Yup, my title is cliche.

Yup, I basically died until now.

Yup, for the next two days I need something to do. I figured, there are a few other High school roleplay's in the forum, why don't I make another new one since they're so full?

Not really a plot line, just NORMAL high school with romance, drama, blahblahblah. Sorry guys its early, not being very formal.

1. Please keep the gender ratio even UNLESS your character is gay. I mean, if there is like one guy, and 6 girls i'll be pissed. So keep it even.
2. No killing off anyone's characters unless they say you can.
3. Game.
4. Please speak in THIRD PERSON, as in 'Ethel walked to the store, skipping along the way' not 'I walked to the store'
5. Try and use proper grammar. s**t happens, I know. Trust me, you're pointing out my mistakes as you read i'm sure.
6. No need to ask to join, but it'd be nice if you said your name, your character's name and there gender.
7. Please, no freshmen characters. Junoir and up.

If I think of any more later, i'll edit this.