"AAAARGH" Screamed Alex as the tendrils of blackness sunk into the open wounds on his arm, searing a hellish pain into his very soul. An unknown almighty voice rent his feeble conciousness asunder with its voice. "You. The power of a genesis resides within you. Two genesis holders? Of all the people to open up this Pandora's box it would be two powerful warriors. Your souls........ARE MINE FOR THE TAKING!" Red lines traced down his arm, reaching the hammer. Moments passed, then a light burst forth and drove the furious traces of evil clear to the elbow. As the voice shrieked in some unknown pain, Alex had just enough time to steel his mind against a massive blow against his conciousness. "You are not quite right for my spirit, but we can change that." With an evil cackle, Alex could feel his memories and all that made him who he was being forcibly ripped from his skull, leaving only the cool, calculating part of him that belonged to the hammer.

"Come with me into eternity, Gekiretsu na kaze". The once terrified face on Alex suddenly became calm and stoic. "I will take your power Balor, if only until my own regenerates. But watch your back, lest I take your soul as easily as you have taken the soul of this human". Alex said, the darkness sinking finally into the hammer and fading from view. The once rebele leader turned and faded into the darkness of the night sky.