I find that certain activities are really useful in strengthening what I can do. Of course I haven't been doing them lately but I thought I would share them here.

First activity are general reaffirmations. I first have to decide what I want and I have to make sure that is what I really want. This means going over it again and again in my mind before I try anything. I have to know all the details and the specifics of the theory before I can implement it.

This may mean to do some research into physics before I try a physical manipulation to understand the underlying principals.
This may mean research into a persons life before I try a spell to help them.

I have to know the affect I want and whether or not I can get it by doing a specific action.

Once I make sure that I understand it completely I go through some small energy exercises.
First I make a good connection of energy and channels between my hands.
This can be done in several ways... sometimes I exercise or dance. Sometimes I just flex my fingers and make sure that I'm aware of the energy flowing through them. Its like a little reminder.
Next I might link the energy between one hand to the other and make a circuit. I may go from my fingers touching to spreading them further apart and then condensing them again. In this way I can reaffirm that I have active flow of energy between my hands and I can recognize the feel of energy leaving and entering my body.

If I'm working with an object I saturate the object with my intent. This means that I let the energy flow soo to speak. I place the object between my hands and I let my awareness seep into it and become aware of it. This doesn't usually take me very long... but its kind of like flowing through all the atomic connections from one point to the next.

I have to be in a relaxed mental state as well... and I don't have to be aware of the object fully but understand how it feels. Its kind of like if I read someones emotions... but its the emotions of a rock. I let the field of influence around me encompass the item as well.

If I don't have an object I'll use the air as a focus. I might make the space between my hands a focus or I might just pick a specific place. In anycase I need to become familiar with my point of reference. I then try to saturate the area with my energy and do different things with the energy. I may make it denser or spread it out more and play with the energy in order to become familiar with it. I then will pass my hand through the area to see if I can sense the changes. If I'm working with someone else I'll ask them to do this. This is a good gauge of how strong whatever I'm going to do is going to be.

This is pretty much what I do for any spell before I do the spell. It doesn't take long and its affective. I sometimes also use music as a method for focusing. By pairing what I'm doing with a steady beat I stay on track and it can inspire emotions in me which are congruent with what I'm trying to do. I only do things that I feel somewhat strongly about or have some sort of impetus to prompt me into action. The reaffirmation and tools such as music can help inspire and strengthen that already existing desire. The item helps me focus but isn't necessary. And I test my awareness and my abilities in these small ways.
If I'm depressed I can't really do anything accept read people because I just don't desire anything so I try not to wallow in it.

What do you do before you make a spell?

What exercises do you engage in?