wow the guy doesn't even sound worth it... not even for a vengeance spell. I don't know where you stand in religion, or spirituality wise, but it truly depends on your individual beliefs. For everyone it's different even with personal experiences.

I do know you can't force beliefs on other people, and I do believe that it is wrong even by adding pure pressure to them of any kind.

My opinion: If you have no knowledge on spell work, magick, or is a bit lost on your beliefs then I say it's best to find some other way or to just move on to bigger and better things. Like I said it's just my opinion, and neither am I for it or against it. Nor am I encouraging it either!

But Just ask yourself this question: Is he even worth it especially in your current condition even if anything goes wrong if you perform a curse/vengeance spell? Ask yourself are you willing to take on any consequences that may happen if something goes wrong or come your way? Do you know how to reverse a spell if can be reversed? Just make sure you know what your getting into. That's all I'm saying.

But I'm pretty sure you could find someone else a whole lot better than him, and willing to truly love you and not have treated you that way.

Just thought I'd let my opinion out there. lol even though she had probably already made her decision.