Main Event!
Kartwright vs Cyrus

This match ended up not even starting as Angel came down to the ring and attacked Cyrus from behind. Soon after that Draven came out with a chair to make the save, but Angel end up hitting the low blow on Draven. Kart and Angel were stomping on Cyrus and Draven when Harli came out to make the save for Draven. Harli hit a HKO on Angel and was about to hit Kart with a kick to the gut, but Kart low blowed Harli! Then some familiar music played!

The beginning tunes of Our Truth began to rang out and before long! Lights began to flicker, but Stopped once GBL came out from the crowd and slide in the ring. Kart saw him and went for a clothesline, but GBL ducked it and hit the Roaring Elbow! Kart was hit and went through second rope!

Angel came run at GBL and he hit a Roaring Elbow! GBL stood there looking Angel who fell to the ground. GBL was then tapped on the shoulder and he spun and hit Cyrus with a Roaring elbow! Cyrus fell down near Angel. GBL looked down at Cyrus, then at Angel. Draven then touched GBL hand, but was given a roaring Elbow for his trouble. Draven landed onto Angel! GBL looked down. Harli began to clap and GBL turned. Harli the grabbed GBL arm and raised it in the air. Harli and GBL celebrated with their arms in the air. GBL then turned and gave Harli a Roaring Elbow!

GBL grabbed the Undisputed title then Rose it into the air! as the show faded to black!

Kodiak vs The Pink Advenager vs Mardy vs Claire Hawkins


Mardy was sitting on the top turnbuckle when Claire ran toward Kodiak who was stand with his back to Mardy. Claire ran at Kodiak and Kodiak sprung Claire into the air. Claire hit a dropkick to Mardy he fell off the top turnbuckle to the outside while Kodiak caught Claire in his arms. He held there for a second before throwing her up to land on his shoulders. Kodiak then walked to the middle of the ring and hit the Kodiak Driver! The ref started the count!


Your winner Kody "Kodiak" Gordert!


Justin and Draze Promo (Interrupted by Tag champs Tyson and Mr.X. )

The music Amazing by Kanye West blasts throughout the stadium. That could only mean that the one Amazing superstar is about to come out. Once the lyrics begin Justin Amaze comes running out. He stops on the stage and takes a deep breath before continuing to walk down the ramp and slide into the ring. He looks around and waits for his partner, Draze.

"Pantera's "I'll Cast a Shadow"" hit the PA as Draze came out to a huge pop from the crowd pounding his head and chest. At the top of the ramp, He then threw 8 punches, causing red pyrotechnics to blast behind him. Next he clapped his hands together causing the gold pyros to blast in front of him. He then made his way to the ramp, tagging fans hands. He then entered the ring, as he took off his hat, shades, and jacket, and grabbed a mic. Justin was also handed a mic. Justin then leans against the ropes, looking at the fans. He raises the mic to speak. "Tonight folks, we're out here to talk about a couple topics. Two big ones for my partner and me. Tonight we will discuss the new tag team, Draze and I, and the tag titles."
Justin stood up straight. He then walked over to a corner and climbed to the top turn buckle and sat down. "Its pretty obvious they wanna keep partnering me up with Draze, and even though he's not the frist guy Id choose as a partner, I think we could go a long way. With that being said, a tag team, no, a great tag team cant go without there own name. So Draze and I were discussing it back stage and from now on, we will be called, The Amazing Haze! Know it, learn it, love it, got it. We will, I promise you, become a great tag team. Despite the anger that was between us when we first met, we will now work together. I mean like, a great tag team has a name, has talent, has.. well, a great tag team has gold around their waist. And that ladies and gentlemen bring me to my next topic I will discuss here tonight." Justin jumped off the turn buckle, now with a serious face. "The tag team champs, Mr. X and Tyson Briggs, they wont be holding those titles much longer. That, I also promise you. I dont think there such a great tag team. However, we are. As a matter of fact--"

DMX's X Gon' Give It To Ya blares through the stadium and Mr. X walks out alone with a black LA Dodgers baseball cap on his head backwards with a white bandana under. He was sporting a rather new look- baggy sweat pants and black wife beater with a longer diamond studded chain that hung just below his pectorals. Mr. X had a rather grim look upon his face and you could see so much swagger in his few steps as he stopped at the top of the ramp with a mic in his hand and the WWFG Tag Team Champion belt over his shoulder.

