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Sundara Rajakumari

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:35 pm
Super Mess

Based off of Teen Titans and Justice League  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:38 pm
Accepted Profiles:


"It's not like it's the end of the world."
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~~~~~~~~~~My life changed so Suddenly~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Kondaic'r "Star Princess"
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Powers: Can make balls of pink energy, cane fly, can learn a language by physical contact, has super strength, and can breath in space. (Same as her mother)
Parent: Koriand'r "Starfire"

~~~~~~~~~~I thought it was a Dream~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: At first, Koni comes of rude and a bit mysterious. She can have an attitude, and is a great leader. Koni hates showing weakness, and repulses tears. She is very stubborn and very protective of friends. She does not like being underestimated.After getting to know her, she can be bubbly and outgoing. At times, she can seem dumb for how she talks. She doesn't really understand the english language. But, she always make the best of everything.
Biography: Kondaic'r, prefers to be called Koni, is a Tamaranean like Starfire. Well, half Tamaranean. Her father was a human. She does not know who he was, for he died before she was born. Koriand'r, her mother, never liked to talk about it, so she never brought it up.

When Koni's mother was kidnapped and she rechevied the note, she left Tamaran and went straight to Earth. Her mother had told her storys about Titan Tower, so she went there. When she got there, she called around to all of the other families of the Titans. She told them about the note, and they said they all got the same one. Now, everyone who's parents were kidnapped are coming to Titan Tower.

Koni misses her mother very much, and doesn't know what to do. When she got to earth, she found a motercycle. It is hers now, even though she doesn't have a licence, she drives fine. Koni's english is not the great.

~~~~~~~~~~I have to believe in Myself~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ The Moon
~ Flying
~ Hotdogs
~ Peace

~~~~~~~~~~Life's are depending on It~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ Villans
~ This "X" person who took her mother
~ Showing Weakness
~ Being Underestimated


"Do you need a reason to help someone?"
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~~~~~~~~~~My life changed so Suddenly~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Garrett Shadowheart
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Powers: Spell Casting, Empathy, Shadow Manipulation, Psionic Ablities, The ability to make a soul self which can be used to fight, heal, and project into others, Able to reflect non physical attacks but drains him the bigger the attack.
Parent: Raven

~~~~~~~~~~I thought it was a Dream~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: Garrett is loyal and protective of his friends to the point that he would gladly lay his life on the line to protect his friends. He can be a bit arrogant and over confident which tends to get him in over his head. He hates people he thinks is overly stupid and will gladly tell people off.
Biography: Garrett was raised primarally by his mother in her former home of Azerath his father was the king of Azerath but his father came from earth but Garrett never learned his fathers earth name. His mother taught him the advantages of his powers as well as their weaknesses. His father had taken the time afterwards to train him in combat and taught him the advantages of being able to make quick second decisions. He was eventually sent into his mind to train further with higher stakes. In there he faced horrible foes but learned how to better controll his powers. He has only recently emerged to find his mother has gone missing. He now seeks to save his mother but he knows he can't do it alone. He hopes that he isn't too late to save her.

~~~~~~~~~~I have to believe in Myself~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ Friends
~ Stars
~ Animals
~ Sweets

~~~~~~~~~~Life's are depending on It~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ The cold
~ Potatoes
~ Mention of Trigon
~ Enemies

Chris Shadowheart

"Pick me! Pretty please with a cherry on top!"
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~~~~~~~~~~My life changed so Suddenly~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Marly "Morph"
Age: 15
Gender: female
Powers: Can morph into any animal, but every morph of hers is all pink, like her hair and eyes. She can not morph while in pain.
Parent: Beast boy

~~~~~~~~~~I thought it was a Dream~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: Bubbly, tends to be immatire and childish from time to times. Adores making jokes and puns, even if most of them are bad.
Biography: Marly grew up away from her father and until she was thirteen, she was completly unaware of who he was, her mother had abbandoned her when she was only a few days old. Growing up for her in an orphange was hard, she was constantly teased for her strange pink hair and eye color, being the primary joke of her fellow orphans. As a child, she was known for hiding her abnormal traits under hats and sunglasses, once as a joke, one of the other boys thought that it would be funny to lock her into a shed for the night. That night, all alone, all that she had wated to do was get up. The first thing that she saw were the little birs easily flying in the sky, and the next moment, she was one of them and standing on the fence that surrounded the orphanage, back to her human form.

Then other children saw her and were afraid of her, chasing her out and calling her a freak. Marly left that night and never looked back, taking animal forms to survive, her favorites being a bunny, kitty, and a little pink bird, her first transformation. After some heavy research she learned of the teen titans and of beast Boy, one days she wants to meet him, wondering if he really cares about her.

