You make me cry
You make me mad
You're an idiot
Yet I love you

You mess up everything
You don't know anything
You're an imbecile
Yet I love you

You get me in trouble
You play with my feelings
You're a fool
Yet I love you

Why do I love you?
Because You're exactly like me
And when i'm with you
I smile.

I bite my tongue
I love you
My teeth sink in
I love you
Fragments of blood spurt out
I love you
I open my mouth
I love you
I'm going to say it
I love you
I'm saying it
I hate you


Behind Innocent Eyes

The warm icey hue
Circling the dark
They look at you
A question, why?
Everlasting youth
You want to protect
So that wickedness will never leave a mark
Too late
They've seen everything
The Evil of man
The evil that sleeps inside their mind
They gaze in horror
Tear's welling up
They know
What are behind
Innocent eyes

(The first two don't have names and the second i made when reading the lord of the flies. Please tell me what you think ^^)