"Cut the music mane- cut it. I gots to speak, ya heard?" The music was cut and Mr. X was given a rather mixed reaction due to his new get up. People had thought he left this life behind him. "Alright den... Uhm... Befo' I start wit' my, uhm, uh, rant 'bout dem two faggots in the rang right now. The crowd boos tremendously as Mr. X paces back and forth, a mad lean in his walk as he does so, "Mind ya business, ya heard. Mind ya own business, suckas." The crowd boo'd some quieted down wanting to actually hear the man speak, "Now, now. Ya'll in da ring right now. Ya'll truly think suckas, like you, can get, dis?" With his other hand, Mr. X holds the belt high above his head to a flutter of pictures and boos. "...Who ya'll be anyway? Never heard of tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum over thar, tryin' to get a pretty name... Amazin' Haze? Aww naw. Dat name ain't hot." The crowd gave a large 'WHAT' pop.

"Dat ain't... gangsta.." WHAT. "And lemme tell ya'll now, it ain't coo', no talent, and sure as HELL ain't no good components fo' a tag team champ, ya dig?" The crowd boo'd as Mr. X bobbed his head back and forth, "I give ya'll a nickname right now, Amazing Gay-ze. Suits ya'll faggots. You ain't know who we be. You messin' with nigguh's from the C-P-T. And that's Compton, California, get what I be sayin'?" Mr. X puts his arms up in a shrug, backing up and moving forward, like he was some sort of ADD gangsta. He was trying to tell it like it was...

Justin stopped talking as he was interrupted by none other then one of the tag team champs. Justin smiled and looked down for a second and then looked back up at Mr. X. After he was done speaking Justin raised the mic to his mouth. "Mr. X, Ill admit, your good with the mic and the insults. Despite the weird way you talk, you really know how to piss someone off. However, you didnt piss me off. No, even though you have the gold we want, interrupted me, mocked Draze and myself, no you didnt piss me off. You started war. And until we earn gold that we deserve to hold, this war will not cease." The crowd cheer'd, wanting to see a good fight between the current dominating tag team and the newly established tag team.

As Justin and Draze looked on at Mr. X as he insulted them. When Justin said he's piece about Mr. X's comments. Tyson came from behind them, through the crowd. He quickly slid into the ring, behind the new tag team, The Amazing Haze and went level Draze with a forearm. If successful, Tyson would then turn to Justin and hit him with forearm as well.
Mr. X nodded his head left and right and tilted his head to the right as he shrugged, he fixed his hat forward and then fidgeted with it and turned it backwards to it's former position and looked at the crowd. He stopped and stared at Justin for a moment. He was kind of trying to provoke, but kind of wasn't. "Aight, aight. War? You say? War? Fool, you ain't no nothin' 'bout war." The crowd booed as Mr. X gritted his teeth and began to speak again. "Just rememba. When you get one gangsta, you take on the whole hood, homie. We from Compton. Compton, California. And B, that ain't state homie, it's army. So if ya'll want war, ya'll can bring it. You fools would probably bring knifes to gun fights, no pen to a test. Bring ya crew." Mr. X says as he backs up towards the entrance, shrugging and shouting without the mic, 'You ain't nothin', mane! You ain't nothin'!'
As Tyson made his move, Mr. X dropped the mic and went for a run towards the ring to get into the action as well. He rolled into the ring trying to hit Justin with a forearm smash. Once Tyson turned to hit Justin, Justin would bend his legs a little and go to pick Tyson up in a firemans carry, hoping to hit the J5A, but Mr. X stopped Justin from doing that and Justin fell to the mat from Mr. X's hit. Mr. X stood over Justin with the tag team title belt risen over his head. His jaw was locked and flexed, the muscles from the his jaw line bulging. He looked over to the crowd who were booing as loudly as they could. Mr. X just smirked, glancing at Tyson. "You in the wrong hood, son."

After Mr. X saved him from Justin's counter, Tyson walked over the ropes were he left his title. He picked it up and head over to Mr. X standing side by side. "Dem suckas want'd a war? Then we gonna give em' a war." Tyson said, then lifting his half of the tag team titles in the air, smacking his chest. Draze then tried to get back up, after being blindsided by Tyson. Justin however did not take off his brass knuckles that he always wears to the ring. With Mr. X standing over Justin, and he noticed Draze was starting to get back up, Justin made a low blow punch with his brass knuckles to Mr. X. If Mr. X hadn't been watching Justin, he probably wouldn't have seen the guy trying to get up. Before the man on the floor in front of him could even swing, Mr. X's foot was already flying to the side of his head. Tyson noticed out the corner of his eye that Draze was starting to get up. Tyson in a desperate attempt to keep his new enemy down, went to clock him in the side of the head with his title. As Draze is hit in the head with the title, Justin is booted in the head.Mr. X and Tyson exit the ring with grins upon there faces after completely decimating the two in the ring. Tyson holds his title high as Mr. X gives a nod of approval to the crowd's booing.

Nuke Fusion and Mike Landry vs Wages and Brody

5 minutes later!


Wages stood on the apron to yet get in the match. He had been clapping trying to get the crowd behind him and Brody! Nuke and Landry kept tagging in and out working on Brody's ribs. Nuke grabbed Brody's leg and tried to drag himto his corner as Brody crawled towards Wages. Brody got to his feet then kicked Nuke away. The ref started to do a ten count!


