Alright I need a bit of help with the "Trivial Pursuit Unhinged" sighting:

"Sailor Moon pops up as an answer to a question on Trivial Pursuit Unhinged. The question was about some blond doll being created in 1959, the answer was Barbie but Sailor Moon was one of the choices."

I have the .iso of the game and have been looking for it for several hours however there is a couple problems:

1. The game is pretty much instant headache cause everything but the text freakin shakes around and moves ALL THE TIME so its hard to even want to keep looking for more than a few minutes razz
2. The questions are all random so I never know when it will come up
3. I am not sure which category it's in. I was looking mostly in Arts and Entertainment but still haven't seen it yet. Its the most likely but who knows....

Anyways, I thought with more help we might find it faster.... which would save me headache time. Seriously its not that I don't want to do it but that I can't stand looking at the thing very long because I get headaches really easily and its just bad razz

You'll need Deamon Tools:
And the game ISO: or

Just Mount the image onto Deamon tools: Right click deamon tools in taskbar, go to virtual cd/dvd rom, go to Device 0:, click on Mount Image, and then select the game ISO. It will install and you can play. Keep aspirin handy if you get headaches easily.