Endency's Custom Weapons

Name of weapon: Safeguard Coffin
Your Rank: Chuunin
Who owns the weapon: Endency Kaguya
Who made it: Endency Kaguya's great grandfather
Users Class: Medic
The Range of the weapon: About 6 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide
Weakness: The main weakness of the coffin is it was not made to be a weapon. It is also too heavy and difficult to grip to swing like a normal weapon. Just carrying it around makes the wielder more sluggish.
Description: A coffin that is made to keep the enemy's that Endency kills and uses his False Reanimation on. Inside the coffin is a nontoxic black and purple sludge like substance known as Aida. The sludge can perfectly preserve a dead body and cause it to never rot, as long as it remains in the coffin. The coffin is made of animantium. It is an incredibly heavy metal, but it is 2x stronger then condensed steel. The main reason for it being made of this is it is the only metal capable of holding Aida. A body can leave the coffin for up to 12 hours before it begins to rot again.