Part 1

In the Kanareshii...

It all started at the most unlikely place. In a part of the city where no one ever treads, on a street with as much activity as a dead anthill, there is an abandoned old building. Cadwallander Whataname, lost in his attempt to find Mecha Main Street, somehow found himself standing in front of the building. There was something about it that he couldn't quite put his finger on. After literally meeting face to face with the old sign (his nose took a beating), he ventured inside to investigate. Soon after, he met the mysterious Adiemus and a sharply dressed young man named Leigh. The three together decided to form a clan. Currently they are in the process of renovating the old building...

Part 2

In the Kanareshii...
As the three members of Kanareshii were exploring the dilapidated and crumbling building, a mysterious girl suddenly appeared through some form of magic. She introduced herself as Calypso Garris, Caly for short, and decided to assist the trio with renovations. They eventually wandered out to the backyard. Besides the garden that was suffering from neglect, there was also an old shed upon which a rather large tree had fallen. There was some sort of poisonous plant inside, but Caly used her Elven powers to cleanse and befriend it, along with the rest of the garden. Another strange character showed up after the brief encounter. This time it was a woman with an air of mystery about her, introducing herself simply as Malem. Upon investigating the contents of the shed, Cadwallander found an old rusted engine and made a note to fix it up when he had the time. Now, as the members of the ever-growing Clan Kanarareshii re-entered the building, they found another new face. Who is he? Will he become a new member?

Part 3

In Kanareshii...
Welcome back! Last time, we mentioned that a new person arrived on the scene. His name is Jack, and it seems that he indeed intented to join Kanareshii. Not much is known about him at the moment, though it seems he has some relation to the Elves. About a second after, a terrorist bomber threatened to attack the "Kanarishii" clan. Ha! Boy was she wrong! Cadwallander, not seeing the potential threat of the situation, laughed honestly and wholeheartedly at this case of mistaken identity. The 'e' really does make a difference. Pretty soon, everyone else joined in the laughter. The bomber was shocked by this reaction and decided to bring out the big bomb, which exploded and left a huge mess of soot all over the lobby. However, this was no ordinary soot. It turns out that these were soot sprites, straight out of the fairy tales. While the clan members were distracted, the bomber hid a time bomb underneath the evil couch and fled. Malem saved the day by threatening the soot sprites with a hose AND discovering and disarming the hidden bomb.

Meanwhile, something stirred in the darkness of what was the basement. All the commotion above had awakened something... something terrible... It was.... a rare talking cardboard box of Malkidt? At least, that's what Alexander Campbridge thought it was. Through the use of his firery magic, he had teleported himself into the basement of Kanareshii. What was he doing? Well, we don't know for sure. Anyway, it turns out that the voice he heard wasn't coming from the box, but from a little boy named Ventarbre. There's something strange about him, though. I just can't seem to put my finger on it... How will things turn out now that we have new additions to the "family?" Tune in next time to find out!

Part 4

In the Kanareshii...
Welcome back! If you thought things were crazy last time, you're in for a big surprise. Something about the old building seems to be attracting new members by the day... Is it some type of magic? In any case, the names on the roster are multiplying like rabbits. First there is a strange masked man named Vincent. Who is he? What's with the mask? Why does he have such darling little dolls under his command? Will he be able to keep Campbridge away from them? By some strange coincidence, his companion Kurai also managed to find the old building. Those two seem to go back a long ways, who knows how far. Also joining the ranks is an elven girl named Xi, who is not much of a dog lover. Unfortunately for her, shapeshifter Jade took the form of a dog and wandered into the yard. Will she be joining us, too, I wonder?

