Recommended Reading
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Simplicity Parenting

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By:Kim John Payne, Lisa M. Ross

"Today’s busier, faster, supersized society is waging an undeclared war . . . on childhood. As the pace of life accelerates to hyperspeed–with too much stuff, too many choices, and too little time–children feel the pressure..."

Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure Kids

1.Why Simplify?
2.Soul Fever
6.WhaFiltering Out the Adult World
7.Principles of Unconditional Parenting
8.Simplicity Parenting on the Go

Unconditional Parenting

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By: Alfie Kohn
"Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason is a challenge to conventional ideas about disciplining children. It presents compelling evidence that using rewards and punishments are harmful to children's development. Kohn argues instead for giving children unconditional love with guidance.

Behaviourist Model Underlies Discipline Techniques

Kohn argues that common discipline techniques are underpinned by a behaviourist model that is not appropriate to human beings: it reduces people to behaviours which can be 'made extinct' or 'reinforced', rather than complex individuals with needs and different ways of expressing those needs."review

1.Conditional Parenting
2.Giving and Withholding Love
3.Too Much Control
4.Punitive Damages (Read Chapter 4 online)
5.Pushed to Succeed
6.What Holds us Back?
7.Principles of Unconditional Parenting
8.Love Without Strings Attached
9.Choices for Children
10.The Child's Perspective


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By: Po Bronson, Ashley Merryman

"In a world of modern, involved, caring parents, why are so many kids aggressive and cruel? Where is intelligence hidden in the brain, and why does that matter? Why do cross-racial friendships decrease in schools that are more integrated? If 98% of kids think lying is morally wrong, then why do 98% of kids lie? What's the single most important thing that helps infants learn language?
NurtureShock is a groundbreaking collaboration between award-winning science journalists Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman. They argue that when it comes to children, we've mistaken good intentions for good ideas. With impeccable storytelling and razor-sharp analysis, they demonstrate that many of modern society's strategies for nurturing children are in fact backfiring--because key twists in the science have been overlooked.
Nothing like a parenting manual, the authors' work is an insightful exploration of themes and issues that transcend children's (and adults') lives."

1. The Inverse power of Praise
"sure, he's special. But new research suggests if you tell him that, you'll ruin him. It's a neurobiological fact."
2. The Lost Hour
"Around the world children are getting an hour less sleep than they did thirty years ago. The cost; IQ points, emotional well-being, ADHD, and obesity."
3. Why white parents don't talk about race
"Does teaching children about race and skin make them better off or worse?"
4. Why kid's lie
"we may treasure honesty, but the research is clear. Most classic strategies to promote truthfulness just encourage kids to be better liars."
5. The search for intelligent life in kindergarten
"Millions of kids are competing for seats in gifted programs and private schools. Admissions officers say it's an art: new science says they're wrong 73% of the time."
6. The sibling effect
"Freud was wrong. Shakespeare was right. Why siblings really fight."
7. The science of teen rebellion
"Why, for adolescents, arguing with adults is a sign of respect, not disrespect- and arguing is constructive to the relationship, not destructive."
8.Can Self-Control be Taught?"Developers of a new kind of preschool keep losing their grant money- the students are so successful they're no long "at-risk enough" to warrant further study. What's their secret?"
9.Plays well with others "why a modern involvement of parenting has failed to produce a generation of angels."
10. Why hannah talks and alyssa doesn't "Despite scientist admonitions, parents still spend billions every year on gimmicks and videos, hoping to jump-start infants language skills. What's the right way to accomplish this goal?"

Continuum Concept

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By: Jean Leidloff
Continuum concept
"I don't know whether the world can be saved by a book, but if it could be, this might just be the book."

"Jean Liedloff, an American writer, spent two and a half years deep in the South American jungle with Stone Age Indians. The experience demolished her Western preconceptions of how we should live and led her to a radically different view of what human nature really is. She offers a new understanding of how we have lost much of our natural well-being and shows us practical ways to regain it for our children and for ourselves."

1.How My Ideas Were So Radically Changed
"Arriving at the Continuum Concept"
2. The Continuum Concept
"What a human being is evolved to expect from life/ His inheret tendencies/ How the continuum works in the individual and in the culture"
3. The Beginning of Life
"Natural birth and traumatic birth/ the expectations and tendencies of the infant/ The in-arms phase and it's consequences in the rest of ones life/ The experience of infants and babies within the continuum and without"
4. Growing Up
"What it means to be a social animal/ the innate talent for self-preservation. the growth of self-reliance, and the importance of respecting the child's responsibility for himself/ the assumption of innate society and its implications/ how a child educates himself/ the kind of assistance required of his elders"
5. Deprivation of Essential Experiences
"The blind search for the missed experience in every corner of life/ the hard drug-addicts secret, Myths of the fall of man/ The two steps away from the state of grace: Man's evolved ability to make an intellectual choice and civilized man's derailment from the continuum/ Relief from thinking, meditating, ritual and other thought erasers"
6. Society
"Cultures that suite and cultures that conflict with the continuum/ conformity, reliability, the right not to get bored/ whatever became of joy?"
7.Putting continuum principles back to work"sex and "affection": distinguishing between the two needs of physical contact/ As needs continue, so does the possibility of fulfillment/ Understanding and defining out needs from the continuum standpoint/ Obstacles in our present way of life/ The right of babies/ Approaches to reinstating the continuum in ways open to us/ Applications of these principals to research"

Einstein Never Used Flash Cards: How Our Children Really Learn

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By: Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff with Diane Eyer
"The advice in Einstein Never Used Flash Cards is basic, but still valid. It's almost certainly unfair to bring up the American Bible of child-rearing, Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care, in comparison to a rather specialized parenting book, but I'm struck by how often items like these remind parents of common sense. Of course, parental expectations and fears can be so intense that we confuse good advice and bad science, common sense and dubious marketing. Sometimes, we need a reminder."Review

"...And Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less"

1.The Plight of the Modern Parent
2.Brain Child: How Babies Are Wired to Learn
3.Playing the Numbers: How Children Learn about Quantity
4.Language: The Power of Babble
5.Literacy: Reading Between the Lines
6.Welcom to Lake Woebegon: The Quest to Define Intelligence
7.Who Am I? Developing a Sense of Self
8.Getting to Know You: How Children Develop Social Intelligence
9.Play: The Crucible of Learning
10.The New Formula for Exceptional Parenting

What the Pharmaceutical companies ....

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By:Todd M Elsner

"This book is dedicated
to the vaccine injured
children who never had a
voice, and to the parents
who never had a choice

What the Pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about Vaccines

(Read the Introduction online)

1.Death by Lethal Injection
2.Well Baby Check-Ups
3.Vaccine Preventable Diseases
4.Fetal Cell Lines
5.National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
6.State Exemptions to Vaccines
8.Additional Vaccine Articles
9.Additional Vaccine Books

What to Expect the Toddler Years

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By: Arlene Eisenberg
what to expect the toddler years
Provides common sense, piece of mind, and brilliant solutions for all your toddler troubles.