Sorry i had Rp in my mind at the time and now its written like this im trying hard to stop and put it in novel format hopefully soon..... Enjoy!! wink

Chapter 1
Welcome to Crystal Tokyo
By Gabriel Blaksley
Just sitting outside the palace was Nightshade waiting to see Rini for he wanted to meet her before becoming her friend.
Nightshade:"I wonder what I should say....hmmm. Maybe I should ask someone else where they are, but I only want to talk to her. UHH this is difficult”
While waiting he is greeted by VesuVesu
Vesta:"Hey who are you? I don’t think I’ve seen you around Crystal Tokyo before."
Nightshade:"Oh hi. My name is Joseph, Pleased to meet you..."
Vesta:"VesuVesu's the name very nice to meet you"
Nightshade didn’t want to reveal his real name. He thought they would think he was a spy or evil person. He also hated talking to others unless he felt comfortable. But he knew for now it would have to do.
Nightshade:"So you're one of the scouts I see and hear about?"
Vesta:"Yep that’s right Sailor Vesta. There are more of us too, Sailor's Pallas, Juno, and Celles and...."
Nightshade:"I know, I’m not stupid I see u guys everywhere, especially the older soldiers"
Vesta:"Oh sorry; I sometimes get carried away. So why are you at the palace?"
Nightshade:"I uh... Wanted to see someone she means alot to me and I haven’t met her yet."
Vesta:"Oh? Well who is it maybe I can help."
Nightshade:"Well you'd probably think i was a weirdo or somethin' but i wanted to meet Ms. Tsukino, the king & queen's daughter"
Vesta:"That's no problem. I’ll help you. Just follow me I will take you to her."
Nightshade:"Wow thank you so much and by the way my name .... Is Nightshade I lost my family and friends and was hoping to see Rini 'cause she reminds me of my past loved ones? Thank you so much again."
Vesta:"Hey no problem, I kind of figured your name wasn’t Joseph. Do you remember your real name at all?"
Nightshade:"No I don’t. All I know is that I have terrible past and certain powers to help others like you guys."
Vesta:"Oh, ok then. I also noticed you’ve got symbols of the planets on your arms. Care to explain?”

Nightshade:"I will share that info with you some other time. Reason for that is because we have company."

Just as they enter they run into the NQ Serenity and Rini.

