Miss Bunns
Hahah. OMG That's funny.

... *slowly dies of Olympic overdose* stare

You know how annoying it is for me? I live in Victoria, British Columbia. One of THE most popular tourist action cities in BC. If people are here to see Olympics and aren't in Whistler or Vancouver, they're probably here. *sigh*

Olympic stuff is everywhere. @_______________@

Cant wait til its over.
Oh, you know, right? I'm just in Ontario, and ever since they found out that it would be in Canada, it's been a constant, "OMG! VANCOUVER 2010! VANCOUVER 2010! SUPPORT LOCAL ATHLETES! LOOK FOR THE LIMITED EDITION COIN COLLECTION! BUY ALL OUR SWAG (which is made in China, but please overlook that)!! THE TORCH HAS MOVED THREE METERS IN THE LAST THREE SECONDS! WEAR YOUR HEART ON YOUR HANDS!" *flips the bird*

I can only imagine how bad it is for you.