The children of light, and the children of darkness, fighting against each other for control of the main land. Neutral was no longer an acceptable word, upon hearing the word, the neutral was forced to join either the light or the dark. Destruction was everywhere in the main land, parts of the planet light, part of it dark. Nothing could be done to stop it, the Genesises were powerless to stop it, and went into hiding. None could defeat the light, or the darkness. An all out war began, the neutral inhabitants using there basic knowledge of the other five elements to defend themselves, yet it was not enough, for hell was breaking out. Villages were destroyed, people were killed, and evil filled the hearts of everyone involved. A deep hatred for both light and dark seemed to pass around the world, a select group of people having such a deep hatred, they did something.

With holy slayer in hand, Teran set out to help the other children of light. How innocent he was. He had lost it all, and decided to take up the light element, because of this, he was now against all the darkness in the world. Taking a step into the main land, a single step out of his town, he was already being confronted. A large monster, a C ranked demon. This was of the darkness element, and it was laughing. It saw the large white and holy weapon held limply by Teran’s hand, and ran forward. The beasts were everywhere, there was no stopping this war. Light and dark were just too different. Teran had his weapon, although he did not have any real skills. He tried to move, being stabbed in the arm by the humanoid like creature, a thick layer of blood falling off of him. He winced in pain, and readied himself to die. Sticking his hand out in front of him, a glowing force focused into the palm of his hand, launching the creature to the ground, its head blow apart by light. Teran was mystified, light was strong. If he had this much strength, darkness must be even stronger.

Another demon screamed, chasing after Teran. It seemed to be the same strength as the other, yet the exhausted warrior could not summon light again. It was to much for him. Beginning to run, Teran placed his weapon onto his side, where it slid into the sheath with ease. It was very large, yet thankfully a brown cloth covered the elegant sheath, making it easier to hide. Teran was wearing a dark green cloak, and while he ran, a miniature set of trees laid before him. There were woods nearby. Gotta get away… Teran echoed to himself, sprinting forward a few paces, quickly turning to the side and jumping into a bush. He saw the demon pass him, it was large, purple, and had thick black hair. Its eyes were blood red. Those eyes, the terrible red eyes that were just like Teran’s. It turned, its large muscles showing obvious strength, although it did not seem to bright. It had no weapons, yet the claws on its hands were sharper then steel.
The smell of decay and death was to overpowering. Looking down, a dead body laid in the bushed, someone else had been hiding here. Teran yelled, jumping out of the bushes, only to find that three of the monsters were staring at him. “No!” He yelled, beginning to run through the brush. The creatures were faster then him, as he passed through the trees, he felt he was getting faster, yet they were still right next to him. The demon to his left slashed with its large claw. Teran ducked, crouching, and stopping his acceleration. He stopped running, leaping to the left, the large grass covered him as landed into another bush. He was panting, he had never ran that fast in his life. He could hear the other demons yelling, screaming, trying to find him. He was stuck. He turned around, trying to find a way to escape. Right behind him, another beast. It tackled him out of the bush, screaming in victory.

Trapped! The child of light exclaimed. As the demon pinned him to the ground, there was no escape. Finally, a flare of power overwhelmed Teran. He felt himself gain a burst of will, and kicked with all his might. As his legs connected with the ribs of the demon holding him, he felt its ribs break. The beast screaming as blood fell from its mouth, landing on Teran’s face. It crawled off of Teran, yet it was too late. He was still surrounded. He closed his eyes, death awaiting him around the corner.

The sound of a blade unsheathing was louder then imaginable. A short blade cut the head of one of the creatures off. The rest turned, and saw a handsome man, one very muscular. He had blue hair, and a smile that seemed just to friendly. “Sup kid?”

He chimed, seemingly destroying the demon’s with ease. “I mean come on! They are just C ranked. Try a B or an A, now that is tough…” The way he spoke, the man was speaking through experience.

“Who are you?” Teran questioned, standing up, and looking around in a daze, as if he was in a dream. Staring at the man, he had some very interesting characteristics. The way he stood in the wilderness, when a creature of darkness could be anywhere, how he seemed so tame and calm. It was amazing.

