HI Any1 tht will help me will be loved 4ver and displayed on my prof.
and i only nid 2 items fr dream avi O.O help me get it guys ill try to help sum1 if i complete my dream avi too ^^

here it is i only nid Winter Rose and Masterpieces
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Total Value: 489,333 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Winter Rose
Yama no Tamago
Devil Wings Back Tattoo
Black Solar Flare Belly Tattoo
Black Stripes Right Arm Tattoo
Black Stripes Left Arm Tattoo
Gray SKA shoes
Those Black 90s Gloves
Those Black 90s Pants
Nitemare Sash
Longcat Scarf
Angus the Scottie Plushie
Deadly Mood Bubble
Red Star Face Tattoo
Silver Starman Earring