Play the various games in the Skittles Fun Park to receive...

User Image - Skittles Crazy Cores Backpack (Melon Berry) - Add to Wishlist
"Fun, colorful, holds lots of things AND is shaped like a giant Skittles candy!"

User Image - Skittles Crazy Cores Backpack (Strawberry Watermelon) - Add to Wishlist
"Fun, colorful, holds lots of things AND is shaped like a giant Skittles candy!"

User Image - Skittles Crazy Cores Backpack Ultra - Add to Wishlist
"Fun, colorful, holds lots of things AND is shaped like a giant Skittles candy!"

User Image - Skittles Crazy Core Body Tattoo - Add to Wishlist

User Image - Skittles Crazy Cores Earrings (mango peach) - Add to Wishlist
"Your ears will be doubly nibble-able with these Skittles Crazy Core earrings!"

User Image - Skittles Crazy Cores Earrings (melon berry) - Add to Wishlist
"Your ears will be doubly nibble-able with these Skittles Crazy Core earrings!"