Things started to get interesting after Vincent turned up. Apparently a bounty hunter came for him and the twenty-two million dollar bounty on his head. What ghastly things had he done in his past? he's not about to tell anytime soon. Campbridge and Cadwallander ran off to save him and came back successfully...except for Cad, who was left behind in all the excitement. He left unscathed, but his bad sense of direction made him get lost in the city for a day and a half. Upon his return, Caly had fixed the stairs and was beginning work on the garden. The floor, however, had other plans and swallowed a good portion of the clan members. How many of my people must the beast devour before it is satisfied? A whole lot more, that's for sure. Be sure to tune in next time to see what other events unfold!

Part 5

In the Kanareshii
After fixing up the garden and finishing a quest to recover members from the deep dungeon that is called the basement, Clan Kanareshii found a strange poster on the door. It advertised a huge clan race that would be held at the Tarlow Highlands. Naturally, they wanted to join in on the fun, but they didn't have a craft to enter in the race. Cadwallander was going to build one from scratch, but Ventarbre suggested that they look on the roof. There was only one problem with that plan: they had to find the way to reach the roof.

With Caly leading the way, fixing the floors with her magic, the group made their way up to the second floor. When they entered the third room on the right, they found something very strange about it... creepy, almost. For reasons unknown the room was in perfect condition, completely standing the test of time and earning several bonus points along the way. Malem said that there was a very powerful preservation spell cast upon it, such that any physical changes made to the room would undo themselves. It was in this room that Cadwallander found a hidden doorway via "sliding bookcase" and went up the stairs to the attic.

There wasn't much in the attic itself, just the standard fare of boxes, but there was a trap door leading up to the roof. Cadwallander went to investigate and found himself in a huge shed that strangely resembled a hangar of sorts. A monstrous shape covered with canvas cloth caught his eye. Curious, he pulled off the cloth to reveal -- the biplane of his dreams. It was exactly the one he had wanted! But how...? Ah, he didn't really care at that moment. The race was going to start soon and Cadwallander was forced to use the roofs of neighboring buildings as a makeshift runway. Soon he was airborne, pretty good for his first flight, and made his way off to the Tarlow Highlands.

With Cadwallander gone, however, it seemed that good fortune left with him. After the arrival of Sano, a wanderer seeking refuge, the building was attacked by a silly looking man riding upon a large homunculus. It was Adrius, a member of the Neibel Army, and he was after Malem. Sano and Ventarbre joined in on the brawl, while everyone else remained inside. There was a long, drawn out battle which ended in the killing of the homunculus and the defeat of Adrius. Another soldier was carrying him off, so Malem and Sano gave chase.

As for Kanareshii.... the building suffered quite a few blows and the backyard was completely ruined. Once Caly saw it, she was driven to tears. Vincent tried to comfort her. All her hard work was for naught.... or so she thought. Ventarbre said that he would have everything back to normal in no time. Everything was clear once he began to cast a spell, one that rewound time and reset the state of the building to the point before the attack had begun...

Part 6

In the Kanareshii...
After all the recent chaotic events at the Kanareshii building, things have finally returned to normal -- Caly continued her restoration of the building, Cadwallander came back, and Campbridge is still plotting to steal that magical book.

However, things are not always as they seem. A mysterious door bearing the mark of the Jarian Clan appeared in the living room and from it, a ghostly messenger went to have a word with the leader of this eccentric ensemble. There was one small problem -- Cadwallander is "blind" to magic, so to speak. In other words, he can't see illusions, ghosts, or other effects caused by magic. After overcoming this slightly troubling obstacle, it seems that they agreed to an alliance of sorts. As compensation, he received a year's supply of oversized pencils, several model biplane kits, leather jackets, and a jukebox...

Meanwhile, Caly nearly lost control of her powers because of the door. Thanks to Vincent and Ventarbre, everything was fine. With Ventarbre's magic still recharging, it looks like two of the clan's mages are out of commission for a while. Too bad, because something else is coming to Kanareshii; something so horrible and heart-wrenching that could bring the whole clan to ruin. We'd better hope that Cadwallander doesn't find out...