“Oh. Me? Tysulir Lyjask. You can call me Ty though.” Ty echoed through the forest. Taking Teran by the hand, he began to run. “Damnit kid. You sure did bring a lot of them. They were approaching a hill, and as the green that they were both wearing seemed to be a camouflage, they still had no way of escape or hide. Or, at least that is what Teran believed.

“come on kid, you gotta jump!” Tysulir was looking down at the hill, although as Teran peered down into it, it was not a hill, but a large cliff. “Just a week ago this wasn’t here. They caused this much destruction?” He questioned, looking down. They demons were getting closer. The abyss was endless, if they jumped they would die. It was to much. It would be better to try to fight, rather then fall to there death.
“Do you want me to leave you?” Ty complained, tapping his foot on the ground. Turning to Teran, he then smiled. “Oh ya! You don’t know who I am! Alright, let me show you.” Ty pushed Teran off the cliff. Screaming, Teran was sure he was about to meet his maker. His eyes were closed, and he felt the air around his body forcing him down. “Come on! Have some fun kid!” Tysulir was laughing, falling with his smile. The smile was very nice. For some reason, his eyes were shining azure. “You afraid?”

Teran responded quickly. “Very! How we gonna get out of this! You killed me!” Teran yelled. The wind had made him almost inaudible, yet for some reason, Ty’s words were coming out clear. They were almost to the bottom of the cliff, death was almost there. Suddenly, the falling feeling was gone, and it appeared they were floating in mid air.

“Man kid… you are a pain you know that?” Wind was circling around both Teran and Ty. He was laughing, he had frightened Teran to the degree of utmost stress. “You should have seen your face!” He chuckled in-between words. Laughing so hard, tears of happiness fell to his cheeks. He was rolling on the air, as they slowly floated to the ground. “Waaaaa! Very!” Ty was insulting Teran, impersonating his voice.

Upon reaching the ground, the two of them stared at each other for a moment, before Teran finally spoke. “Teran Ferox…” He echoed through the dark place. “now where are we?” Looking around, there was not a person in sight. It was dark, shadows everywhere. How they were gonna get out of here was a mystery. This area was obviously concurred by the darkness. Turning, Teran saw Ty sitting on a rock, leaning against the side of the cliff. Both sides were covered by rock, they could only go forward or backwards. The crack in the earth had a bottom, it seemed if they went any further down they would reach the underearth. Perhaps they were already there. Ty seemed uninterested, and was drinking a bottle of mead.
“Relax kid. We are trapped. We can find a way out tommarow… Find a nice and comfy rock and lay down. Oh, you owe me… two thousand. That outta pay for me saving your life.” Ty was very casual. Yet as he spoke, Teran twitched, the amount of money jaw dropping.

“I have…57 dollars…” He whispered, ready to be killed on sight, for not having enough. Ty got up, and looked very serious. This man was not the most intimidating person, although very powerful, he did not seem like he would hurt anyone undeserving, until now.

“Well… I guess that will be enough.” Grabbing Teran’s money, he pulled out his own wallet, bulging from the amount of money it contained. Placing the money in, a teardrop fell from Teran’s face, his life savings lost to a man who would call it chump change. Sitting back down, Ty pulled his jacket off. “Ever think of joining the Rebelde? Throwing it to Teran, who had just realized how cold it truly was in this area.

“No I haven’t…but aren’t you cold?” He questioned, holding the jacket to Ty, who only flicked his wrist, and turned away, laying down on the rock, Ty began to snore. Teran closed his eyes, and covered himself with the blanket.


Waking a few hours later, Teran yawned, not seeing Ty or Holy slayer. “Damnit! You Theif!” Teran yelled, and as he stood, a piece of paper fell from the sky. It states simply. Test #1 find the man, find the blade. Teran was enraged. He began to run, and realized that his cloak was gone. Wearing a sleeveless shirt, he did not realize that it was beyond freezing cold. He shivered and as his breath fell from his mouth he looked up to see Ty flying, brandishing Holy Slayer. He began to hurl balls of ice towards Teran, who was running towards Ty. He was so high in the air, that there was no way for him to get him. Teran was confused, he thought Ty was his friend.

