Weapon: Ryoku ((Strength, its on his right)) and Chishiki ((Knowledge, its on his left))
Who owns the weapon: Kazuma Hara ((Hyuuga))
Who made it: They where given to his father when he was born and when Kazumas mother and him fled the country he gave it to her to give to him.
The Range of the weapon: The blades are two and a half feet long
Weakness: They drain your chakra quickly and usually the ability
Description: These katanas were crafted carefully and entwined with the ability to use chakra elements on them, powerful yet the drain your chakra terribly. They were crafted as a gift to Kazumas father for the birth of a strong healthy son and it is odd that these were the end of him in one way or another. After giving them his most powerful weapons to his wife to give to his son when he came of age, he was attacked by some assasin shinobi and they killed him easily. The weapons ended up making him many enemies and he was helpless with out them so when they were given to Kazuma his mother said to never rely on these swords.The swords embody strength and knowledge hence the names for them yet Kazuma thinks them more of mementos of his father than weapons and would only use them when he is backed into a corner with no visible way out with out them.

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They both look like this