »» • Hai :
      'Yes' in Japanese.

      »» • Hentai :
      'Pervert' in Japanese, or Japanese Animation porn.
      This is for severe 'dirty perverts', who stare at naked girls and tend to like kinky things. Hentai stuff isn't allowed on Gaia AT ALL. Any roleplay based on hentai should be reported.

      »» • Iie :
      'No' in Japanese.

      »» • Inu :
      'Dog' in Japanese.

      »» • Itai :
      'Ow', 'Ouch', in Japanese.

      »» • Kitsune :
      Foxes and/or demon/anthropomorphic foxes, sometimes referred as 'Fox People'.

      »» • Kyuubi :
      Nine tailed fox in Japanese. This is a word ONLY for nine-tailed foxes.

      »» • Nani :
      'What?' In Japanese.

      »» • Neko :
      'Cat' in Japanese.

      »» • Nekojin :
      Cat people.

      »» • Oni :
      'Demon' or 'Ogre' in Japanese.

      »» • Shoujo/Shojo Ai :
      Literally 'girl' love, these are fluffy romance animations or stories involving pretty lesbian girls.

      »» • Shounen/Shonen Ai :
      Literally 'boy' love, these are mostly fluffy gay animation or story romances with sexy men or boys.

      »» • Yatta :
      'Yay' or ’Alright’ in Japanese.

      »» • Yaoi :
      Officially refers to sexual Male x Male relationships, which are not allowed on Gaia… don‘t report what yaoi you see, m‘kay?. However, the word 'yaoi' is commonly used simply to refer to non-sexual male homosexual romance as well.

      »» • Youkai :
      'Demon' in Japanese.

      »» • Yuri :
      Officially refers to sexual Female x Female relationships, which are not allowed on Gaia. However, the word 'yuri' is commonly used simply to refer to non-sexual female homosexual romance as well.