“Gimme my sword!” Teran yelled, and felt something inside of him again. He felt that same speed and strength again. Beginning to run, the cold was not effecting him as much as before. He was closing in on Ty, who hurled a large gust of wind to Teran, trying to slow him down. Thrusting his arm into the rock to his side, Teran held on, not being blown back.

“Ha! Kid, you don’t deserve a blade this strong…” Ty echoed, sending forward more wind to try to knock Teran back. As the wind overwhelmed Teran, he grabbed one hand, and began to climb up the side of the cliff. Ty continued to launch more air to Teran, which pushed against his back. The air stopped, and a blast of water pushed against teran, stabbing his torso against a sharp rock. The water was a constant spray, yet Teran held onto the rock. Teran’s muscles tensed, and he jumped. The water helped push him to the right, as Teran grabbed onto another rock sticking out of the side of the cliff. He looked to the ground, he was high off of the ground. If he fell, he would die. His bright red eyes were glowing. Turning, his black hair covering his eyes, his vision became blurry. His muscles tensed again, and he threw himself up higher, launching a few yards up the cliff. Grabbing onto another ajar rock, Teran saw he was close to Ty.

“Last Chance Lyjask!” Teran echoed, positioning his legs on the cliff, and jumping off the cliff. He soared over Ty, and tried to grab the blade. A blast of air sent him back to the side of the cliff, stabbing his back against a rock, yet allowing him to push his foot into the side of a rock, keeping him in the same position. Hurt was better then death.

“Wait? Last chance for me or you?” Ty questioned, pondering to himself. Teran jumped again, feeling the air around him, he was launched back to the side of the cliff. He was prepared, and turned in the air, grabbing a rock and jumping back higher. “I thought you had already tried that Kid. Don’t be stupid. Just let me have the blade and then I can leave you alone!” Ty laughed, and began to fly away. Wind circling around his body, he was not expecting any sort of recoil from Teran.

“Not a chance!” Teran screamed, jumping once again, a blast of light shot through his hands, and hitting ty in the back, holy slayer falling out of his grip. Teran fell, no rock to grab on this time. He had holy slayer within grasp, and felt a pulse of power. Light from holy slayer connected to Teran’s hand, and it connected to him, flying to Teran. Yet he was still falling to the ground once again, and as he grabbed the blade, he prayed. Once more, the feeling of falling left him, and Ty was floating next to him.
“That hurt you know… You pass Test #1 welcome to the Rebelde.” Ty let them fall slowly to the ground, where they began to walk together. “Oh, and when you were asleep I found a way out. Just follow me for a bit!” Ty began to run, his smile returning. His power was devastating, and even with a blast of light, a blast strong enough to kill a C rank demon in one shot, he seemed almost unaffected. While Teran was bleeding from his stomach and back. If it wasn’t for his will, he would not have ran with Ty, who was yelling. “Hurry up Kid!” As Teran ran next to him, he realized something. Ty was only in his early twenties, while Teran was 15, they were around the same age. They had maybe five year difference, and yet Ty had such a powerful presence, it was frightening.

“Quit your daydreaming!” Ty smacked Teran in the forehead. Pointing outward, a building was ahead of them, they were already out of the abyss. Teran was walking slowly to the building, and as he got closer, he realized it was nothing but a tavern. Ty was crying. On his knees he seemed to be the happiest person in the world. “Booze! Oh my goodness! I want some Mead, some beer, some ale, some whiskey. Oh anything really. It better be alcoholic!” Ty grabbed Teran by the waist, and carried him into the bar. Walking straight to the counter, a large man with huge muscles stood over him.

The man was very huge, very muscular, and seemed to have a lot of power. He had a large beard, and rough tan skin. He looked very intimidating, and growled to Ty. “Aren’t you kids a little young to be drinking?” He pounded his fist onto the table, and glared into Ty’s eyes, who looked unaffected.