~~~~~~~~~~I have to believe in Myself~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ meeting her father one day
~ hair ribbons (her favorite being the purple one that she is never without)
~ animals
~ sweet foods

~~~~~~~~~~Life's are depending on It~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ meat (she has transformed into most animlas and considers it cannibalism)
~ being called a freak
~ wghen people do not laugh at her jokes (she tends to cry at this)
~ people who are mean to animals

The sweet far thing

"Villans are just bullies in colorful tights"
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~~~~~~~~~~My life changed so Suddenly~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Calli Tomsan
Age: 14
Gender: female
Powers: None actually, besides, extreme agility, accuracy, and speed.
Parent: Robin

~~~~~~~~~~I thought it was a Dream~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: Calli can come off a bit timid, but don't think she'll stay like that. She tends to be a born leader, as her father, but has a big temper. She is extremely loyal to her friends, but a bit mysterious. She is courageous and brave, when she needs t be, but can be emtional.
Biography: Calli grew up, often left alone in the house a lot. Her father was busy, I guess that's what you get from a super hero parent. She didn't know what happened to her mom, but she heard she had been killed, on an attempt, by some villan, at her father's life. Calli, was taught the ways on her father, in agility and speed. She took gymnastics, cross country, and archery in school, and excelled at them. Unlike a bunch of the other Titan's kids, she grew up on earth, pretty normal.

Then, when she heard her father was kidnapped, along with a lot of the other hero's, she was quick to see if it was true. She set off, from her little home in the country side of New Jersy, to Titan tower, a place her father had told her about. When she got there, it was pretty much empty. She searched all the rooms for her father, but she never found him. From the on, she was set on finding her father.

~~~~~~~~~~I have to believe in Myself~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ Being with her father
~ Running
~ Gymnastics
~ Archery

~~~~~~~~~~Life's are depending on It~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ This "X" person
~ Bullies
~ Snow
~ Idiots


"There is only Good and Evil, nothing in between."
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~~~~~~~~~~My life changed so Suddenly~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Verra Dominique
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Supper speed and if she jump in the air at full speed she can fly
Parent: Flash

~~~~~~~~~~I thought it was a Dream~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: She is kind and caring toward her friends and is not afraid to hurt someone if they get her angry. She has a temper and can be cold if she wants to.
Biography: Verra was born in Russia and lived there for 10 years. She came to the United States 5 years ago and no you can barely hear her Russian accent. Her mother was a gymnist and competed in lots of competions. She had an artist talent, though. That's where Verra got her talent as well. A lot of the free time she has is devoted to drawing, writing, or singing. On the day her father went missing they were suppost to do something together, but her never showed up to get and she got worried. Eventully the note came and she was jetted off to meet the other super's kids, all within a couple days. Now she searchs for her father, and she will not give up.

~~~~~~~~~~I have to believe in Myself~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~Being outside

~~~~~~~~~~Life's are depending on It~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ Being stuck inside
~ Not knowing where her father is
~ People that tick her off
~ People who hurt her friends


"Let your warm hands break right through!"
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~~~~~~~~~~My life changed so Suddenly~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: My human name if Ben Clark but my Kryptonian name is Jor' El the second just like my grandfather.
Age: 19
Gender: Male and that all I'm going to say.
Powers: Though I'm not as indestructible as my father I have increased regenerative ability. Other than that I can fly, Super strength and speed, X-Ray Vision and Heat Vision, and well flight.
Parent: My parents are Superman AKA Kent Clark and my mother is Lois Lane.

