A large caged battle field that is surrounded by torches. It is here that any person may fight any number of other proponents, whether those persons are rebellion members or not matters little to Tysulir. The area inside of the Gymnasium sized arena has a solid cement flooring with deep black blood stains on some parts where blood has been spilled. Bones of the dead are mixed within the blood stains and other markings of death in this place.
Any persons that enter this huge magic enforced cage will be locked inside until one of two conditions are met. 1.) Either all persons survive for 6 posts each minimum unless otherwise stated by Tysulir, or 2.) there is only one person left alive and all other persons are either beyond ability to fight or dead. (all of you knocked out is a draw and I will have the janitor drag you all to your rooms or something.)
The fights here also may be cut short by Tysulir or one of the generals of the Rebele.