so here u go read it ch 1 is in the fan fic and art forum

Chapter 2
VesuVesu’s Challenge
By Gabriel Blaksley
Morning approaches, and Lita calls Nightshade down for a special homemade breakfast. He is the new guy after all. As he walks in, he is greeted by Lita.
Lita:”Oh good you came. Because you’re the new guy, I thought I’d make you a homemade breakfast. Pleas sit and enjoy. I hope you haven’t forgotten about today’s plan.
Nightshade sat down and ate as much as he could. He couldn’t believe it. It was the most decent meal he’d had in over 2 years.
Lita:”So why do you only talk to Rini?”
Nightshade knew he would be asked that sooner or later. But he just looked up and smiled.
Lita:”Rini told me some things about you. How you lost your family and friends. And how important she is too you.
Nightshade: (shows mp3 to Lita that it’s playing Behind Blue Eyes by the Who)
Lita:”Oh yah I forgot about that. You like to show emotions and feelings through the music you listen to. So why pick that song, you have brown eyes?”
Nightshade lets her listen to the song. Lita realizes how sad it is at the beginning, but it picks up at the end. In a way, she felt sorry for him. She couldn’t imagine the pain of losing those that are close to you.
Lita:”I see was rough for you to get over that. I guess Rini really gives you hope for a better tomorrow, right?
Nightshade smiled and nods. They finish eating breakfast and get ready to leave.
Lita:”We’re going to meet them at the Hikawa shrine. Are you ready to get going?”
And with that said they head out to the shrine. On their way, Lita couldn’t help but wonder why he was “devoted” to protecting Rini. Maybe he just wanted to be close to her or was planning something. She couldn’t help but ask him. Surprisingly, he actually said something to her.
Lita:”So is there a reason you wanted to protect Rini so badly?”
Nightshade:”She is the reason I keep on fightin’ and she also gives me hope like you said.”
Lita:”WOW! You actually answered me?!?!”
But after that, Nightshade was silent again. And so, they finally made it to the shrine. Nightshade seemed to notice that from the look on Lita’s face that this place must’ve been like a base or somethin’. As they walked more towards the shrine, they see a lady with raven hair and sweeping the grounds.
It was one of the original soldiers that fought alongside with Neo-Queen Serenity when she was Sailor Moon. Rei Hino, otherwise known as Sailor Mars, is now a priestess at the Hikawa Shrine. She stops sweeping for a moment and looks back to see her still good friend Lita.
Rei:”LITA! Hi are you guys waiting too?”
Lita:”Yep. Everyone should be here soon.”
Rei finally notices the man next to her just looking at the sky.
Rei:”Hey, wait a minute. Who is this guy? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him before.”
Nightshade looks over at her and just gives a look. Rei gets a bit peeved at him with the look he gave her. Nightshade looks away and just continues to look at the sky.
Rei:”HEY there’s no need for dirty looks you little punk!!”
Lita:”Rei, calm down. His name is Nightshade. And there is a reason why he is here in Crystal Tokyo.
Rei:”Why is he your new boyfriend or something??”
Lita blushes and smacks Rei in the head with a bit of anger.
Rei:”OW! Lighten up I was just teasing. So why is that guy here?”
Just as she asked that, Rini and her friend from school, Hotaru Tomoe walk up to the shrine and catch up with the three of them. Hotaru Tomoe, a.k.a. Sailor Saturn; known as the scout of destruction. She has been Rini’s best friend since the incident with her father and Mistress 9. Hotaru is now part of the team that Rini put together with VesuVesu and her sisters.
Rini:”Hey you guys. What’s going on?”
Rei:”Nothing, but it looks like you might know something about this boy right here.”
Hotaru:”Yeah, you did mention something about someone being new; is this him?
Rini:”Yeah that’s him. Let give you guys the introduction since he won’t cause of his … well, “promise” he made to us. His name is Nightshade. He’s come a long way just to protect me.”
