The ranking chain of command here. Obviously the commander is the top dog. The Two Generals are the second in commands of this place. The heads of each specialty answer to the generals and the commander. The specialists are the Head's lackeys. And the Lowest ones on this list are well, lowest rank here.

Only I will post here. Do not post here if you want to complain. If you want to do so then PM the commander.

Commander: Ruo Salem - Awesome Sensei

(The two generals have same ranking power in this chain but are obviously lower than the commander)
General: (Position open)
General: (Position open)

(The heads are all of equal power as well but are lower than the generals in rank.)
Assassin/Rouge Head: (Position open)
Combat Head:
Tactical Head:

(The specialists are all of equal rank also but lower than the heads in rank.)
Assassin/Rouge specialist/s:
-(Lots of open positions)

Combat specialist/s:
-(Lots of open positions)

Tactical specialist/s:
-(Lots of open positions)

(If your here then you are lowest rank of all, next to the janitor.)
Infantry Lackey/s:
-(Lots of open positions)