~~~~~~~~~~I thought it was a Dream~~~~~~~~~~~

Well let's take a look. Ben, unlike his father, is not the boy scout like him. He is much more sentimental and care free even for his heroic lineage. But when it comes to doing his job Ben will rise to the challenge and at times become like his father and grandfather.
Born of both Human and Kryptonian descent Ben has lived the life of a normal child. For most of his own life he lived down on the old Kent's farm which was owned by his human grandparents with his birth mother Lois Lane. But while he was an infant his father Kal' El AKa Clark Kent AKA Superman was fighting along side with the Justice League. Though at times his father was never home he knew little bit about his superhero business.

Eventually like his father he took up a job like his father as an intern working at the Daily Bugle. Then it was the day when he had turned 16 where he had first reacted to a piece of his father's old ship on which he came her from Krypton which had activated his powers. With his newfound ability he eventually started to fight a bit of crime fighting. It was then I learned about my father's alter ego, Superman. The day I did he suddenly vanished.

~~~~~~~~~~I have to believe in Myself~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ My Father and Mother
~ Fighting Crime
~ Music
~ Girls

~~~~~~~~~~Life's are depending on It~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ This "X"
~ Crime and Villainy
~ The farm
~ Being restricted form using my powers.


"Don't underestimate me."
User Image

~~~~~~~~~~My life changed so Suddenly~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Alexander Wayne
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Powers: I have no powers but I do use the gear that my father used along with my increased intellect, mastery in unarmed combat, and my quick reaction time.
Parent: My adopted father is Bruce Wayne

~~~~~~~~~~I thought it was a Dream~~~~~~~~~~~

At times Alexander is known to come off as cold and anti-social just like his father. That's mainly because he barely ever meets him. But once you chip at those layers you will find a dependable, kind, caring, and gentle person under those layers.
Alexander's life has been a living roller coaster. He was left at an orphanage at infancy which started his crazy ride. Eventually he left the orphanage and found himself on the streets. One night he was held up by thugs who were about to kill him. It was then that the Dark Knight came in and saved him. About an hour later he found himself in the Wayne Manor along side Bruce Wayne the prestigious owner and Alfred Pennyworth. Ben told his story and in an act of kindness Bruce adopted him. Though unknown to him he knew nothing about his Dark Knight father.

This grew into his personnel life as he was more or less taken care of by Alfred making him more of a father. This grew into the Ben known by most people today. But over those years he was unknowingly trained to be the inheritor of the Wayne Fortune and in further detail, the cape. It was then that by accident that Ben found the Batcave but from there his father had vanished. It was then he had sworn to find X and make him pay.

~~~~~~~~~~I have to believe in Myself~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ Books
~ Training dummies
~ Alfred
~ Invention of new gadgets

~~~~~~~~~~Life's are depending on It~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ Crime
~ Celebrity appearances
~ The Joker
~ X


"My reality is mine alone."
User Image

~~~~~~~~~~My life changed so Suddenly~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Warren "Moon Shadow" Gray
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Powers: Like his father, he was a master of abilities such as stealth, acrobat, disguise, marksmanship and disguise. With the finest education of his father's ward, Warren became very skilled at escaping, tracking, and weapon mastery. Like his mother, he has the power of Telekinesis, using the power to manipulate many kinds of items to float in midair with Warren's mind.
Parent: Richard "Nightwing" Grayson and Cheyenne "The Female Nightwing" Freemont

~~~~~~~~~~I thought it was a Dream~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: Warren is the most dark yet funnest person you would ever know. Sometimes, he would be badass and more cold when he sometimes fights or always when he is with his enemies. But when he is with people he knows, hes calm and loyal in fights or hanging out.
Biography: Born in Gotham City and lived with his friend. as his father and mother were "working". A half metahuman and half normal kid, born with amazing skills like his father and powers like his mother. He grew up learning how to fight in stealth from the finest education from the teacher his father once had. One day, his parents were finally revealed as Nightwing and the Female Nightwing during a fight with Slade Wilson. From the skills of fighting, he fought alongside his father and mother. That day, he earned the title, "Moon Shadow". Weeks after that fight, both his parents were kidnapped by a man who called himself, "X" which angered Warren. With this rage and anger, it finally triggered the special powers like his mother. It turned out that it wasn't only his parents that were kidnapped, many others were also, which lead to make a team of teenage heroes to take down this man, "X".

~~~~~~~~~~I have to believe in Myself~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ Martial Art weapons such as staffs and tonfas.
~ Night time
~ Fighting
~ Motorcycles

