Start by consecrating the circle with the elemental tools.

Begin by spreading salt in a circle, about 9 feet away from the center. Then spread blessed water or oil in the same fashion. you can then place a candle at each compass point, and walk around the circle and spread incense. After this is done, face the east and proclaim:

"Hail ye Guardians of The East
By the Powers of Air and Intellect, so Do I Invoke Thee
Send down Thy Sylphs, and Begin this Circle!"

Now turn to face the south, and once again make the proclamation:

"Hail ye Guardians of The South,
By the Powers of Fire and Will, so Do I Invoke Thee,
Send down Thy Salamanders, and Power this Circle!"

Now, facing the west, exclaim:

"Hail ye guardians of The West,
By the Powers of Water and Emotion, so Do I Invoke Thee
Send down Thy Undines, and Bless this Circle!"

Finally, face the north and say:

"Hail ye Guardians of the North,
By the Powers of Earth and Body, so Do I Invoke Thee
Send down Thy Gnomes, and Unite this Circle!"

Do the spell or ritual that you needed t do with in the circle, ground yourself and use the appropriate cleansing methods, then face the north one more and say

"Thank you, ye Guardians of The North,
(I) We send you on your way."

Say this at each corner point for each element, and afterward, remove all ritual supplies.