Brody jumped and tagged Wages in. Wages hoped over the top ropes. Landry was tagged in at the same time. Wages clothesline Landry twice and then sent him off the ropes and hit a back body drop. Brody was in his corner standing hold his sides. He was looking away. Landry started to stand and attacked wages from behind as he was celebrating. Landry and Nuke then whipped him into Brody's corner. Brody accidentally tagged him. He was in his own corner then ran at Landry and Nuke and did a double clothesline. Nuke slide out of the ring. Wages followed soon after. Brody got into the ring and he walked towards the other side that Wages and Nuke were at. Landry came from behind and did a school boy while using the tights!


Your winner Mike Landry and Nuke Fusion!


GBL Hospital Bed Promo Part 3 of 3!

Angel vs Matt Draven

[ Match Ending ]

Angel used the barricade to assist him to stand as Matt Draven continued to lie down on the floor rather motionless. His breathing was loud, as he gasped for air after the dropkick has sent him sprawling to the floor. Angel staggered over to Draven like a drunken hobo and managed to get the man standing after heaving him up with his hands. Shoving him into the apron, Draven seemed to bounce back and Angel would ram his shoulder into his midsection, slamming Draven's back against ring side. A manly scream escaped the lips of Draven and before he had time to collapse to the ground, Angel had rolled him into the ring. Draven laid on his side, his hand on his back and body aching with pain, finally dragging his body towards the rope. He needed to stand in order to continue. Angel slowly followed after Draven, having been rather exhausted himself.

As Angel rolled in, Draven had managed to get to a knee with the aid of the ropes, his eyes had been locked on Angel. Would Draven seize this opportunity? His leg shook eagerly as Angel approached him. Angel got him standing and pushed him against the ropes. He then irish whipped him across the ring, expecting to Matt to come back the way he wanted- but Draven came in with a diving shoulder block! Angel was nearly thrown over the top rope, but hung onto it with his dear life, climbing back into the ring slowly. This was nearly perfect! As Angel stood up straight, Matt would go for his finisher, the Knockout! Unfortunately, Angel had dropped to the bottom rope and rolled in immediately and got to his feet and Matt was caught hung up on the top rope, balancing carefully not to hurt the family jewels. Just as he turned to step off and get back inside to approach Angel, the Self Proclaimed Savior of WWFG extended his leg, landing an Excommunication square to the side of Draven's face. Matt, fell into the ropes before falling onto the ground and his body laid out of the ring.

Tired and everything of that nature, Angel went for the pin, despite being so close to the ropes.


At two, Draven's foot seemed to slide under the bottom rope- but the ref counted on ignorantly!


"Here's your winner... Angel!"

The ref lifted up Angel's hand as he began to stand to his feet. Angel saw... but didn't care. A win was a win.

Part two...Cleansing


Gordert is quietly sitting on a long brown bench looking down at his’ Mountain Dew Slurpee as he slowly stirs the slush around with the yellow straw. In the background is soft music playing that is very depression that could make any one choke up in tears. “Son, is there something you want to get off your chest?” ask an older preacher with his grey hair shimming in the lights, “You been sitting there for the last couple hours and I am worried about you.”

“I can never be forgiven” whispers Kody as a single tear begins to run down from the corner of his right eye down his cheek slowly and drips off his chin into the Slurpee.

“I am sorry son, but you need to speak a little bit louder for me to hear you because you’re mumbling.” says the preacher.

“I don’t know what happen,” says Kody slowly raising his head to met the preacher eye to eye for the first time. Gordert’s eyes are bright red from crying for last couple hours, “I never meant for this happen, I never meant for her to go away and never come back. I want her back, but-”

He drops his head back toward his Slurpee and softly says “You cannot bring back the dead”

Preacher places his right hand onto Kody’s shoulder, “What ever you say here will stay with me and will never leave this church.”

“Then let me start from the beginning,” says Kody as he slowly losing himself in his reflection in the puddle of dew that was slowly grown over the hours of crying.

~Four Hours Ago Back At The Hotel~

“You want me to do want?” protested Brit as she places her hands onto well scalped hips, “I will never do another thing for a female because I am the only girl in your life.”

Brit has been in his life for the last year and proclaim to be his only girl he ever need….period. Brit’s hair is bright sliver that could be described as thousands of tiny piano wire woven together. Her eyes reminds Kody of his child hood of running aimless through a lush green plains and she has the cutest freckles. Not too much, but too little to be consider freckles. The only draw back with Brit is the fact that she is assassin and she can kill Gordert in matters of seconds if she truly wants him gone. “If you don’t help her then I will be extremely upset with you, Brit.” says Kody emotionless, looking directly at Brit, “I have change since the first time you were unlucky to meet me. I am not the person that will be pushed around for a female who things she is control, but in reality she is scared that she’s nothing without her sister.”

