Name of weapon: Dokuja (Poisonous Serpent)
Your Rank: Jounin
Who owns the weapon: Chiru Aki & Nokkutisu Arekkusu(he get's credit for it)
Who made it: Chiru Aki & Nokkutisu Arekkusu
Users Class: Ninjutsu
The Range of the weapon: Close range
Type: Bio weapon, Poison
Weakness: Chance of poisoning user while being incorporated into the body. Can only be used twice a day a third time will cause the user to most likely be poisoned. After the first use a quick rest is needed to regenerate ( 3 posts ) Then again if it is used a second time a much longer break is needed ( 8 posts )
Description: The poison is to be used along with the black metal blood within Aki’s body. It was derived from several rare plants in wilderness of Kusa. The poison was then slowly mixed with Aki’s blood outside of her body while she applied chakra to it. The process was long and arduous. Once formed it was injected directly into her liver in very small doses. Once in she had completed injecting she must use her chakra to suppress the poison and keep it within her liver while stopping her liver from destroying the toxins. With the use of the Poison Release jutsu Aki can release the poison into her blood stream and cause the black metal blood that exits a wound and forms into weapons on her body to be poisoned.
Takes three posts to come into affect
Stage one: Quickened pulse, light numbness around wound 2 posts
Stage two: Foam begins to appear at the mouth, and hallucinations 4 posts
Stage three: Random muscle spasms, beings to bleed from the nose and mouth 3 posts
Stage four: Consciousness beings to fade, feet and hands become useless. 3 posts
Stage five: Death consumes the victim, their bones beginning to dissolve.

Rp Sample: The enemy stood before her, already worn down and exhausted. In front of him he held a sword already dripping with her black blood. He chuckled, “You really thought blocking my blade with your hands was a good idea?” Aki smirked and tilted her head to the side. He had yet to see that her blood wasn’t normal. Nor had he noticed that the metal blood had hardened over her fingers creating long sharp claws. They still left her hands movable allowing her to form the signs of the grass manipulation technique. He was so shocked by the talons that he didn’t have time to react to the grass that swirled around his ankles. “What-what is that?” He exclaimed as Aki quickly closed the distance between them. One clawed hand grabbed his wrist but didn’t split his skin. The other claws pressed to his stomach. “My blood is special… you see. So is my liver. I have a heart that produces black metal blood and a liver that creates deadly venom. Once these claws pierce you the toxin will rush to your brain.” She smiled at him. “First your heart will race till you think it’s going to burst and the wound will go numb, how lucky for you.” As she spoke she pressed firmer onto his clothed stomach. “Next you’ll begin to foam at the mouth and will experience horrifying visions. The next stage comes when your muscles begin to spasm and you’ll bleed out from your nose and mouth. Suddenly your consciousness will begin to fade and your hands and feet will be useless. And after a while…” She grinned sweetly at him, “You’re dead and your bones dissolve. Isn’t the power of nature marvelous, huh?” The male grinned, “You’re bluffing.” Aki tilted her head to the side, “Well let’s just find out.” Simultaneously she plunged her clawed hand into is stomach and clamped down on his wrist. Causing the sword to fall to the ground. Once her hand was inside she caused the metallic poisonous claws to burst and spread through his system. The enemy yelled in pain. Aki leapt back a few feet to watch. She watched as he laughed at her lifted his sword in the unharmed hand and feebly rushed at her, breaking the weak bonds on his feet. She backed away in bounds and leaps, before bursting into petals and rushing around behind him. Then the toxin took effect. Aki watch coldly as the man slowly began to die just as she’d told him.

Weapon Name: Hisakata Hari Katana (Moon Crystal Katana)
Who owns the weapon: Nokkutisu Arekkusu
Where it was found: Mountains outside of Cloud
Users Class: Medical
The Range of the weapon: Close
Weakness: In a way, it has a mind of it's own by refusing an owner or accepting him randomly so an approved user might lose the power to use it in moments, if the user keeps changing his chakra nature while using the sword he could cause it to become dull and heavy. Though someone experience is able handle it very well if they have excellent chakra control.
Description: Hisakata Hari Katana (Moon Crystal Katana)- The Hari was hidden away in the mountains outside of Cloud and protected by Arekku's family though never to be obtain by anyone of his line for some reason it was given to Arekku by his parents a week before they were killed it is a family heirloom that holds very sentimental value to him. Considered a well crafted weapon made by an unknown crystal material, the sword decides who it's owner by attuning to the user chakra's perfectly, becoming as light as a feather, and incredibly sharp if hold by anyone it deems worthy and if not the blade will stay incredibly heavy and dull. For some reason the material is incredibly sensitive to chakra as it would amplify any chakra charged into it. The sword blade is 5 '8 in length and that's not considering the hilt so it's a pretty large weapon, the blade doesn't reflect light well and it changes it's colors when light hits the blade constantly making it have no shadow or anything. The sheathe is quite strong itself though it can block weapons for a while if it attack constantly it would shatter and need some heavy repair. The sword stores excess chakra from the user constant training over the years making an attack coming from it usually two ranks higher than it usually is, the sword is able to be hit by the natural lightning or wind of Arekku's Susanoo and greatly be amplified by it becoming a chakra blade growing out larger from the blade as well extending it greatly. The hilt as well is large as it has a normal one but then is curves sort of like a gun holster. If Arekku releases Susanoo he is able to give the sword to Susanoo transforming it to one of Susanoo's legendary arms and then the user is able to wield the new build up blade. Since the blade is so bulky to carry around, when put into the sheath it retracts into the hilt making it look like only a 5 foot sword including the hilt and the blade seems to be a little bit over 3 feet, Arekku usually keeps the blade in a scroll of his.

Name: Mugen Kougai - Infinite Armor
Location: Hidden Grass Village
Pic: User Image
Description: The armor is a tiger's head chest plate that has the ability to absorb chakra though its mouth by coming in contact with chakra. However it can only absorb chakra from people, not attacks. The user must also touch the user physically in order to absorb the chakra, or be touched. Making Taijutsu very dangerous to user against the user.
Weakness: The user of this armor is slowed down because of the weight of the armor. The more chakra it absorbs the heavier the armor gets, which means the user gets slower. The user must use the chakra in the armor if they hope to regain there speed.