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No, the mat doesn't blatantly say "Welcome!, or "Please come in!", instead it says "Please wipe your feet".

You enter, and right off the bat you notice the spaciousness of the room. Is this a special room, an extra big one? No, it's just that there is next to nothing in it. There are four rooms: The Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, and Living room.

The living room, which is indeed the room you are in right now, consists of a large mahogany chair which faces a 30'' flat screen TV that is hung on the wall. Inbetween the couch and the TV lies a simple and clean wooden coffee table that holds only a pearl-colored candle next to a picture frame (with the date on it scribbled out). Connected inside the living room is the walk-in kitchen. At first, you think that Yamato doesn't use it at all, but he actually just keeps it very clean. The theme is marbel and wood. One microwave, no dishwasher, a fridge, wine rack and a flat-topped stove. Classy is what he likes too think, but doesn't take much pride in it.

If you were to move into the hallway you'll reach the bathroom (straight ahead) and Yamato's bedroom (to the left). The bathroom shares the same theme as the kitchen, marbel and wood. There isn't a bathtub, instead a walk-in shower. It's quite smaller than the usual bathroom. The bathroom is scentless, and you notice the bottles of products are all natural.

The bedroom seems a bit more normal than the other areas, in the sense that there is human activity. The bed is king sized, as Yamato believes that sleep is the second most important thing he, or everyone needs. There is a tall chair next to a huge silver case. At first, you think it's a guitar case but it's way too big. Next to it is a music stand (with old, marked up pieces), a bow and some rosin. Next to this area is a desk with pencils scattered abroad, a glasses case, binders and a 17" WINDOWS 7 laptop (not a mac, Yamato believes they're overpriced and over-rated). There is a radio/CD player hidden somewhere out of sight, playing classical music with the occasional odd pop/acoustic song; probably a burned CD.

And that is Yamato Kurosawa's dorm. So, why are you here anyways?