“You son of a b***h” growls Brit bring her right hand back to slap Kody across the face

“Go ahead slap me and see what will happen” says Kody finally standing against the b***h that has been a pain in his a** since he was capture by the criminal overlord, “Slap me and you will see the true side of Kodiak. There reason why they name me after one of the most furious bears known to man.”

“Here I thought they named you after the camera brand,” smiles Brit as she slaps Gordert across his face leaving a giant red hand across his face, “Once a spineless nobody, always a spineless nobody!”

Kody held his face with his right hand and slowly turns his head back toward Brit, “You going wish you never did that.”

Without waiting for Brit’s witty come back Gordert slams his shoulder into Brit’s stomach lifting her up and backwards through the glass window toward the balcony. Kody trips over a small plant holder and sends Brit off his shoulder toward the edge of the balcony. Brit held on for dear life on the edge of fourth story balcony. “Kody, please help!” asks Brit franticly kicking her feet wildly trying to get a grip on anything.

Kody places his hands onto Brit’s hands

“Thank you-” says Brit as she sees Gordert begin to pull her up

“I am going kill off my past to create my new future with my new life. I do not need anyone to make me happy, NOBODY!” says Kody as he pushes Brit’s hands away from the edge sending her toward her death to the pavement below.

Kody watches as Brit’s body fall four stories and slams onto the roof of a police cruiser starting the alarms off. The cops were few feet from the cruiser as Brit’s lifeless body come to rest on their vehicle. “Good bye…b***hsays Gordert as he turns back into the room to make his escape before the cops coming looking for him.

~Back at the church~

The preacher is sitting next Gordert with his right hand over his mouth from pure shock after listening to his story. “How could you do that to Brit?” ask the preacher.

“Because I am Kody ******** Gordert,” says Kody as crushes the Slurpee cup in his hand sending the slush toward the floor, “Reason why I came here was the fact that you know Brit and I. Because we came here to get engage couple months ago and I don’t need anything reminding me of her….anything.”

As Gordert finishes the last couple words, he slowly turns his head toward the preacher. “Nothing personal,” as Gordert finishes he quickly brings up a handgun with silencer and shots the preacher in square between the eyes, “Good bye father, I hope you find the person that has turn his back on me so long ago.”

Gordert slowly stands up turning down the alley way between the blenchers as he leaves the church

As the screen goes black:

“You may believe you have seen my true side, but you haven’t seen the twisted side of Kody…..Thanks Rivers Family for ******** me over once again.”


Jack Jones with Bad vs Lenny Scootermeyer with Black Wolf(Then a Jack Jones Promo with Bad!)

10 seconds

Jack Jones moved out of the way and turned towards the ropes. Because Scootmeyer missed the move he ended up hit the top rope at the right angle and flipped back; however Jack Jones was right there and caught him. Jack Jones then turned and hit a running power slam. The ref then went for the count as Jones was pinning Lenny!


Your winner Jack Jones!

23 seconds!

Non Title!
Harli vs (GBL)Christopher Cross


The whole match Cross had been trying to lift Harli, the big man, but was not able. Harli elbowed Cross. Cross backed away then was hit in the gut by Harli's kick to the gut. Harli went to a knee going for a European upper cutter, but Cross backed up letting Harli show his back be exposed. Cross grabbed around Harli's waist and german suplexed Harli! crowd stood up in excitement! The ref started a ten count!


Harli and Cross began to stand up together and they both stood up at the same time when Harli kicked Cross in the gut again. Harli was then about to go for the HKO, but Cross spun out it and during which Harli spun around. Once Harli made a full turn he was hit with an Enziguri. Harli fell like a tree as Cross went fell down to go for the pin!


Harli kicked out as Cross looked at the ref wondering what he would have to do to win. Harli started to stand up with Cross. Cross went for a clothesline when Harli ducked under it and lift Cross onto his shoulders and hit the T.O.A.H! Cross land on his left shoulder and Harli went for the cover!


Your winner Harli!

After the match was over Harli helped cross up and they shook hands then raised each others hand as the crowd cheered.


"So...I hear something big is coming up..." [[PROMO.]]

The arena returns from a commercial break near the middle of the show. Then “Re-Education” blares onto the P.A. as the arena goes silent. Then green smoke shoots forwards from the bottom of the titantron, and from the bottom of the floor. Then a man, with multiple tattoos on his body, sprints out, with his arms extended outwards.

User Image
Ring Announcer: "And making his way to the ring, from Los Angeles, California, weighing-in at two hundred and fifty-one pounds, the one, the only, LEVI...MAXIMOV!"

