The Era of New Life...

A pretty basic training grounds with trees randomly placed about the area for cover if battles take place and for use of training.

Tensuo looked at Eli and saw the tears fall down from his eyes, it was probably about what happened earlier. But a ninja has to solve his own problems, he would help Eli with anything that had anything to do with his training. But there was only one thing that he kept thinking about. When Eli was in the academy, his body crackled with electricity. That picture stood in his mind even during his training. He looked to another tree and with something to think about, like someone getting stronger than him, he swung his leg and a thick wave of chakra shot out and took down the rest of the 2 trees in the training grounds. He reached in his pocket and pulled out grass seeds and tree seeds. He threw them on the ground and let the moisture take place in growing the grounds.