Part 7

~~Recount for Kenton~~

This is where I'm gonna start summarizing the Clan RP thread since the Clan Leader went MIA

~~Starting from page 84 for Caly~~

--followed Alex and discovered that Vincent was back with company

~Caly takes the care of Vincent herself

~She places Poison and magic protection around Vincent's room, then felt him stirring, and touches his cheek

~tries to calm Vincent down

--reveals that she can feed vampires with no side effects

--offers to guide the vamps and Vincent around the mansion

--Repeats that she was finishing reviving the building and starts leading the guys downstairs

--remains at the mansion, finishing the revival of the kitchen while the vamps, demon and others go to the Haunted Carnival

--Caly nearly gets run over by the Jack in the box being chased by one of Vincent's dolls

--(holding Poison) takes a letter from the JAck in the Box, reads it, and then decides to take care of the Jack

--reads another note from Jack about the dolls wanting life...then greets a newcomer to the Clan home

--Goes outside with Poison and Jack in her arms, welcomed warmly by all the plants and offered energy from them to replenish that she had used

--Questions about the dolls needing blood to herself and to JAck

--The elf Aeris enters the Clan, searching for her mistress, one Princess Aristal

--Caly reads several notes from Jack and then tells those who are with her that they must stop what Vincent's dolls are up to and then starts going towards the basement, magic gathering around her form

--Even though she's horrified at what the dolls had been attempting to do, Caly calls up a strong batch of magic and sends it all through the mansion, preventing the dolls' escape

--Coming out of her powers, she had to completely suppress them for someone was seizuring from them and then found that Cy had Vincent by the front of his clothes and ordered the vampire to leave him alone.

--Caly agrees that the dolls belonged to the demon, but hurting him wouldn't help. Then she inquires, almost demands, how to help with the demon's memory.

--Because apparently it was magic that was beginning to help Vincent, she has to tell the vampire that her Lightness usually harmed the demon, and that she wasn't going to hurt him.

--To perform some kind of Healing spell, Caly decides that being outside would probably work the best

--Because he offered, Caly gave Vincent Poison to hold, but decided to keep Jack still with her and then they started going outside...even while the Guardian Aeris still awaited in cover for her mistress

--After a brief explanation from Cy, Caly and Vincent sit under a tree, where the half elf places her hands against the demon's head and calls gently on her powers, letting them slowly mingle with his, before he deemed himself ready for more, which she slowly began increasing.

--When the demon fell back away from her, her magic snapped from him and settled around her, which she promptly started to make fade away lest she hurt him more. Voicing her concern, she scoops Poison and Jack back into her arms and rises from the ground.

--Touched at the vampire's concern over her welfare she then leads them back to the mansion where she finds one room she hadn't completely finished yet and made it to where Vincent could rest in.

--REmaining in the room with the two men, Cy strikes up a conversation where Caly reveals to him that she's not only elf, but human mage as well...and that's where much of her power came from. The convo also includes some of what she's done to the mansion, some of her lovelife...which causes her to blush, as well as finding herself liking the vampire

--It's decided that Caly needs to eat, so Cy and Caly leave the mansion (Poison protecting Vincent) and go to the Pub where Caly has dinner, Cy some wine. She finally gets him to agree to take blood from her...after the meal. ONce finished eating, Cy takes her to a small forest and there takes her blood. And though she wasn't tired at all, he carried her back to the mansion and find that Vincent was waking up

--Then they start discussing the dolls, and what there was to be done with them, while she cuddled the demon to her and since they needed to feed Vincent, the three of them decide to go to the MArketplace, where Vincent gets food, and Caly gets a book.

--Reaching the Clan home again Caly ends up taking care of someone with emotional issues. Meanwhile Aeris, in a cat form, was circling the mansion, trying to find out if there was any food she could get to easily since chasing her mistress made her famished

Part 9
~Helping in the Summary for All~

((From page 83 i believe, and onward))

While things couldn’t get any weirder in the Kanareshii Clan.. it did. Vincent had been missing for a good while now- where he had gone was anyone’s guess. Things continued on their own as they should until one day…A vortex opened up in a room of the Kanareshii mansion. It spewed forth three figures, the demon Vincent, and two vampires Cy a male and Vi a female. Still hiding around the mansion where Vincents dolls all 8 of them.