Levi stands in awe of the fans in attendance, as they begin with their cheering. Then he begins his way down the ramp. He heads to the right of the cameras, slapping a few of the fans hands. Then he makes his way back to the center of the ramp, taking about seven steps back and lowering his arms. Then, during the pause in his theme music, he shoots his arms up high, with each arm spread-out about three feet from the other as the music begins to play again in a sudden shock. Then he closes the gap between him and the ring, grabbing onto the ropes and climbing onto the apron. Then he raises his left arm over his eyes, taking a long watch out to the fans, while his right arm is holding onto the top rope. Then he climbs through the middle of the ropes into the ring and climbs up the nearest turnbuckle, holding both of his arms up high, once again with each arm spread-out about three feet from the other. Then he climbs down and walks backwards until he reaches the opposite turnbuckle. Then he leans back, running his hands back through his shortly-cut, brown hair, awaiting the arrival of a microphone , which is generously handed to him by the ring announcer. Then he lifts the microphone to his lips.

Levi- "Well...well...well. Is this one hell of an ovation or what?!?"

Levi begins to get the fans excited, as the begin to go one with their cheers... before gradually lowering their volume a few moments later.

Levi- "So, this is WWFG? Not bad... not bad at all. I have a feeling I'm going to get used to this place. I've been asked to come here... by a pretty high-ranking official here in WWFG... who's identity is currently being withheld for the moment. I am not going to be making my debut until things are sorted-out with my contract... legal terms...blah... blah... blah! You know...I just... happened... to be flipping through the calendar backstage when I stumbled upon something VERY... VERY... interesting that is scheduled for just a couple of weeks. It is none other than... the ROYAL RUMBLE... OF 2010! To kick the year off with a bang... I'm going to surely attend the Rumble... although it is currently uncertain if I will compete in it or not. There is one superstar who I would like to get into the mind of. He is very intriguing to me as an individual. He seems very complex... and strangely... unique... with his own... bizarre.... little twist. As of right now... I am calling-out... none other than... CHRISTOPHER CROSS!"

The crowd begins to pop in excitement, hoping that Christopher Cross would live-up to this call-out, not knowing if it is a bad thing... or a good thing.

Time Promo! - Time Is Almost Up!


The Pink Avenger was backstage getting ready for his Fatal Four way with Kodiak, Mardy, and Claire. While the mysterious person who's been labeled "The Time Guy" came into the backstage area. Seeing TPA there reminded him of what he said a few weeks ago about him taking out heroes. This was of course a perfect opportunity to make due on his word.

The Pink Avenger kept walking around as "The Time Guy" just stood in this spot staring at TPA. TPA walked towards this Time Guy! TPA looked up at as he just stood in this spot. TPA looked up at him. TPA began to walk backwards noticing his eyes were starting to open. "The Time Guy" smirked under his hood. "You know what I do.. You know my reputation don't you...I can see it in your eyes. Your life is flashing before them. As it should...As I'm going to end your days hero.. As I told Brian, as I tell you..." he said as he took a step towards TPA. TPA upper body kept moving away from this Time Guy, but his legs weren't moving. And then it happened, 'Time Guy' made is move as he attempted a swift knee into the gut of TPA. TPA doubled over in pain from the knee.

'Time Guy' moved to the side of TPA and backed away a few feet as he then went for his famously dubbed 'Paradox Kick' to the back of TPA's head. TPA was hit with the 'Paradox Kick' or as the announcers called it the Time Paradox! The move it self was a paradox of sorts. TPA fell into a table and flipped it over. The table had a chair in front of it. 'The Time Guy' got up from the kick, and smirked as he saw the chair. He grabbed it and attempted to place the legs of the folded chair underneath TPA's neck, and if that was successful he'd attempt to lift TPA's head up and then smash it down with the chair going into the table!

TPA was easily picked up as 'The Destroyer of your Heroes!" slammed TPA head on the table. 'The Time Guy' smirked as he looked at the destruction he just did. He got close to TPA and showed the unconscious TPA exactly who was under the hood without the camera noticing who it was. He then covered himself back up, before he took the stepped onto a chair and attempt to put TPA through the table with an elbow drop from the chair. Which we're sure this said move was going to be called the Paradox Elbow! TPA was put on the table by Time Guy! TPA was choking as the chair was around his throat.

The effects of the head smash on the table from before was now kicking in. TPA eyes open as he struggled. For some reason he couldn't move his body. He looked at The Time Guys face and said. "I thought the off-" TPA was hit with the Paradox Elbow! Te table broke on impact. 'The Time Guy' got up after the elbow drop put TPA through the table and looked down at the fallen TPA. "You thought wrong.." he said with an evil laughed as the camera faded out!


Christina Parks vs Tyson Briggs with Mr.X.


Christina Parks clotheslines Tyson over the top rope with her own body. When they both hit the ground Mr.X. ran around the ring and began to attack Christina parks. Resulting in the dq!

