I almost commited suicide seeing that HORRIBLE clip. thank god saban didnt get their hands on it!! they would've ruined it for everyone!

it's actually best to leave anime the way it really is! each of the senshi is Japanese in origin, so let them stay the way they were created. yes the skimpy outfits seem a bit off, but it's to lure not just female fans in with the lesson that your true beauty is in your heart, but the male fans with attractive young girls doing normal things with a bit of a RPG battle feel.

it makes ya feel better that Dic did get their hands on it, though I'd prefer it if a less moronic company dubbed SM. I'll be better off buying the Japanese version complete with English subtitles. or a Geneon redub with the script and diologue and footage left in it's entirety, with everything back in including Uranus and Neptune being a pair of lovers, not that crock about cousins, they dont even look remotely related!

in retrospect, I am glad saban never got their grimey mitts on SM, I'd kill them after that if I saw the Japanese version after a few american episodes. last I checked saban was out of buisiness after one of the power rangers series.

you could tell saban ruined the other series they translated from Japan, DBZ, some show with heroes clad in bug-like tech armor, some dude who is very bug-like in battle, I dnt know the Japanese names of the live action series that Saban ruined, but it makes ya feel glad companies like Funimation and Geneon exist these days.