I was really disappointed to see in the announcement that crew members can't send them. We work really hard for our guilds, and work to keep them active and within the ToS; we should be able to use this feature as well. You should at least add an option that gives the captain the choice to let crew members do it or not.

Inform your captains and vice captains. one of the reasons why we decided that this was going to be a capt/vcapt feature was that it costs the guild gold. But yeah, if we get enough feedback from captains and vice captains, we may be able to work something out . Thanks for your feedback.
We can all donate to our guilds if we want to use it, and I have more than enough to fund it. And the option for the captain to choose whether or not crew can use the feature would solve the problem anyway. If you want the captains to choose, let them by giving them to tools to choose. We crew members work our asses off for our guilds, and it's not fair that we aren't given access to these tools, ESPECIALLY in the large and very active guilds such as the one I moderate. The captain is never around to help out, and the moderators are doing all the work and events. If the captains didn't want us using the feature, they would tell us. If we don't want to be demoted, we'll listen. Telling us to tell our captains to say something isn't going to really work in my opinion; none of my captains are even in this guild. You have an entire guild here full of captains, why not make a thread here asking for their opinions? Would that be ok, or do you need them the captains to all message you with their feedback?