I believe Alex, Caly and another whom had been brought to the trio by Vincents dolls tried to figure out what had happened. Vincent awoke scared and with no memory of anyone, Cy and Vi did seem to remember that it was the Dolls doing that had caused the vortex and their masters loss of memory. There was a commotion in the backyard that turned everyones attention to it after Vincent had calmed down and everything was beginning to settle.

Vi ended up taking a trip to the market to get some food for everyone and blood for her and Cy. There she had met a peculiar boy, who acted more like a child than the grown man he was. She brought him home to the clan eventually and wanted to care for him like a mother would a child.

Meanwhile Cy, Vince, Alex and possibly a few others headed to a haunted carnival that had appeared recently somewhere in Byako. After finding nothing there, especially nothing that would jog Vince’s memory they headed back to the clan.

While the others were at the carnival Vince’s dolls forced a jack in the box to come to life, through something akin to alchemy and dark spells. The Jack in the box tried to warn Caly of the Dolls secret plot to gain a life of their own. In order to do this though the Dolls would need a sacrifice, more spells and practice for they were still learning.

The boy, called Li, that Vi had brought back from the marketplace ended up almost becoming a victim of the Dolls efforts to make themselves real. Their efforts were thwarted by Cy and Vi while Vincent who seemed afraid of this dolls and still unable to remember anything coward in a corner. There were threats from Cy and Vi wanting to kill Vincents dolls but he couldn’t remember how to do such a thing.

Eventually it was discovered that magical power, something opposite of Vincent’s dark magic would shake some of his memories loose. Caly took him out to the garden and forced her magic upon him, it ended up working and causing Vincent a lot of pain. Now with his memory back more or less the Demon knew how to stop his dolls and yet it was unknown if he was truly going to stop them.

Meanwhile a guardian of Caly’s from her elven homeland showed up in Kanareshii searching for her mistress. Vincent slept while Cy and Caly kept watch and got to know one another, which lead to the Vampire showing interest in the Elven halfbreed. Cy and Caly ended up in Plushie Pub for a bite, and a drink. When they came home Vi had traveled down to the basement leaving Li up in one of Kanreshii’s rooms to sleep after his traumatic experience with the Dolls. (Li’s part stops here for the person playing him stopped posting.) Vincent was now up and came up with a plan to kill his own dolls, but left it up to the others as to whether or not they wanted to carry it out.

In the garden, after Vi had exited the basement, there appeared a man and his two creatures, a wolf and a large scorpion. Vince after complaining he was hungry left with Caly and Cy to head to the marketplace to get food. After finding what they needed and cheering Vince’s spirits a little the trio headed back to the clan. Meanwhile the Wolf and Large scorpion belonging to the man started fighting one another. The scorpions carcass, having been killed, was carted off by Vincent’s dolls, they planned to use it in their practice with their spells and incantations.

((to be continued in a few more posts… im keeping this short and to the point. People can add things if need be.))

Part 10
~ Continuation of the Summary~

Xi ended up back at the clan after being MIA for awhile. She was upset and Caly, Cy a well as Vincent -whom still wore his mask that bound his demonic powers and forced him into a more gentlemanly nature- all tried to console her. After Xi was calmed, Aeris, The being from before who was Caly’s guardian, confronted her mistress. Not liking Cy one minute, because of his Vampiric nature Aeris informed them that Caly’s father, a Elven noble in fact wanted her back from her exile that he had issued.

Not wanting to return to her homeland and face her Prince of a father nor her grandfather and mother whom where King and Queen of her elven lands, somewhere on the edges of the Northern Range. It was decided that neither Caly nor Aeris would return, after all Aeris was more concerned with her mistress than with rules and she too had felt the need to leave the elven kingdom.

