With the large increase in activity, I am unable to devote sufficient time to all submissions. To those of you who are new, historically I post replies to submissions with a list of grammatical, spelling, logical, and syntax mistakes, then conclude with my opinion of the work. Note that I will not edit for style, unless you have already demonstrated your abilities as a writer, or have asked specifically for suggestions on improvements to style.

In order to optimize the time I personally spend editing (I invest a significant portion of my time in order to edit thoroughly, comprehensively, and objectively), I would ask that if you wish editing, feedback, comments, opinions, etc, that you make a note of your supplication, and the same if the converse is true, that is, if you would like no comments etc. about your work.

If others wish to also post edits and suggestions for those who ask, I would appreciate it, and I anticipate that the respective author would as well.