alright here's the catch up. your in your room with notin' ta do so u dicided to make ur own fighting scene with characters from RE. wat will be ur fight's be?
somehow i believe this topic was said sometime ago...
yes it could be with any (living) pplz

It's a shadowed area near the california mountain's. Chris Redfield just had confirmation on were one of Umbrela's hive's are and needed to shut it down. perminantly, yet there's a catch... His sister Claire found out that their was on there before him. sooo, he's still haven't gone to the base yet when he fell on this random hill. so he got up and found the base entrence. he (for some reason dicides to walk up the door and tries to brutally open it with his foot) a "shudder noise" he soon realized he's falling into this pit and wams right to the floor on his back. a visual screen came on and for some reason they expected him to come to that base. an uknown man in a science coat start's taking sensible threats to Chris. and finally shows Claire tied to an examination table. very slowly the man say's somtin' about a new programing system called C.O.R.E. that alters a human's thought and bring's special order's through a chain of commands and other stuff. the light's dimmed and pointed directly towards the end of an open hall. he enters and find the exact examination table were Claire was at. he quickly pull's out a hand gun(while he's doing that the door magically lock's by itself)0.o. he turns to see the door. he walk's forward and see's Claire lying on the floor she wakes up and say's it's a trap... Chris told her That everything's going to be alright and that there going to get out. when another random screen pulls into view with the guy laghing scornfully. after that sillence. Claire seemed faintish. the camera zooms into her eyes and the umbrella symbol apears. Chris says' some words. and Claire got up... Then she starts running towards the supply closet and grabs a hand gun. shocked Chris ducks onto the table and remembers wat the guy said. "the C.O.R.E." he runs toward Claire and the rest of the fight is toward u guys.(C.O.R.E is made up unfortunatly)