It's not that it's the first time I've seen it, but there's something that's been bothering me over the past couple of days. (I'm just fussy like that.) If you didn't guess already, it's text sizes, partially fonts but for me it's the size that bothers me the most. ''What about them?'' I hear a fictional member of the audience ask, ''That's simple.'' I reply, ''It hurts my eyes!''

What I'm asking, and discussing, I'm not making jabs or suggestions of ammendments to the rules, is what people's thoughts on the matter are. (Duh?)

Here's my situation. I am short-sighted but do not need glasses to see my screen, I can see the pixels from a comfortable distance. I have a pretty standard flatscreen (Or rather I have two!) with a resolution of 1024x768, and a standard size, it's uncommon for screens really to come any smaller than this. (If you don't know what resolution is, it's probably 1024x768 unless you have a particularly big screen.) I don't know the dimensions exact but my trusty ruler suggests it's more than 30cm from corner to far corner.

However, frequently I find on gaia that people use custom fonts. Fine, I don't have a problem with that. Sometimes they use extra-large fonts in coloured bold, I think that's annoying, much bigger than the standard size I actually find quite annoying. However sometimes people use extremely small text, to the point that I can't tell letter from letter and I admit it's deterred me from joining several roleplays when I haven't been able to read an important persons writing. I do like text to be small on a screen, I deal with reasonably small text on a regular basis being a computer enthusiast, it's probably how I became short-sighted; but this is the bit that bothers me, as a person with a standard computer screen and good tolerance for small text, I find myself frequently plagued by text too small to read.

Do you use small text? If so, is it because you have a large screen? Do other people have this problem or am I expected to get used to it after a while? Perhaps people have stronger glasses than I (Although as mentioned I can see the individual pixels.)? Is anyone else here ever deterred by a large block of what at a glance appears to be a rectangle of one colour?