This is my forum, You can start a public conversation with me, as in if you want to talk to me about anything, you can and the conversation will be public so if you have an issue with something, someone else could give a better answer or give their opinion on something. Rather than just one opinion in a PM. If you want to give a suggestion to the guild, you can and I will try my best to save gold to donate for that cause, to summarize this. If people want me and me only to answer things for them, then write to this forum. If you want to start a conversation between you and I then write to this forum. I will be opening up contests randomly so don't think that contests will be weekly, monthly, daily, etc. It'll be completely random. Thank you. I will be opening up a chatter-box forum tomorrow, Right now it's 10:28pm as I'm writing this here, Central time. So if you want to see a forum started up by me, wait until tomorrow. Just keep things PG-13...try at least. I'm not going to ban a person every time they cuss. If you come in here harassing everyone on a daily basis and I warn you more than a several times, I may check in with the Captain and see if we can do something about you being disrespectful to everyone.