User ImageI appoint *you* Secretary of Cheese, and

The rules are as follows!
If you did not read the whole homepage, read this now!

1. Limit your text talk, please. It drives me mad.
2. Once your request is accepted, please post in the introduction thread. The other members need to know who you are!
3. Try to limit your cussing. It is allowed, but don't go overboard.
4. Spamming is NOT tolerated.
5. Trolling is NOT tolerated.
6. You will be banned for Cybersex or anything related. Anything erotica in the RPs will be dealt with accordingly, it is NOT allowed.
7. In the art forum, nudity is allowed if there is a warning in the title and it's limited. Porn is obviously NOT allowed or explicit photos. You will be banned.
8. Your art MUST be yours. If I suspect that it is stolen, I will speak to you. If you can prove to me that it isn't, I'll let you keep it up.
9. Try to keep any "Twilight" talk to a minimum, I cannot stand it anymore. Whether you like it, or hate it, I don't care anymore.
10. Last and final rule, please be kind and respect your fellow members. If you must argue, take it elsewhere.

Anyone caught disobeying the rules will be dealt with accordingly, You will be given the "3 strike" rule.

If you do not post for more than 15 days without a good reason, you will be warned, if you still do not post, you will be banned.
Thank you, and have fun!

User Image*you* Keeper of the Lint.User Image