Lotti's room is under construction! Please excuse the mess!

The door to the 999th room is no different from any of the other dorm room doors: simple, painted white, and with a worn golden doorknob. At about eye's height there is a bronze plaque with raised golden numerals showing the room's number. There is no knocker so all knocks must be on the wood itself, and the wooden door is set an average distance into the frame.

Only upon opening the door does her room appear different from any other, and even that is only when Lotti is present in the room. When she isn't it looks like any other empty room at Ria High; the only deviation is two suitcases that sit inside the closet. The bed is set against the wall by the headboard, and the wide window gives a lovely view of the scenery, in specific the sprawling forest that surrounds Ria.

When Lotti enters the room is looks instantly different; from the moment her foot crosses the threshold the room is decorated by the powers of imagination. In such a contained space Lotti can use her abilities at will, and as long as she is within the room it stays as she likes it even if she falls asleep. The theme is overly childish and playful, very little girl-ish in color and atmosphere from the very moment one enters. There is always a scent in the air as well, but it is never consistent seeing as Lotti is still learning how to maintain her Illusion powers.

Decorated by the power of imagination, the carpet is a bright ivory color, very soft and spongy, and seems to be more like one big, never ending stuffed animal. (So yes, one part of her room is padded. XD) The walls are covered with a pale, powdery pink paint, and running along the top is a boarder of white lacy trim. The walls are covered with mirrors of varying sizes, none larger then Lotti's torso, and all set into a variety of frames. They all are kept meticulously clean (difficult to do, even with imaginary mirrors) and are more for nostalgic reasons then because Lotti is overly fond of her own reflection. The window ledge is large enough to sit comfortably on, and set upon it when Lotti isn't using it are a variety of stuffed animals that can talk (but rarely do they -- they tend to speak only when Lotti's emotions are being more turbulent; i.e. when she's angry) and arranged carefully upon it; the window is framed by lacy white curtains that are held back by large ribbons tied into bows. Her bed is a white canopy bed; it is crafted from white wood and is draped with white and pink lace that are tied to each corner by black ribbon looped into bows. Her bed is covered with at least ten pillows and a wide assortment of blankets; all in some shade of pink, white, or black.

The rest of her room is scattered with an assortment of things that don't appear to have much in the way of logical matching purposes.