Your Rank: Jounin
Name of Jutsu: Doku Kai (Poison Release)
Rank of Jutsu: Jounin
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Description: The Poison Release jutsu releases the poison Aki has incorporated into her liver. The poison will then travel through her bloodstream and exit out of a wound poisoning her weapons that she forms with the black metal blood.

"The poison is to be used along with the black metal blood within Aki’s body. It was derived from several rare plants in wilderness of Kusa. The poison was then slowly mixed with Aki’s blood outside of her body while she applied chakra to it. The process was long and arduous. Once formed it was injected directly into her liver in very small doses. Once in she had completed injecting she must use her chakra to suppress the poison and keep it within her liver while stopping her liver from destroying the toxins. With the use of the Poison Release jutsu Aki can release the poison into her blood stream and cause the black metal blood that exits a wound and forms into weapons on her body to be poisoned.
Takes three posts to come into affect
Stage one: Quickened pulse, light numbness around wound 2 posts
Stage two: Foam begins to appear at the mouth, and hallucinations 4 posts
Stage three: Random muscle spasms, beings to bleed from the nose and mouth 3 posts
Stage four: Consciousness beings to fade, feet and hands become useless. 3 posts
Stage five: Death consumes the victim, their bones beginning to dissolve."
Rp Sample Aki watched as the blade swung at her. Quickly she mustered the chakra into her liver causing a small amount of poison to seep into her bloodstream. She took the blow of the blade on her right hand causing black, now poisonous, blood to seep out staining his blade. The blood solidified suddenly around her index finger and thumb forming two long claws. The enemy looked surprised he glanced at his blade seeing the pure slick black blood running off it. “Black…?” He suddenly found his words choked as the talons plunged into his wind pipe. His eyes met the serious face of Aki’s as she pulled her two fingers out they were now free from the claw incasing for she had dispersed the metal poison into his system. The man gargled blood and stepped away from her. He clutched at his throat and slowly felt the poisons take effect.