Winner Christina Parks.

After Mr.X. stopped stomping on her. He sent her in the ring by herself. Once Tyson stood up they both slide into the ring at the same time, but only difference was that Mr.X. had a steel chair! Mr.X. stood up and hit Christina with the chair. Tyson went to pick Parks up after Mr.X. was done with the assault. Mr.X. threw the chair down in front of Christina Parks. Tyson picked Parks up and hit the East Side Destroyer onto the chair! After Parks hit the chair Tyson and Mr.X. stood watching on till the next commercial.

After the break video showed that Christina Parks was helped to the back.


Show Opening!

In fields where nothing grew but weeds,
I found a flower at my feet,
bending there in my direction.

The crowd looked confused as who this could be. There were many people it could be as there have been many new people in this company.

I wrapped a hand around its stem
and pulled until the roots gave in,
finding there what I've been missing.
And I know....

The crowd just sat in there sits waiting to see who this person was. Maybe it could be someone returning? Maybe not.

So I tell myself, I tell myself, it's wrong.
There's a point we pass from which we can't return.
I felt the cold rain of the coming storm...

A man about 6'3 wearing a suit walked out the crowd gave a pop that a mid card would get. This man stood in the middle of the ramp while looking at everyone. Just waiting for a good moment to talk.

This man had a microphone head set on, so if he would breathe hard it could be heard by the crowd.

"How's life going World Wrestling Federation Guild!!"

The crowd cheered for the cheap pop by this man.

"I always loved that name because I feel here in WWFG the people after just a company, but a guild a place where people join and are able to defend their spots. Which bring me the reason I am out here! The Royal Rumble is coming up in a few weeks. I'm beating you regulars are wondering why we have yet to announce a #30 spot! Well tonight I will be awarding to a guy that has beat a former world champion three times!"

The crowd cheered, but still had a mixed reaction about this choice.

"You all are wondering how I can do this, right?"

Doug looked around with his funny smile.

"Because WWFG Board of Directors have decide that I would have to replace Rhamm as the owner of this great company. So Please let me make another choice here in WWFG! But before I do let me explain why this Royal Rumble is different from all others. This year the Royal Rumble will start with FOUR people instead of the usaul two!"

The crowd wasn't sure what to think yet again seeing this is going away from tradition!

"In which I am going to announce the four people starting off the Royal Rumble after I also tell you that the time will be shorten. Instead of the sixty second we all have to wait..It will now be 40 seconds!!"

Again the crowd is not sure what to think! They have always been known for sixty seconds between each wrestler!

"Now for the winner of this match will then be signed for a title shot in the future at WrestleMaina 2010 at Madison Square Garden! "

The crowd this time popped for hearing Wrestlemaina name!

"Now is the time I announce the number thirty spot in the Royal Rumble! So can-"

Don't you wanna go for a ride
Down to the other side
Feels so good you could cry
Now won't you do what I told you!?

Interrupting the bossman was the loudest man on the planet, Mike Landry once again. He came out from behind the curtain dressed in yet another slick italian suit as well as a microphone. He stood atop the stage and lowered his sunglasses, an obnoxious smirk etched across his face. He raised the microphone up and paused for a moment, waiting for the audience to silence their booing if only for a moment before speaking.

"Say no more bossman say no more, I know who number thirty is going to be and you don't have to worry yourself with those messy details. I mean I know it must be hard for a...talentless...uncharismatic...unpopular and all in all unsuccessful man like yourself to make announcements of this magnitude. So i've decided that in another act of my undieing generosity to this...sideshow of a company that I would do it for you! How nice am I?"

Landry raised his hands as boos rained down upon him from the rafters.

"So, without further adieu, Ladies and Gentlemen children of all ages, it is my great pleasure to announce to you tonight that the number 30 spot in the Royal Rumble, the winner of which will recieve a title shot at Wrestlemania 2010 in the most famous venue on the face of this earth Madison Square Garden, is the one, the only, the most innovative, charismatic, generous and humble man ever to step foot into the squared circle! He is the 3rd Generation Phenom from the most Legendary Family in sports entertainment, The Golden Graham Wrestling Family! He is The Heartbreaaaaaaaakeeeeeeeeeeer! Mike Landry!"

"Is that all Micheal Landry? "

Doug paused for a second before speaking again.

"Because I had planned on naming the number thirty spot right now!! But I will now announce the number one spot in the Rumble!"

The crowd cheered as they knew where this was going.

"That is right. Micheal Landry is the number one entry into the 2010 Royal Rumble! Give this man some props people!"

The crowd booed. As Doug gave Landry some applause at his own amusement!

