At first I like it
Only when my eyes are sealed shut
The second was great
More and more this event evolved
New pages turned
The hate begins to boil
I look at myself and don’t see me
I feel lost, running but getting no where
There is no hope; all I can do is seek more
I don’t want to but my heart wants to eat the rotten
Days pass and my former skin peals away
I’m a monster, the devil has consumed me
I tremble in fear, trying to escape
I begin to split
The good and bad are expelled and see each other
I stand alone feeling nothing
This grotesque beast that is me wants my heart
My heart is sickness and must be abolished
The skin that has fallen has risen and claimed my heart
Consuming it, it becomes shrouded by my darkness and hatred
I’m free but the creature still remains

The decrepit mold that became the beast
Suffocates my dreams when I sleep
Its red and startling eyes haunt the shadows around me
Its footsteps echo all around
I turn my back and there it is
A living and breathing monster
The demon was once a part of me
It was a leech that thrived off of me
I enjoyed the power I received but I became trapped
Its black tentacles filled the air
I choke, lose sight of things
I become ensnared by shadows and once again
The demon of me has consumed me
Day by day it feeds
I feel my insides bleed, giving it sustenance
I can’t fight it; my heart has become black with emptiness
I’m hollow again and every thing is blurry
Nothing seems real and in grasp
My intestines boil from the inside, every thing has sunken deep
Deep inside my abyss of loathing
The creature of death lurks around every corner
I begin to cry tears of blood
It has won
But the war has only begun