With things settled Cy mentioned them all playing some sort of game or eating since they had just returned from the marketplace with food. Xi and Vincent ended up heading to Naga Scales for a bit of entertainment, while Cy, Caly and Aeris headed to the kitchen and Caly started to restore more of the house. Shadowkite a girl had been dragged in by the mysterious force that is Kanareshii and inquired about food. Cy ended up taking Caly up to her room after her having drained herself of her energy while restoring the kitchen. Aeris and Shadowkite ended up heading to Naga Scales where Vincent and Xi already where.

Cy and Caly ended up falling asleep together and awoke the evening only to chit chat some more and get to know one another. The two were quickly becoming fond of one another and even falling for each other, one could say. While in the garden and tending to her vegetables, something Cy could never do, for being a vampire meant you had no green thumb, Caly was captured by three unknown beings.

Not liking the fact that he was all alone, something greatly feared by the vampire, Cy hid away in the shadows when he couldn’t find Caly. He only came back out once Aeris came rushing back to the clan screaming for his help. Leaving the clan Aeris and Cy searched for Caly, they ended up gathering Vincent on their way and the trio ended up in the Elven lands in the Northern Range.

Here they found Caly and by some strange pact that vampires and elves had, the King agreed to let Caly go so long as Cy bound himself to her. This had all been forseen by an oracle and needed to be done to keep the peace between Elves and Vampires, as well as aid Caly in opening up more of her powers. Cy agreeded not having much to loose and the four headed back to Kanaresshii only after Aeris’s exile for speaking out against the King and his strange ways.

After their adventure Aeris rested only to later contact her sister an Elven Oracle. There was still the issue of course of ridding the mansion of Vincent’s dolls, but first he wanted the bind on his mask and therefore himself broken permenetly. Ever since their travel to the Elven lands Vincent had left his mask off, of course this was dangerous for himself and everyone else due to the fact that his mask amplified his demonic powers when it wasn’t on him. It was to serve as a punishment for him. Remembering she had an old book of spells Caly gave the book to Vincent to read and sift through to see if they could find something that would undo his binding. Meanwhile Cy expressed a warning and a concern that if Caly was to set Vincent free of his bindings he may not be all that pleasant or easy to deal with.

Caly ended up lying down after a bit, while Cy kept watch. Meanwhile Vincent and Aeris got to know one another. All was more or less quiet on the clan’s grounds, so it was easily noticed when Selsia, Caly’s half sister, entered the area looking for her. She immediately noticed the familiarity of the Demon, Vincents, power signature. Selsia and Caly met for the first time ever and while Selsia informed Caly that she was indeed her half sister, Cy and Vincent got into a bit of an argument about what exactly the Demon was planning once his bonds were broken. Cy being protective of Aeris and Caly didn’t want Vincent harming either of them and after a heated glaring battle between the two males and Vincent retreating to a tree, Selsia introduced herself to Cy.

The lack of having his mask on him, was causing Vincent’s demonic nature to become amplified. While Cy and Selsia talked, Selsia whom seemed reluctant to go meet Vincent, Caly and Aeris talked to the Demon who was becoming playfully dangerous. Vincent was fed up with his binds and tossed his mask to the ground despite the damage leaving it off could do to him in time.

Part 11
~More of the Summary.. almost done!~

While Caly continued to talk to Vincent about his binding, Cy learned that the reason why Selsia was hesitant in meeting Vincent is because she had been the one who had put the final spell on his Bind and the mask. Meanwhile feeling of no use to Caly, Aeris went off and agreed to help Caly help Vincent only to get his bind off of him before she took her leave. Aeris in her upset nature found out that she was able to control just a bit of dark magic using crystals.

