Custum Weapons

Name of weapon: Black Glass Fist.
Who owns the weapon: Katsuro Kinjo
Where it was found/Who made it:Katsuro was wearing these as he was brought back to life Strange huh?
The Range of the weapon: As big as the user expands.
Weakness: Takes one chunnin jutsu every post activated.
Description: This weapon is made to expand along with katsuro as he uses his Clan jutsus it is a pair of gloves that are black and feel like glass but in reality it is stronger than most metals, but feels as though the user is wearing nothing at all and doesn't slow users hand signs or motion. The use of these gloves is when activated the gloves extend over the users fore arms and can be used to defend from sharp objects used mostly to stop swords, The strength of the gloves defense is one rank lower than the user.

Name of weapon:Glare of Death
Who owns the weapon: Katsuro Kinjo
Where it was found/Who made it: obtained from after katsuro walked out of the ocean
The Range of weapon: 6 Foot sword.
Weakness: Drains chakra from user if it is not in the sheath
Desciption: This sword is mearly a small boost to the user it is heavy so not to be given to those with weak arms it must be held with both hands. the blade is a reflection of the user chakra and can cause your chakra to be visable whenever holding it the user may change the color by mearly thinking it this blade is used to make other blades more difficult to use. If it hits another blade the hilt of the sword becomes hot hitting it twice causes the hilt to burn the targets hand like if the sun had been glaring down on it for hours. Hitting it a third time causes the blade to causes minors burn to the targets hands but this can be countered by wearing gloves, Hitting it four times can now start to burn gloves that arn't specalized to take heat. Hitting the Blade 5 time causes it to make a blade very difficult to use because now it is hot enough to burn nerves in the hand and may cause permanent damage these effects olny last 10 posts from the first strike. One Gennin level jutsu is taken for ever post the user holds the blade. Hitting a foe normally will do just regular damage.


Name of weapon: Kinjos Memory
Who owns the weapon: Arata Myouji
Where it was found/Who made it: Was found in the sand village grave yard, By arata myouji after wandering in by accident.
The Range of weapon: the users muscles
Weakness: olny last a small amount of time, and causes the user to be unable to use genjutus until the head band is removed.
Description: This is a blue head band owned by a former member of the sand village after being burned at a ceremony the head band somehow ended up on a grave marker that someone had placed. The head bands abilites are to give the user a very thin arua around them that resemble the previus owner the voice of the user will also change to that of the previos user giving anyone that knew him/her a small bit of suprise. The head band will give a very small resistance to burns but the true advantage to it is the user wil lbe able to move .5 times faster without hurting the muscle like the inner gates it wil also make the users muscles .01 thicker which will give a attacks a small boost as well as defending from taijutsu, the users reflexes are also given a .5 second boost the final boost is to the staminia of the user by giving them 5 strait minutes of energy these boosts will last olny a short amount of time about 10 posts then the user may remove the head band and regain site.

Other: If fightning someone that the previuous owner knew the user will gain memories of that person and the memory of the head band may talk with the person.