"Now again please let me announce the Number thirty spot in the 2010 Royal-"

"Hold on! Hold it right there! Don't think for a second you can blow me off like that! You're naming me number 1? -Me-? Do you know who I am? Are you deaf? I am your number one draw. I am your number one superstar. I am your number one everything and you are going to throw me to the lions and make me number one in the Royal Rumble?! Well let me tell you something bossman, you know who else won the Royal Rumble at number one? The first person to win at number one? "The Heartbreak Kid," Shawn Michaels!"

Landry let the audience pop for the obvious fan favorite.

"Yeah yeah cheer his name you yuppies, because let me ask you this: When was the last time Shawn Michaels did anything worth talking about? That's right, longer than you can remember that's for DAMN sure! And so, as a space is opened, I will come in to fill the void. I am The Heartbreaker, and I've done everything "The Heartbreaker Kid," Shawn Michaels has ever done, and i've done it better. So come The Rumble, hell yeah i'll be your number one. And then, i'll be number one contender to the WWFG Championship at Wrestlemania 2010 at Madison Square Garden, and then, i'll be the number one man in ALL of sports entertainment. So says The Heartbreaker, So Shall It Be."

And with that Landry turned his back on his own boss and left back through the curtain.

"Well every lets give Micheal Landry around applauses!"

The crowd booed this rookie in WWFG!

"Lets move on to the Pay Per View event. Tonight I announce that at the Royal Rumble we will have a 6 man battle Royal for the Undisputed title!"

The crowd cheered as Doug said this.

"So let me announce the following people in this match.It will be The current undisputed champion, Harli!

The crowd cheered"

vs Cyrus!"

The crowd chered for the former undisputed champion!

"vs Angel!"

The crowd booed!

" Vs new comer Matt Draven"

The crowd gave a mixed reaction!

"vs Kartwright"

The crowd gave loudest boos!

" Vs the returning and rightful number one contender GBL.They in fact will be in fact having three single match will everyone. Tonight it will have Harli vs GBL..However GBL is still in the hospital so we will have the debuting Christopher Cross take his place!"

The crowd cheered!

"Next it will be Angel vs Matt Draven! "

The crowd booed till Dravens name was called!

"Final in the main event. The man that screwed Cyrus of his belt. It will be Kartwright vs Cyrus!!!"

The crowd was so excited from this.

"Are you all read to here who number thirty in the 2010 Royal Rumble is?"

Do ya want it...
Do ya need it...
Let me hear it...

~Just as Doug was about to announce the number thirty spot for a second time, he was yet again interrupted...this time by a man, who has a lot of heat surrounding him as a result of his recent actions in WWFG. As his entrance theme rings out throughout the arena, Angel makes his way from the back with a microphone in his hand. As he makes his way down the ramp he raises the mic up to his mouth and begins to speak~

"Finally, WWFG management has realized that in order to sell tickets they need to put the big dogs in the top slots. It's about damn time I started getting the respect I deserve."

~The crowd began to boo Angel heavily....he was assuming a little to much by thinking that he was the number 30 spot, did he not just see what it got Landry?~

"Because being third generation like that idiot that was just out here, or wearing a plastic crown and calling yourself a king doesn't sell, parading around being called a flower, calling yourself time, or Matter doesn't leave the people wanting more. The fact that I have been repeatedly overlooked until now, is only appropriate, because 2010 is a year of change in the WWFG. It starts at the Royal Rumble, which I could not help but hear you drop the himt that the number thirty spot holds victories over 3 former Undisputed Champions..."

~Angel by this time has made it to the ring apron and pauses just long enough to climb into the ring~

"Last I checked, I hold victories in WWFG over Randy Orton, a former WWFG Undisputed Champion, Edge, a former WWFG Undisputed Champion, and Shawn Michaels, a former WWFG Undisputed Champion. Granted these are not recent victories, but since when has that ever mattered?"

~The crowd is stunned silent, could Angel really be the Number 30 Spot? This would be horrible for the fans of WWFG to have Angel in a spot of potentially be WWFG Undisputed Champion....if he were to win the Roayl Rumble that is~

"Truth be told, I don't know if your going to announce me as number 30, number 17, number 22, hell it doesn't matter because all that matters in that match is in-ring experience. And if you look at the roster for WWFG, there isn't a man here, that can hold a candle to me on my worst day~

~The crowd throws more boos and jeers Angels way, this guy has gotton really full of himself these days...and the fans feel he needed to be knocked down a few pegs.~

"So come the Royal Rumble, expect to see Your Saviour's hand raised after the smoke clears...and come Wrestlemania...expect me to do what last years Royal Rumble winner didn't do, and that is become your WWFG Undisputed Champion."

"I do remember Christina Parks won the royal rumble last year. Then went to wrestlemaina to win the title."

The crowd cheered.

"Anyways I knew I forgot to say something. At the royal rumble that six man match is an over the top rope battle royal, but the last two people will have a regular match for the title!"

The crowd cheered.

