Name: Lyla, The Terrible
Age: Nineteen
Home Realm: Nightmare Realm
Type of Being: Nightmaren
Powers: Wind, water, earth, sand ,ice, glue, fire, air, healing, deflection, super speed, super strength, nature, fear, black magic, darkness.
Weapons: Two longswords that are harder than any substance known to all. A red and black scythe, which is lighter than a feather, but harder than any substance and sharper than a dragon's teeth and claws, which are sharper than croc's teeth and claws. A bow and arrow, which shoots faster than a gun.
A mace with very sharp points and a hammer which is darn near unbreakable.
Where powers take effect: All, except real world.
Hope: One

Mope: One

Evil: ten

Good: One

Dream: one

Nightmare: TEN

Pic:and with long black fangs....
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