Name of Jutsu: Bikou Shunshin no Jutsu (Shadow transportation skill)
Rank of Jutsu: Chunnin
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Description: Shadow transportation skill is a skill that allows a high ranking Nara member to disappear into the shadows allowing him or her to travel at the speed of darkness to a destionation of their choosing. (As long as the shadows are connect like the shadows of trees in a forest.)


Your Rank: Sannin
Name of Jutsu: Karyuudan Rendan (Dragon Barrage) "Taijutsu"
Rank of Jutsu: Chunnin
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Description: (Requires dual Weapons: Any dual weapons would due.) Its like the Lion Barrage in that it first uses the Konoha Kage Buyou to manuever the opponent in a vulnerable aerial position. While shadowing the opponent, the user will attempt to strike them from a vulnerable angle. If the user is unable to make a clean strike, he will strike anyway as a feint, to draw his target's attention and defense to one area. With the other area exposed the user then draws his weapons and strikes the opponet through the side like a dragon's bite ripes the blades from the opponent and pulls the opponent around to a kick off their back throwing them to the ground.