Now, as the title might imply, this is where you go if you are interested in joining Division 13 of the Gotei 13 Court Guard Squads. The requirements are few, but adamant, and the process of application will be made simple.

As Division 13 is found near the edge of the Seireitei, this division's duties entail regular patrol of the Soul Society's borders to ensure that undesirable presences are denied access. Should outside forces manage to invade the Seireitei, all members of Division 13 should be ready for deployment as backup forces.

As for the requirements:

arrow Due to the inevitability of conflict, it is expected of all members of the squad to be proficient not only in swordsmanship, but also in both forms of demon magic.

arrow Though it is not required for the individual to enjoy it, all squad members must bear some level of respect for demonstrations of art.

arrow Finally, and most importantly, you must be willing to work with all members of the division. A squad is your family, and family is not something to be taken lightly. Respect the members of your squad, and protect them with your entire being. You can believe that I will do as much for each member of my division, so I expect you to do much the same.

The prerequisites in place, there is now only the matter of applying. As I said, I will make it as simple as possible, so it is this: Send me a Private Message titled "Application", and containing your profile. Upon reading it, I will reply to you in as timely a manner as I am capable of, and we will talk about the nature of your acceptance.

I am honored that you have found interest in Division 13, and I eagerly await the day when we may defend the defend the Soul Society together.