While Caly convinced her friend to stay, Cy ended up introducing Selsia to Vincent. Having no memory of the woman Vincent at first greeted Selsia with a gentle nature. But it was Selsia whom let her guard down and words slip through her mouth that rose a few red flags in Vincents head. Covering her mistake She agreed to help Caly and Aeris take the bind off Vincent. Meanwhile Vincents dolls kept running around the mansion gathering little things here and there and experimenting with them.

Selsia displayed some of her powers, which caused Vincent to cringe, anyone who could bind another was automatically his enemy. Aeris started reading through the book Caly had given Vincent, while the Demon left to go nap atop the Mansion. Cy too felt the call of sleep and seeing as how things werent too out of control he left to go nap in Calys room.

While Vincent calmed, Selsia informed Caly and Aeris of what she had done, having aided in Vincents binding put her in a pickle. But they were going to go through it for it was Caly whom had become a natural leader to them all. After gathering Vincent whom was starting to loose his mind due to his mask being off for so long, the spell to break his bonds was about to begin.

Halfway through the spell, which was already causing Vincent great pain, Selsia in fear of Calys power surging too much and being taken beyond its limits interfered. She ended up spilling the beans and Vincent in a fit of rage broke the spell Caly and Aeris where performing and lunged at Selsia ready to kill her. But he couldn’t, the mere thought of wanting to kill someone sent shockwaves of unbelievable pain through his body, and all this due to the binds Selsia had helped place on him.

Cys shadowlike powers wrapped around Vincent, pulling him off of Selsia and subduing him. Holding Vincent still the Vampire, who was much older and powerful than he let on, ordered Caly to finish the spell. Aeris was currently knocked unconscious and Selsia was too scared to do anything other than watch. While she was knocked out Aeris had a dream, someone telling her to embrace the dark powers she barely used or had control over.

One by one and painstakingly slow Vincents bonds broke, he was left panting and eventually fell unconscious in the garden. Cy tended to Caly, who was now weak from all the power she had used on Vincent. Caly ended up curling up by Vincents side while his Dolls all came out and sat around him, Caly and Aeris. Selsia slept as well having been through too much, it was only Cy who kept watch while the Dolls whose behavior suddenly changed, played with the hair of everyone save for the Vampires.
Aeris awoke first, only to have Vincent wake a bit later feeling wonderfully free. He ordered his dolls in the house after flirting with and thanking both Aeris and Caly for freeing him. He retreated into the Mansion or rather to its basement where he gathered his dolls and put into plan what he had wanted to do with his dolls in the first place.

His plans where put on hold when Aeris came down to investigate the surge of dark power Vincent was letting out. Assuring her he was doing nothing, but stretching his legs so to speak he and Aeris agreed to a sparing match to test both of their dark powers, something that seemed to draw the two together.

Cy meanwhile kept an eye on Caly and urged her to rest, while assuring her theyd keep an eye on Vincent, just in case he should seek revenge on Selsia for what she had done. After their short sparing match, Vincent returned to the basement to continue what he was doing. Cy took Caly to her bed to get some rest despite the fact that she didn’t want to. He rested with her and kept her safe while Aeris ended up falling into a deep sleep somewhere in the mansion.

Part 12
~End of Recap, Current can be added later~

What Vincent had been doing in the basement was an unghastly creation of Dark Magic. He used Vi, whom had been sleeping peacefully in the mansion somewhere, as a sacrifice. Along with Two of his Dolls “souls”, Vi’s body as a ‘vessel’ some incantation, blood and dark magic, Vincent gave two of his Dolls life. What emerged was a child of 7 with ebony hair, emerald eyes and pale skin. Her mind and soul was a combination of the two Dolls Vincent had used while her body was part Vampire and part Demon.

Vincent named the girl Animula and it would take her sometime getting used to being a lot bigger than a foot tall, as well as feeling, things she had not before, like emotions and the touch of another. Her powers lay dormant for now, but she is capable of both Vampiric and Demonic abilities. Her mind is still like a childs, curious in nature and wonder.

