Koisu Ryuu Nara's Custom Weapons

Name of weapon: Cloak of Dark Chakra
Who owns the weapon: 2 Cloaks. Koisu Ryuu Nara owns one. Other one is to be given out still by Koi.
Where it was found/Who made it: Koi stumbled upon a pair of black cloaks while wandering his mountain home. Unknown yet as to who made it.
The Range of the weapon: As far as the eye can see
Weakness: Easily set on fire
Description: The CoDC is a cloak with magical properties. It can stop the effects of the sharingan and byakugan's ability to see unique chakra for 10 posts (Each post takes a single chakra point). Tenketsu points can still be seen by the Byakugan, and Sharingan still sees muscle movements. To the user of the Sharingan and the Byakugan, the cloak's own personal chakra is seen. It is a set of purple chakra, resembling a bijuu. This cloak was designed to throw off any warring shinobi, from telling who was who on the opponents side. Of course, with only two left, the usage is very limited. Also, the cloak has the second ability, to cause a pitch black darkness over the person's face, thus hiding their identity in more ways then one. The hood of the cloak cannot be moved by wind, or by anyone other then the user.


Name: Hinotetou – Burning Fang Blade
Location: Hidden Leaf Village
Pic:User Image
Description: This weapon is a broadsword created by the Takumi Village. It channels fire chakra from the user that allowed the blade to be engulfed in fire. When swung it sends out several slicing waves of fire (similar to the Wind Scar). It is also able to absorb or redirect Chunin and below fire jutsu. However only a fire user may use this.
Weakness: Weak to Water Jutsu. If the blade is wet it must be dried before it can be used again.

^^Was an Arc Weapon^^