~~~~~~~~~~Life's are depending on It~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ Thieves
~ Haters
~ X
~ Jets and Planes

Raian the Rising Angel


"These children really are pathetic!"
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~~~~~~~~~~I like to Destroy~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Darla Restante "Parasite"
Age: 28
Gender: female
Powers: just by stretching her fingers, "Parasite" can slowly take over the person that she chooses and their powers
Parent: Venom, or at least she is his new host

~~~~~~~~~~I like to Kill~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: Cruel, likes to toy with people's mind, has a strange intretst of killing those who she finds sad and withdrawn.

Biography: Before being taken over by Venom, Darla Restante was a nomral woman mourning the loss of her finace, a man that had died when he was murdered while walking to the store one night. For Darla, that was the end of everything, until that she found out that she was pregnat. The baby was the only thing that kept her going, she knew that she could make it as long as she had her baby. But nine months later, the last of her hope and happiness disapeered when her son was stillborn.

Giving up all hope, Darla planned to commit suicide one night, hoping that she could leave the world that had given her nothing pain and go with the man she loved and her son. But before anything could happen, she was overtaken by a strange creature. Atfirst, she thought he was going to kill her and she welcomed it, but it told her "I can help you get revenge on the world that took everything from you, I can make you feel no saddness, no pain" Against her better judgement, Darla accepted this creature and that night, the woman that was once known as Darla Restante died and "Parasite" was born. Form time to time, she will refer to Darla when in battle or fighting.

~~~~~~~~~~I like to use my powers in the wrong Way~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ causing pain
~ revenge
~ the sight of blood
~ controlling people

~~~~~~~~~~Who is going to stop Me?~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ personal pain
~ Darla's memories
~ most fod
~ children

The Sweet Far Thing

"My heart is as cold as ice."
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~~~~~~~~~~I like to Destroy~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Daulton James "Frezze"
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Powers: Can generate and control ice he can create blasts of cold, ice missiles and walls of ice from ambient moisture, as well as forming sleet, snow, and freezing rain.
Parent: Icicle

~~~~~~~~~~I like to Kill~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: Daulton is a very mysterious boy. He doesn't talk much, and when he does it is normaly a sarcastic comment. He is the tall-dark-and-handsome bad boy everyone talks about. Daulton likes to be alone or with a small group. Really cheery people annoy him, and he has a very overactive temper.
Biography: Daulton James is a New Yorker, born and raised. Growing up in Brooklyn he had to learn to be tough. Daulton lived with his mother, only knowing his father was a criminal on the loose. He didn't figure out who he was, as himself, untill he meet his father. He learned that he was the mighty Icicle, and envied him, wanted to be just liek him.

That is exactly what he sis. Daulton looked deep insied him and found his inner powers. He is not a great as his father, but pretty close. Sadly, one day his father was taken to jail. He had actually gotten caught. Daulton swore to continue his leagacy. He dispises the new "Teen League" of super heros, as he calls them. He will stop at nothing to destroy them.

Right now, he is living a double life. He goes to school by day as the bad boy who get drooled on by girls, and by night he terrorizes anyone in his path.

~~~~~~~~~~I like to use my powers in the wrong Way~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ His Powers
~ Crime
~ Being Alone
~ The Quiet

~~~~~~~~~~Who is going to stop Me?~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ "Teen League"
~ Loud Noises
~ Cheer People
~ Anyone Who Gets In His Way


User Image

~~~~~~~~~~I don't want to fight~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Andrew Genesis
Age: 17
Gender: Typically male
Powers: His body is made up entirely of a heavy radioactive element called SlipSteel, or Virus Metal. It exibits characteristics of both metals and non-metals and is know primarily for its unique ability to break down matter and rearrange it into the SlipSteel element, however it has a very short half life and requires large amounts of energy to stay in a stable state. Through manipulation of Virus Metal he can create any physical shape he desires and can even supress the voracoius habit of the element.