“We don’t want any trouble!” Teran spoke. He waved his arms around in front of Ty and the large man, trying to stop the confrontation.
“Aren’t you a little fat to be drinking?” Ty got closer to the bartender, and placed his arm out in front of the man, who reached his arm and grabbed it. Everyone in the bar began to chant. It seemed that the two of them were arm wrestling. Teran was very confused. Ty was easily forcing the bartender to concede and they both stood next to each other, pounded knuckles and then laughed, giving each other a quick embrace. “Good to be home…” Ty whispered to himself.

“What are you doing home leader?” The bartender questioned, pouring a few drinks, an extremely heavy and hard drink. Teran took a single drink and coughed, spitting it onto the floor, the rest of the bar laughing, like a chorus. “This kid is a light weight isn’t he leader?” Looking to Ty, who laughed as well.

“Sure is. I guess we will teach him. This is my new prodigy. I am gonna teach him how to be a good thief. He is the only thief here that is light element. Ha! He is a child of light, but don’t worry, ol’ Ty hasn’t gone soft. This kid has some talent too. He killed a demon with a flick of the wrist. He grabbed it by the neck and thrusted it against the side of another. And just as that happened…” Ty was going off on a story, standing on the top of the bar, the rest of the Rebelde looking at him in awe. Ty was explaining Teran, and although Teran was not the strongest person in the world, in his life only killing two demons in his life, one before he got holy slayer, and one right before meeting Ty, he was very confused.

He was passed a drink by the bartender, this one was a lot lighter, and sat easily. “don’t worry, Ty is the heaviest drinker here. Oh, the story. He is helping you. As a new recruit you are gonna get in a lot of scraps, because of this, it seems that you will not be messed with. Ahh… when he made the Rebelde… he went through a lot. He had his entire home destroyed, he had learned to use wind and water to help defend his home, and when he came back, it was gone. He has had it tough…” Teran nodded in understanding, his own home destroyed recently, looking up, Ty was telling his story, still smiling and still inspirational.

“The demon attacked, it was larger then the bartender!” Pausing for effect, the bar laughed in harmony. “The A rank thing ran at me, and Teran stabbed it from behind, blood falling all over his face. He didn’t flinch. It was crazy! I mean my blades were nothing compared to that.” Tysulir jumped off of the bar, and began to walk around the bar, continuing the story. Teran was being bandaged by the bartender, while Tysulir took shots from off of random benches, and continued with his story. “We were running from an army. Thousands upon thousands. I turned and said ‘they gonna need more demons!’ we then charged forward. Teran launched a gigantic blast. You all know Defaeco? You know, the almighty prince with amazing Light abilities. That was nothing! Nothing compared to the light Teran blasted out of his palm. You would never think someone as puny and weak as him could do that! So then they got closer, and I shot a blast of energy from Speed smashers.” Ty took out his two small swords, and Teran looked around once again.

“What should I do? I want to help this world. The darkness must be defeated.” Teran asked the bartender, who smiled. Placing his hand onto Teran’s shoulder, he was beginning to cry. He did not look as intimidating as before, he seemed to be the brains in the rebelde. Turning to Ty, who was pouring drinks into his mouth, Teran decided at once. Leadership and elegance does not mean brains… or does it?

“Well… I am not a miracle worker, but if you are working with leader, you will get strong enough to do just that.” The bartender smiled, as Ty finished his story, and patted Teran on the shoulder.

“Now lets get him some rest, he has a lot of training to do before we declare him a full fledged member of our resistance.” Rubbing Teran’s head, he helped Teran stand, and then walked behind the counter, where a trap door was disguised underneath the floor boards. “The Rebelde base of this town is in here. Lets go in.” Ty led Teran inside, where a fresh room was at the far corner. “ I had planned to find a prodigy before, I guess you’re the lucky one. Here is your room. You can rest here for two days, then you are my toy. You will get stronger Teran, but only if you are dedicated.”