Serenity:"Oh hello there Vesta, who is your friend?
Rini:"*gasp* I’ve seen you. You're that guy I ran into at the shrine earlier. Right?"
Serenity:"Wait I’ve seen you too. Come to think of it you happen to show around alot where ever Rini is. Tell me, do you have a crush on her or something of that nature?"
Nightshade: (Whisper’s in Rini's ear)
Rini:"Ok I will. His name is Nightshade; sorry but he'll only speak to me now. Vesta, he hopes there isn’t any hard feelings."
Vesta:"Eh, whatever. I'll see you guys later, my sisters wanted to meet me for something. Well see-ya."
Serenity:"Ok, buh-bye."
Nightshade: (Whispers again in Rini's ear)
Rini:"Huh, ok I'll let'er know. He says that he wants to protect me; I'm something important to him but he didn’t tell me why."
Serenity:”So, he’ll only talk to you. Please you can trust me Nightshade. You’ll have to talk to the group sooner or later.”
Nightshade: (shows his mp3 to the queen that he is listening to Today by Smashing Pumpkins)
Serenity:”Oh, what is this? I see so it’s how you represent moods and feelings. That’s interesting.”
Nightshade: (whispers in Rini’s ear again)
Rini:”Huh, but why? Don’t you have your own family to look after?”
Nightshade frowned as a tear fell down his face.
Rini:”Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know. But what about your friends I’m sure their worried”
Nightshade started to cry and asked Rini if he could tell her mother to step out for a bit so he could share the story with her alone.
Rini:”Oh ok then. Mom, he would like you to leave.”
Serenity:”Aw, but I want to get know him too.”
Rini:”He says it’s somethin’ that he only wants me to know.”
Serenity:”Oh, alright then. I have to go and meet your father for something anyway so you kids have fun chatting.”
Neo-Queen Serenity left to find King Darien.
Serenity:”I think he should know about this boy Nightshade. Hmmmm….”
And with that note on her mind, she took off. Now that she was gone for the time being, Nightshade spoke aloud and started to explain a little bit about himself.
Nightshade:”If we are alone like this, I will speak aloud instead of whispering.”
Rini:”So why is it that you want to protect me so much?”
Nightshade looked over at Rini and cried a bit.
Rini:” Hey what’s wrong, are you okay?”
Nightshade:”Listen, the reason I want to protect you is because you remind me so much of my past loved ones. Back when I was an agent for the police, I learned that all my friends died from assassins and I lost everyone that was dear to me. That’s why I took the powers of the holy darkness. I did it so I could protect you.”
Rini:”*gasp* oh my so that’s why you cried when I said your family and friends must be worried, you lost all of them. I’m terribly sorry Nightshade.”
Nightshade, still crying, kneeled down and hugged Rini. He wanted to guard her with his very life.
Nightshade:”Thank you for understanding. I promise that I will not let anyone harm you. Even if it means to sacrifice my own life.”
Rini:”Hey, it’s gonna be ok I promise. Please stop crying. Before we allow you to be … well a bodyguard, we need to ask someone.
Darien:”She is right, you have to ask me. And don’t worry, you show a lot of promise and you seem like a nice guy.”
Both she and Nightshade are startled by his presence. Nightshade bows because he is at this point, in front of a king.
Rini:”Hi daddy. Nightshade this is my father. I assume you know who he is already. Dad how do you know about…”
Darien:”You know your mother she couldn’t keep this to herself as well.”
Rini:”Oh that’s right she did say she had to meet you for something.”
Nightshade: (whispers in Rini’s ear)
Rini:”Ok sure. He asks if you overheard anything when you arrived. He apologizes but he only will speak aloud to me.”
Darien:”That’s fine. And yes I did. And I think it would be ok if he stayed with us to protect you.”
Nightshade: (Shows his mp3 to the king that it’s playing Sweet Child o’ Mine by Guns’ n Roses)
Darien:”Oh yes. Serenity said something about you and how your songs represent your moods and feelings. You must be happy that I approved.”
Nightshade nods.
Darien:”Well then, all that’s left is to prepare a room for you so you can stay here. Hmm let’s see.”
Rini:”Hey, what if we used that spare room near mine? He did say he wanted to protect me. So why not have him close by?”
Darien:”Alright then that sounds like a plan. But the only problem is that it will need to be refurbished. That will only take maybe month to do.”
Rini:”Then for now he can go to the Kino Apartment Complex. Plus he can get a chance to meet the rest of our friends and allies that live nearby.”
Nightshade thought it to be a splendid idea. However, if he was going to meet the rest of their friends, he knew they might get the wrong impression since he only wanted to talk to Rini. So they made their way over to the apartment complex and run into the owner, Lita. Lita was one of the soldiers that lived nearby. She was Sailor Jupiter; she also helped Neo-Queen Serenity back when she was a scout.
Lita:”Oh hello you guys. What can I do for ya?”
Rini:”We need one room for our friend here. Go ahead Nightshade, introduce …er… oh that’s right I forgot.”
Lita:”Hmm? What’s wrong? Can’t your friend talk?”
Rini:”That might be a problem because he only will talk to me. But he said he doesn’t have any problem listening or taking a request.”
Lita:”Well how come he won’t talk to anyone else?”
Nightshade: (shows mp3 to Lita that it’s playing Mama Kin by Aerosmith)
Rini:”Well he does show his moods and feelings with that music player of his. Will that do it for you ‘cause it has for my parents.”
Lita:”That’s ok, but if I have to come to his room he’ll have to answer. Is that fine with you Nightshade?”
Nightshade just nods and smiles.
Lita:”Alright, here you go. Your room is on the second floor. And after a month, you head to the palace.”
Rini:”Thanks for your help Lita.”
Lita:”Hey no problem. Anything for my good friends (wink). Also were heading to the shopping district and then were going to the arcade later tomorrow. Any chance you guys wanna come with?”
Nightshade nods yes. Other than get to know others, he wanted to spend a day with his new found friends.
Rini:”Sure we’ll meet at the Hikawa Shrine. Is that cool?”
Lita:”Sure see you then.”
Rini:”Ok bye. See you tomorrow.”
Nightshade heads to the room he was assigned. He can’t believe that he had made 5 friends all due to wanting to see Rini. As he got ready for bed, he thought to himself.
Nightshade:”*sigh* Well I have to prepare for tomorrow first thing in the morning. Wow this is what my friends and family would’ve wanted. For me to try and move on and make new friends to help me with that.
And with that, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. For he couldn’t wait to spend a day with new people he could call friends.