Beyond the stars lie more heroes and heroines than the imagination could ever wonder. A small band of these heroes is collected into a group sworn to protect planets and species from natural disasters and dastardly villains. On their mother ship, The Golden King, they answer to distress signals sent out by other planets and recruit any who are determined to protect the universe from certain destruction.

Leader: Yoona
Species: Jouda ( a species of nomadic telekinetics)
Species Description: The Jouda are peaceful travelers, who wander the universe to settle different planets for varying times, depending on the planet's weather and their stock of supplies. They rarely travel alone, preferring to travel in groups. They have magnificent telekinetic powers, each one different depending on the family born with it. The Jouda's home planet was said to have been destroyed over a million years ago, making them the oldest known nomadic species. The Jouda are also coveted as being highly sensitive to earth and soil containing valuable jewels. One of their traditions is that the first gem uncovered by a Jouda on their ceremonial digs, becomes the Destiny Stone, which signifies the characteristics of the planet they are destined to live upon for the rest of their life. A normal Jouda lifespan can last up to 500 years in Earth time. In order to survive on special planets, the Jouda have special lungs made to adapt to different atmospheres, including water. However, the Jouda's stomachs can't handle meat or animal products, making them strictly vegetarian. They also have a low immune system, making them vunerable to poisons and illness
Character Description: Yoona is from the Reeseif (Joudian for "Infinity") clan, one of the larger, domineering clans of the Jouda. Her Destiny Stone is a honey gold stone, giving her the inspiration for the Golden King. Her eyes match her family's namesake, as the symbolize the mathematical symbol for infinity. She is very polite and calm-mannered, who prefers to settle things diplomatically. But should diplomatic attempts fail, she isn't afraid to break out the big guns. Her telekinetic ability specializes in circular force-fields, varying from one of medium thickness to ward off most attacks, or a pair of intensely focused ones on her hands to deliver knock-out punches to enemy's. Like her species, she can also fly, sniff out rare jewels, and breathe in any atmosphere.
Appearance: (Eyes don't match but just use your imagination)
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Weapons: None


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