Rei:”But, why is it that he wants to protect just you? What is it that he’s trying to fulfill?”
Rini looked at Nightshade and he gave her a look as if it were saying, “Its ok, go ahead and tell the story, they should know.” Rini told the 3 oblivious girls the entire story as they made their way to the Arcade. Hotaru, Lita, and Rei thought to themselves. How could a boy like him go through so much pain and just move on like that?
Rei:”So (*sniff), he lost all of his loved ones to murderers?”
Hotaru:”Oh that’s so terrible. How does he hold up from his tragedy?”
Lita:”Well, you won’t believe what happened this morning. I asked him what his reason was for wanting to protect you and he said you were his reason to keep on fightin’ and you gave him hope.”
Rini was a little shocked that he answered someone other than herself. But she was more focused on his answer.
Rini:”He said I give him hope? So, I’m his reason for being hopeful again? He must really care then huh?”
As they continue chatting on about Nightshade, they finally hit the arcade and they run into VesuVesu and one of her sisters, ParaPara (Sailor Pallas). VesuVesu can’t help but say hi to her friends.
Vesta:”Hey guys. Never thought you would be here. Oh I see he came along with you. Hey sis, this that guy I told you about.”
Pallas:”That’s the guy. He seems depressed. HEY, are you okay?”
ParaPara got up in his face and was being a bit of a bother to Nightshade. He simply took 2 fingers and very lightly, jabbed her in the forehead to push her off. Then, Nightshade smiles as if he wanted to laugh.
Pallas:”Hey, why did you do that!? That wasn’t nice!”
Rini:”ParaPara, he doesn’t like to talk much to other people. He only likes talking to me.”
Vesta:”Still that doesn’t give a right to just ignore my sis like that. Nightshade, you better apologize or else!!”
Nightshade just looked over at her.
Nightshade: (whispers in Rini’s ear)
Rini:”He says that he didn’t do anything wrong.”
Vesta:”WHAT!?!? HOW DARE YOU, you little punk. If you won’t apologize then I, VesuVesu, challenge you to a game match!!”
The entire group grew in shock as no one has ever beaten VesuVesu at a match. The group tried to stop her but once VesuVesu is off she doesn’t comeback ‘til she’s finished the job.
Nightshade: (whispers in Rini’s ear)
Rini:”*gasp* Are you joking? She’ll humiliate you at one of these games. Are you sure?”
Nightshade nodded. He looked at VesuVesu with a determined face.
Rini:”Fine, he accepts. He agrees to the terms and conditions of your challenge.”
Vesta:”Alright then. First we pick a game. What should we do?
Both players were determined to win. But Nightshade kept his cool and didn’t flip as easily like VesuVesu. He looked around for a good game to play and he finally picked one. Everyone looked at the game and thought it was a fun, perfect choice. The point of the game was to play different songs and draw a big crowd by singing, guitar, drums or a get a band together and play. But whoever had the bigger crowd cheering for them, wins.
Vesta:”Fine we’ll do that one. You better have that apology ready for my sister because you’re goin’ down.”
And with that said, they prepared for their performances. The other girls in the group tried talking them out of it.
Lita:”Are you sure about this Nightshade?”
Rei:”Yeah, she’s never lost before; at any game to be correct.”
Rini:”Don’t do it you’ll get humiliated badly.”
Hotaru:”Who knows what might happen if this goes off.”
Pallas:”Yeah, my sister is pretty ruthless when it comes to gaming.”
Nightshade just looked at them and smiled as if everything was alright. VesuVesu talked to Nightshade very snappy like just before she went on.
Vesta:”May the best rocker win.”
Nightshade was a bit angry with VesuVesu and he answered right back with the same snappy attitude. And everyone was a bit scared with his determination and because he spoke to someone else again.
Nightshade:”I plan to.” (Shows his mp3 to the group that it’s playing Hero’s Comeback by Nobody Knows)
So let the battle of the two soldiers, FINALLY BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!