Name of weapon: Gram
Who owns the weapon: Fenrir Graveheart
Where it was found/Who made it: Fenrir made it
The Range of the weapon: Blade is 1.7 meters long with the handle being about .3 meters. Long chain wraps around the arm (8 meters) and with it outstretched we reach a grand total of about 10 meters as a physical maximum range. It's power over magnetism is effective within about 100 yrds.
Weakness: The sword's handle is easier to break than the rest of the structure
Description: A giant sword made out of Fenrir's own bones, made of the highest density. Unlike a lot of other swords, there is actually a reason for its large size. Using its large width, a shinobi could use it to perform wind jutsu that require such tools, similar to a fan (though not nearly as girly), as well as a good shield to defend against most ninjutsu. Its main function, however, is its ability to use a combination of the user's lightning and wind chakra to create a type of magnetic effect on all surrounding metal objects. The weapon has the power to push or pull any metal in the area around it. This is mostly used to place enemies in a false sense of security, where attacking with metal objects will effectively be their doom. If specified, it can also use both push and pull elements at the same time on a metal object to crush it, but this will only work on one object at a time.

Rp Sample: Fenrir sighed and lifted Gram off of his back as he faced his opponent. His enemy unsheathed a katana. "You don't want to do that." Fenrir growled as he raised his heavy-looking sword in the air. The man ignored him as a bell sounded the beginning of the round, and he charged towards Fenrir with a diagonal swing towards his chest. Fenrir in turn swung down in a diagonal pattern, and it looked as if both of their swords would clash. At the last moment, however, the opponent's sword jerked away from his body and left the man completely wide open for Fenrir to proceed to slice him in half with Gram. The audience gasped in shock, but then screamed and cheered for Fenrir's victory. "Told ya." Fenrir growled as he sheathed Gram over his back again.

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Name of weapon: Hagane no Chouin (Steel of Sealing)
Who owns the weapon: Fenrir Graveheart
Where it was found/Who made it: Found in Graveheart Temple
The Range of the weapon: point-blank
Weakness: It's range. Can't cause any real physical harm to the victim.
Description: A normal looking pair of handcuffs, though decorated with etched in symbols. This pair of handcuffs, when applied to an enemy, instantly disables their ability to use neither chakra, their kekkei genkai(s), or their demon chakra. It is also made out of very hard steel, disabling the victim from simply breaking it with their raw physical strength without outside help. Each cuff is also different. One has a black colored inside and the other white. If the black side is applied to one person, while the white is applied to another, the white sided person will actually become physically tougher and stronger than before, though their speed is cut off from having to lug around the person connected to the black cuff. This also has the ability to make connected objects very hard to break. For example if the black sided cuff is applied to an enemy and then the white side is applied to a steel post, that post will instantly become much harder to break. When both sides are applied to the same person, however, the beneficial effects of the white side are cancelled out. Also when both cuffs are on the same person, the combination of the two cuff sides paralyzes and numbs the victim's body, making it near impossible for the person to move on their own. The cuffs cannot kill anybody nor can they knock them out on their own unless the victim trys to break them so much that their exhaustion causes them to faint. It is, however, a very effective weapon that can be used to subdue a person and take them prisoner.

Name of weapon: Paper-aids (pun after band-aid)
Who owns the weapon: Yukio Mousou
Where it was found/Who made it: Yukio discovered it after being being dropped in the springs of rejuvination
The Range of the weapon: Must be Applied (point blank)
Weakness: Requires water from the spring of rejuvination in grass village to make. Can only be made by Oragami no Dara users.
Description: The water from the spring of rejuvination in grass (famous for its healing properties) fuses with the chakra in the paper oragami no dara users control. These make the sheets of paper shrink a bit, from the water, and glow green with healing energy. To make the weapon, orogami no dara users must fuse their sheets of paper with their chakra, and then dip them into the spring. The healing effects within the water of the spring fuse together with user's chakra, and thus gives the paper healing powers. When applied to wounds it will quickly release its power and heal the wounds within seconds (or minutes depending on the seriousness of the wound).

When applied to the forehead, the paper-aids give different effects to the user. It can cancel out minor poisons and decrease the effect speed of major poisons. It also acts as something of an artificial soldier pill, granting heightened chakra boosts as well as increased levels of physical speed and strength. Like the solider pill, however, the user will feel exhausted once its effects wear off.

There is also a flip side to creating the paper-aids. Given too much chakra, the healing effects of the spring will work in a complete opposite manner, spreading poison to the applied wounds, destroying their normal healing rates in that area, and causing them to have an deadly infection as an added result. The only way to tell between the two different paper-aids is their level of coloring. Given the right amount of chakra, the healing paper sheets give off a light green glow. Weighted down with too much chakra, the poisonous sheets of paper glow a dark green color instead. These sheets of paper can be carried around conveniently in packs, but once they run out it's done.