Everyone had taken note of what had gone on in the basement, while they kenw something had happened they didn’t know exactly what and a few didn’t want to know. Vincent dressed the child with some clothing he found in the basement and brought her to the garden where he would begin teaching her, like a master would a student. Aeris came across the two and inquired about Animula but didn’t want to dwell to far, sensing something strange about the girl.

Caly left Cy to go retreat to the garden and spend some time alone, plants surrounded her and with her newly unlocked powers ended up creating a phantom of her child self, this had happened before but on rare occasion. Aristal, Calys Elven name, ended up coming out and playing with the Demon Child, Animula. While the children played in the garden, Vincent turned on the charm and started questioning and chit chatting with Aeris some more, he was growing quiet fond of her due to her dark magic that called to him and vice versa.

Cy crossed paths with the children whom after dancing in the garden, decided to explore the mansion. Not wanting to get into how either came to be he kept an eye on them until Caly awoke in the garden, after Selsia awoke her. With Calys arousal, Aristal disappeared much to Animulas displeasure. Aeris showed Vincent a mark on the back of her neck that became hot whenever dark magic was near her. Meanwhile it was explained to Cy, by Selsia and Caly that when Caly slept sometimes her childself would come out due ot her own surging powers. Animula stormed up to her master mad that her friend had been taken from her, and what's more she felt Aeris was taking her master away from her. Clearly the little girl didn’t like being left alone at all.

After everything was explained to everyone, Aeris went to go meditate while Vincent took Animula to go learn more things. Cy took Caly to her room to expand on her powers. He anchored her mentally and physically and let her explore her new found powers in the safety of her room.

Unable to focus Aeris met up with Vincent and Animula once more, and introduced her two animal companions to them, little brother and little sister two white and black kittens. Cy guided Caly through her powers but at one point it got out of control, Cy ended up breaking the physical bond with her, therefore breaking her anchor to the real world. A ghost of a Guide from Caly’s past informed Cy of what he had to do to get Caly back under control. If he wanted her to explore her powers and keep them in control Cy himself would have to dwell into his emotions. This was because Calys empathic nature linked her powers with her emotions greatly.

Meanwhile Vincent convinced Aeris to stay and let him be her guide into the nature of Dark power and developing her powers. Cy eventually calmed Caly down only to realize how deep he had gotten himself into with this bond to Caly and what it meant for him. His heart was already going out towards the half elf as well.

Vincent and Aeris decided to spar once again, while Cy and Caly settled down and fell into a deep sleep. Cy and Caly ended up waking once again, the Vampire confessing his lonliness and not wanting to be left alone ever in his life again. The two ended up getting close and diving off the deep end, letting their hearts lead them.

Aeris and Vincents spar turned into a truth or dare game and this ended up leading down the same path that Caly and Cy were going. Meanwhile Animula came across Selsia only to slip up and accidently ‘tell’ the elf what she was and part of how she had come to be before she scampered off.

After a bit of fun, Aeris and Vincent’s truth or dare game ended up incorporating Cy and Caly, to Cys dislike. The four of them separated, Cy and Caly went to go and explore her powers some more in the garden, this time Cy was sure to keep the physical anchor on the half elf. Aeris, Vincent and Animula ended up playing the garden, doing minor magic tricks, for anything big disrupted Calys focus on her powers. Eventually Caly took a break and rested, once again little Aristal came out to play much to Animulas pleasure.

Animula and Aristal ended up heading off to the abandon church in search of something new to explore and away from the grown ups. Aeris had Vincent met her sister the Oracle/Seer, by calling her up from crystals. After a bit of talk Vincent convinced Aeris to take him to the Elven lands to go meet her sister and cause some havoc.

Cy ended up falling asleep besides Caly in the garden, currently Caly just woke up and is teasing Cys bloodlust and trying to get him to do something she had been planning for awhile. Vincent and Aeris are in the Northern Range talking with the Oracle, while Animula whom lost her friend when Caly woke, is now seeking out her master and is far from happy that her friend keeps disappearing.