Hello, And welcome to the Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 guild. To start off I would like to thank you for joining my guild. My name real name is Kyle. I absolutely love CoD: MW2. I also have Left 4 dead 2 so if any of you have that too, I would be more than welcome to pop some zombies heads off with you icon_biggrin.gif. Anways...You can add me In game, My name is lilbliek14. If you want to be in My guild you have to live by 1 rule ingame. Have the Clan tag [OOK] always on. Well, just while I'm around. So, Post your ingame names here on this thread so other players may add you. I will try to set up clan matches when ever I can. I will enter us in many tournaments that I can find on the internet. So that means keep your ears tuned on this Guild for Tourney updates. Thanks guys And I will see you ingame! Bye!