"However I'm sure I have someone in the back that can help you out Angel!"

I don't love how you love
but please don't leave me here alone
I don't feel how you feel
Well it's my fault I'm bones

I don't die how you die
I can't just waste away
You keep changing your life

The lgihts went down and the lasers began flashing as Remedy by COLD began to playthroughtout the arena. Out walked Draven and the crowd gave a decent pop. He stood at the top of the ramp for a second and shhok his head before walking down the ramp. Instead of going straight into the ring, Matt took a right and walked around the ring and over to the broadcast tables. He plucked a mic off the table and looked back into the ring, shaking his head once more. He climbed into the ring and stood across from Angle.

"Really? Nobody on the roster can hold a 'candle to you on your worst day' huh?" Matt said as he locked gazes with the pompus man."Then tell me why you lost your match the other week? Seeing as nobody here can compete with you. Tell us how two 'nobodies' beat you AND the champion!" he said waiting a few seconds for Angel's response. Insteaddecided to go on!

"Oh wait, that's right! Eve YOU can't battle two "nobodies'! he cocluded as he poked holes in Angel's ego just a little bit. It was true though. Angel could talk all the smack he wanted, but the truth was he had been veaten. Hands down.

"And now you come strutting out here like your hot s**t. What do you do?" he said with a pause as he pretty much got into Angel's face. "You come out here and start spouting your egotistical bullshit."

~Angel looks at Draven and smirks~

"Are you done, because even I'm embarrassed for you right now...and that's saying something. Perhaps you are too simple minded to remember last weeks match was basically a three on one handicap match, with my own partner turning on me, in addition to lounging around at ringside like he was some kind of movie star."

~Angel then took a step away from Draven before continuing to speak~

"I mean honestly...the way you just came out here, and stood up to me that was real nice, you fit the role of cookie cutter superstar of the year real nice. What with your mysterious actions, but no real talent. A year or two from now, noone will even remember who you are. Meanwhile, I will still be here, doing what I do best....winning. I'm glad that you think that your win last week in that tag match was something special, but we will see how big you talk, or if you even can talk, a little later on when we lock up one on one~

~Angel then turned back to face Draven~

"Truth be told, I don't even really want to win the match between us tonight, because I would much rather just cripple you to the point where if you make it to the Royal Rumble, you'll be in no shape to even be a threat in that battle royal. add GBL's recent injury making him an almost zero threat to me, and I'd have a one in 4 chance of being the next WWFG Undisputed Champion. So I'd watch the way you talk to me, little man...if you want to walk out of this arena tonight."

~Angel then looked over at Doug~

"What the hell does this yuppie have to do with you announcing me as the Number 30 spot in the Royal Rumble?? Or are you just trying to push him into the limelight by having him share the ring with me for a few moments?"

"The thing is..You are not number 30!"

The crowd cheered at this decision!

~The color drains from Angels face, much to the delight of every ticket holder in the arena, and an enraged Angel gets right up in Doug's face~

"What the hell do you mean?!? You had better think carefully about who you are dealing with, because I will kick your head straight off your shoulders. What slot could you possibly put me in other then number 30, I mean use your brain, do you want these fans to be denied the chance to see your biggest superstar main event Wrestlemania? Do you want these fans to have to sit through another corporate drone, or have someone like...."

~Angel looks over at Draven~

"...this reject hold the chance to get the WWFG Undisputed Championship. Thats just bad for business. So I'm gonna lay this out for you real nice and simple. All you have to do is tell me what I need to hear. When will I, "The Saviour of WWFG", be entering the 2010 Royal Rumble?"

~Angel then pauses and awaits an answer~

Nor really knowing what else to do besides just standing there like a stick in the mud. Matt attempted to shove Angel outta Dug's face! For two simple reasons. One, he didn'tlie Angel looking down on him and the rest of the roster. And two, give Doug a chance to speak his peice!

~Angel was shoved about three feet away from Draven, and without a second thought attempted to retaliate by attempting to Excommunicate his aggresor and send him to the mat~

After receiving it once already, did Angel really think Matt wouldn't of gone and watched the tapes of his matches? Matt knew what he was doing the moment he stepped out from backstage and onto the stage. So the superkick came, and it looked more like and instinctual action, Matt brought his arms up and steeped to the side. Thus getting out of the way and letting his arms get grazed by the dangerous maneuver!

Security ran from the back trying to get these two people away from each other. They interrupted before Draven could hit his finisher, or give a chance to. Doug just watched on wait for them to clean up the mess as Doug stood on the ramp.

~Angel was intercepted by security, and drug to the outside. He struggled to get free from their grasp but was easily being drug to the back. One could say that Angel struggling was simply to put on a show, and that he had no real intention of breaking free in the first place. Angel's focus was on the match that he and Matt Draven would be having a little later on tonight, and the pain that he was going to put this man through.~