~~~~~~~~~~I just want to sate the hunger~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: Easily exiciteabe, much like a child. Eager to learn, hyperactive, yet careful around living things. He's not one to hold a grudge, because he also seeks forgiveness for his own actions. Will beat down anyone in his way to feed his hunger.
Biography: Genesis was created as a by product in a project seeking to develop the perfect organic android. Initially he was only created as a tool to handle radioacitve materials in vacuums of space, but by a flunk of pure accident was created with a human mind, will, and desires. He left the factory by taking form of one of the scientists so he could get a taste of the outside world. This small taste qiuckly overwhelmed him fueling his desire to be free and live like that of a normal human. The only thing stopping his simple dream was the Virus Metal's half life. Its unending hunger for energy countered his attempts to assimilate into common society and quickly drove him to crime inorder to keep himself alive.

~~~~~~~~~~Can you help me?~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ Energy
~ Reptiles
~ Any kind of food
~ The Earth

~~~~~~~~~~Can anyone help me?!~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ Darkness
~ Cold
~ Perfect solidute
~ His own crimes


"Plants, can't live without them, unless they kill you"
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~~~~~~~~~~I like to Destroy~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Xeta Torong
Age: 16
Gender: female
Powers: Munipulation of weather, control of vegitation, creating illusions,
Parent: Blackbriar Thorn

~~~~~~~~~~I like to Kill~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: Xeta is mocking and rude. She likes to taunt and make fun of people. Her temper is sharp and when she's mad, it's hard to stop her.
Biography: Xeta grew up, alone, in the woods of Virginia. Her father had abandonded her, and her mother had died. She learned to control her powers, mostly over plants. Then, when she was eight and she left the forest and went to see other humans, people atleast looking like her, all they did was mock her. She couldn't stand it. She attacked them, and killed them with her plants. So, at the age of eight, she hated the humans, they were terrible creatures. Since, she has grown up, traveling through forests around the country, seeking revenge on humans.

~~~~~~~~~~I like to use my powers in the wrong Way~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ Revenge
~ Using my powers
~ Villians
~ Nature

~~~~~~~~~~Who is going to stop Me?~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ Humans
~ Heros
~ Nature haters
~ Fire


"Would you like some tea?"
User Image

~~~~~~~~~~I like to Destroy~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Nathan Hatter "The Mad Hatter"
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Powers: Temporary alteration of the world around him. He can effectively change a half mile radius leisurely up to fifty minutes, the smaller the range the longer he can hold it for.
Parent: Joker

~~~~~~~~~~I like to Kill~~~~~~~~~~~

Personality: Meniacally eccentric and morally depraved just like his father. Highly intellegent and exceptionally strategic. Typically chipper, he sports the trademark family smile, so long as things are going his way. Unrational and quick to excessive action when iritated.
Biography: Illigetimate son of The Clown Prince of Crime, Nathan was abandoned on the front step of a orphanage supposedly by his mother when he was two years old. He cannot remember who she was but understood her to be his source of abilities. He got along well with a local gang of rebellous children learning many of his skills in theivery from them. In his world all was going well until his father payed him a little visit when he turned eight years old. Upon discovery of his lineage everyone he'd considered brother, friend, heck even stranger shunned him. He wasn't discouraged by this treatment, but instead decided to go by thier profile of him, The New Clown Prince of Crime. By age fifteen he'd already committed fifteen murders and over fifty five successful heists, twice assisted by Andrew Genesis in raids on military institutions. Recently he's felt the need to reach for some higher goal, what, he's not so sure of just yet.

~~~~~~~~~~I like to use my powers in the wrong Way~~~~~~~~~~~

Give Me More!
~ Lusterous things
~ Tea
~ Cakes
~ Pranks

~~~~~~~~~~Who is going to stop Me?~~~~~~~~~~~

Get It Away!
~ Mimes
~ Ineptitude
~ Failure
~ Bats


Sundara Rajakumari


Desirable Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:45 pm
anyone wanna talk? must have company...  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:06 pm



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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:46 am
Hello. My profile isn't up yet!  

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