Here are some frequently asked questions. Refer to this before you ask.

Q: How do you recieve more points?

A: You can recieve more points by posting. Basically any where you post you can recieve points. Just by posting on OOC every ten points will get you a point. Roleplaying will get you points for well writen, creative, or fun posts. Training in the RP will also get you points.

Q: Is it one central plot, or are there multiple plots going on at once?

A: In this guild, we have a main plot going on at a time. It will involve as many people as who want to join, and it will always resolve itself after a while. During that time anyone can create there own plot with there friends to enjoy, or just hang around and fight people, or just talk with others.

Q: How long can a move be without being a god mod?

A: It depends on your amount of points. If you only have five points on say, the element fire, if you use a move that summons a gigantic amount of flames on your opponent, then that would be a god mod. If you have 100 points, you can do whatever you want involving the element. It is basically your own judgement to determine if something is a god mod or not, but if you are thought to be wrong, someone can tell you so.

Q: I have entered a battle in the arena with astui okami slave which by what I can tell is my far stronger. Now depending on what the rules are on speed, agility, freerun moves, and dodging then I cannot beat him making the point of practicing with him pointless. So are there restrictions on these matters? I mean am I allowed to use things like shunpo and flashstep?

A: well you cannot really do that, i mean you can dodge things, that is not a problem, there is no real problem right now, but if you are training, what is happening is by fighting someone better then you, that you will get better in the process therefore having more skill, by doing this training you might be given some points, and no, shunpo would be a talent... (for those of you that do not know, shunpo is that weird really fast moving thing they do in bleach)

(more added later... If you want a question placed up, send me a PM and i will give you 2 points for each question...)