So, yeah. This is the spot for when I feel like posting up my drawings, chibis, stories, and poetry. Beware, I'm not the best...


Of joy, of sadness
Of anger, of fear,

Of things I've done,
Places I've been,
Of what I've said,
And who I've met

But the memories that hurt the most,
The memories that burn my heart,
That burn my mind

Are the memories of you
Of what I said,
What I did,
All the things I can't take back

The memories that burn my heart.

UPDATE 1/30/10

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My favorite band, Family Force 5. The dude who's being impaled by the guitar is the singer. He's not my fave, as you can see...

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Rajah! :3

There would be more, but the printer/scanner/copier/fax machine is all a'fail so I can't D: