I wish you could understand
the tears
they are there just to be
they cant be fixed
they just fall
its me, and not them
And I cant come one or the other
its me and all

If you don't like it
then maybe you should leave
If you cant accept it,
maybe you should have taken heed
If you cant hold me
or even care to watch me bleed
then maybe its you and not me

Others have flown before
just like the quoth of the raven
You sit here at my chamber door
and wait patiently
Listening and breathing with me
but you never shed a tear but once
or even wonder why
You know all the answers right?
what if I should die?
would your answers have been right?
Or would you feel a fool
You think your my teacher
and I am the student sitting on the stool
a pigeon that waits like a fool
for the man that cant stop talking
long enough to hold me still
to stop the shaking
and the screaming
and the tears of outrage and pain
I should keep on walking
the down right misunderstandings and miss communications
Their there for you to write down
and take notes
to check on later and bring them up like scholars quotes
stop telling me why I'm sad
Of course I KNOW this ALREADY
for a smart guy, your brains ah... seem to be made of spaghetti

Squirming and in twirls of digested confusion
this whole relationship is nothing
I keep giving you inches, and you keep thinking your ruling
I cant leave you
I better stop lying
I cant die..
But I cant stop dying
If only we could be the way we used to be
the way we used to hold each other
and whisper our dreams to each other
until we fell gently off to sleep
awoken suddenly by the sound of my snoring
Dawn rising within the blink of an eye
and all frowns suddenly turn to smiles
A sick joke
that makes me laugh as though it never hurt.
your the only one that's laughing...
I apparently am the joke.